Tree of Savior Forum

Pardoner Skill Explanation + Simony Scroll List

Since they rework on divine might now it only +1 skill lv only.
Can someone confirm if divine might still work with simony or not as +1 lv to simony = +1 scroll lv? Because they fix all alche craft skill won’t work with divine might any more so I’m not sure if it will still work with simony or not.

Here’s new simony available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

Please correct me if anything else didn’t add in the list because I might miss some patch note.

So scroll now base by real skill level not simony level right?

wow this is… kind of lame

I was planning on going c2 cleric, c2 krivis, c2 pardoner but I dont think anyone is going to want to buy skills that arent level 15, are they? I know level 5 heal is always going to be useful but this seems a bit wonky

Why should someone buy my level 10 zalciai scroll when someone can roll c3 krivis, c1 cleric, c2 pardoner and have a level 15 scroll? or does simony only allow skills up to level 10 now?

From @LazyBum said seem like scroll lv now base from base skill lv not simony level.
So if you have base Daino lv10 you can make Daino scroll lv 1 - 10.

Actually it is both. You are limited by skill level and simony level.
Lvl 10 diano + lvl 5 simony = scroll lvl 1 - 5 (u choose)
lvl 5 diano + lvl 10 simony = scroll lvl 1 - 5 (u choose)

So if i understand well its still worth to put points into simony spell? 5-10 i mean

I love the effort you’ve put into this.
I am pained however that it looks like you have to choose between spell shop and simony and cannot have both as a pardoner.
Either you go full on c3 priest for the best spell shop or take on different c1 classes for the most number of scrolls to make.
I wonder which one will net you more money to be able to spam that indulentia.

Taking C1 classes is no longer a viable option for scroll pardoners because the highest amount lvl scrolls you can produce would be 5. Unless people are willing to settle with level 5 scrolls then you might struggle.

The more profitable branch of pardoner is spell shop because simony (all the good mechanics and spells was stripped away from it) branch is been hit pretty badly with recent changes. The trade off being you won’t solid amounts of silver as a spell shop pardoner until you can reach r6. Once you hit it r6, your pretty much in a good spot.

we also have the issue of paladin skills only being rank 5 no matter what since you can only have c2 pardoner or c2 paladin with the other being c1.

Personally I’m fine with not being able to make lv15 scrolls with a level 1 skill but… this needs some work lol.

I was looking into some priest builds and unless you’re okay with having skills that arent level 15/10, you’re kind of forced into pushing all of your points into aspersion, sacrament, and blessing. But you’re going to need to drop atleast 1 point on one of them because mass heal is good ■■■■, and then you’re also missing out on a few other skills :x

we’ll see how things go, i think simony can still be just as profitable with things like zalciai being good

You know… you guys are worrying way too much about scroll levels.

Its established that creating higher level scrolls will cost more silver and parchment. This obviously means that to make a profit the Pardoner NEEDS to sell at a price at least 1 silver higher than the cost of making the scroll. Therefore, lower level scrolls can be sold cheaper and thus appeal to those that are more cost effective and/or stingy with their money.

As most will already know, some people will settle for cheaper scrolls simply because they don’t need higher level scrolls. For example, a build that involves little to no investment in CON will definitely prefer a lower level Heal scroll than a lvl 15 Heal scroll, for the same reason its more cost effective to buy multiple low level potions instead of high level ones. This especially true for people who will buy scrolls in bulk since they save more silver over time.

However, some skills depend highly upon the stats of the caster than the level of the skill. My lvl 4 Zalcia scroll will still be highly effective because I have a huge amount of SPR. People with already high STR stats that are looking to save money will consider the cheaper option I think.

Finally, remember that, while doing something like c3 Krivis will allow you to make exceptionally powerful Krivis scrolls, you lose the variety and versatility of other classes. I for one, am not going to give up the ability to use Mass Heal, Sacrament, Blessing, Monstrace, etc. just to make really amazing Zalcia or Zaibas scrolls or whatever. And unless there’s a c3 Krivis Pardoner selling lvl 15 Zaibas scrolls around my area at a loss, I think my cheaper lvl 5 Zaibas scrolls will sell fine.

So in conclusion, don’t worry about your lower level scrolls selling, they’ll go just fine.

why would you want to scroll anything past heal 5 anyways?
also you can only make level 10 zaibas scrolls (potentially 11, need confirmation if it works with divine might)

also dont skill scrolls ignore your stats and use the users? lv4 zalciai seems somewhat lackluster at level 300

when you’re cap and you’re already having to spend loads of money on upgrades, i dont think you’re going to settle for second best. anything under high level spells wont sell for much more than base due to so many pardoners trying to do this silly be all stuff

Okay so couple of things I will acede:

  • With Simony level determining scroll level, max level scroll is generally lvl 10.
  • Scroll stats may more may not scale off user’s stats rather than Pardoner’s.

However, nothing changes.

Why not a heal scroll past lvl 5? Someone who might decide to use Cleric c2 into Pardoner c2 can craft lvl 10 Heal Scrolls. By your reasoning, why should anyone settle for lvl 5 scrolls when there’s level 10 scrolls to be had?

Even a Zalcia at level 4 is going to be of use to someone with a Dex build or someone that’s leveling. If someone is selling those premium Zalcia buffs, is someone still in the early stages really going to drop cash on prices geared towards endgamers? Or is he/she going to go for the more affordable lower level scrolls that are still useful?

And finally, lets hypothetically assume a c3 Krivis might have the monopoly on the scroll market. As a c2 Priest I can still sell my skills through Spell Shop and ALSO be able to sell my mid level scrolls on the side. Similarly while a c3 Priest might have the best spell shop abilities, I can offer more affordable, lower level buffs while also being able to sell Krivis scrolls.

My point is that having the highest level scroll or spell shop buff is great, but only if your primary purpose of playing the class is to roll in the dough.

Imo skill level can vary for some scrolls quite a bit:

Heal lvl 5-11;
Due to those lvl differences only adding a few hundred extra health. It’s the 10% health recovery for each of the 5 circles that counts. I don’t think people will care to much for the different skill levels of it.

Safety Zone lvl 10;
lvl 5 is quite good, but 10 is just safer. Anything more tends to be overkill anyway so not much is lost. Excellent emergency button for any class.

Deprotected Zone lvl 10;
If it can get the attributes then it’s very good for any sword user. If it can’t, well then it’s going to compete with monstrance a lot. Short duration but should provide excellent spr scaling. Might be difficult to find people who take cleric2 though.

Zalciai lvl 1-10?;
More crit dmg/chance is always good. Excellent spr scaling regardless of lvl again. Short duration makes it less useful imo. Might be a must have for spr based archers if it’s affordable enough to spam 24/7.

Zaibas lvl 10;
Only if it’s cheap imo, int clerics are notoriously low on dmg skills so they will want it. Also a decent option for cryomancers/elementalists for crazy dmg with freeze. Will need to spam them to get proper use out of them though.

Daino lvl 10;
Will be one of the most popular scrolls if the buff limit doesn’t change, priests already hit the max with just 2 circles. Lower levels aren’t half bad but it’s a excellent duration buff only for specific occasions. After all most content is quite easy and doesn’t require the full array of defensive or offensive buffs to play through.

Monstrance lvl 1 or 5-10;
The thing with monstrance is that only the cast time and amounts of debuff circles increase per level. If you solely want the buff then lvl 1 is by far the best option. If you want to debuff then lvl 5-10 might be better based on the cast time you prefer.

Others i’m not sure about yet. Not enough experience with said classes.
Either way i think krivis2 is a excellent choice for any pardoner atm. Assuming they don’t change how it works yet again.

I’m okay with that that you talk about lvl 10 Simony because that’s how it is now and we better not confuse ppl because we don’t know anything for sure…but I always feel strange that you talking about it like there won’t be c3 Pardoner with most likely lvl 15 Simony haha…

Also I’m most interested in booster items that most likely will be a c3 Pardoner skill…that I think will be implemented with rank 7 because Craft Booster and Sign Dispeller skills are listed in the files.

@Takeo I don’t think Heal lvl10 is much better than 5… Even lvl 1 heal would be viable if it would have 5 tiles…X)

@Wurmheart D: I didn’t know Monstrance has more cast time with more lvls but I realised lately that it’s annoying to cast it ( I have lvl 5 ) and i feel like it slows me down and not worth it with its short duration… I like its debuff but the buff is more important for me so maybe I’ll reset and try lvl 1… I’m wondering now btw if it’s rly intended because it is not a skill with real cast time…it is a casting animation that gets longer with the more circles I guess.

Over a quarter of these skills aren’t even scroll anymore like heal, zaibas, safety wall and etc.

WHY DO PPL KEEP MENTIONING SKILLS THAT AREN’T EVEN SCROLL-ABLE ANYMORE LIKE HEAL or Zaibas! TSU admits that the list hasn’t been updated because of editting issues (nothing can be done here). You can’t theory craft on outdated information.


Maybe it’s a time to make new thread? Any pardoner interest to make one? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

PS: Note that this are current work scroll
Current Simony available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

Well isn’t that interesting. Sorry, I didn’t notice or read about the new list of Simony spells. TBH this is pretty worrisome since a lot of the real use of Pardoner to me is gone with the removal of stuff like Heal and Zaibas. Spell Shop was never very ideal because it required a skill build centered on selling only certain useful buffs (e.g Blessing is awesome in a dungeon but seems almost useless as Spell Shop due to the hit limit before it expires).

Dang, and I was so excited about it too. Oh well.

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That’s a really anemic list of skills. We can’t even sell heal scrolls anymore? I was really looking forward to selling Zaibas…

The thing I dislike the most is how self sufficient the other “crafting” classes are

Look at squire and alchemist

So i need to be Pardoner rank 2 to trade scrolls or not?

Scroll is tradeable item. You should be able to trade it when you create one with pardoner 1 simony skill.