Tree of Savior Forum

Pardoner Skill Explanation + Simony Scroll List

Its 500 itens at lv5 oblation

Indulgentia lv10 looks good
Attack: (1163 + ObliationCount) = 1663
13 players can attack enemies (???)
Heals the entire party / Heals 13 allies
Consumes 500 silver
30 cd

I think it wrong translate
players can attack enemies << Number of max targets that Indulgentia AOE can hit.
Heals the entire party << Itā€™s actually cure abnormal status only, No hp heal.
Heals 13 allies << May possible to cure players whoā€™s not in party.

I donā€™t think you have problem finding party as a group. The question is, what are you going to sell as a Priest? Most people would prefer a Priest to monitor and manage HP, it is more than the scroll that needs from a healer.

There isnā€™t much of a choice. Priest skills are the only sellable buffs at the shop (as explained by the OP) unless thatā€™s changed.

Itā€™s not so much as ā€œbeing able to find a group or notā€. Itā€™s about being dependent on a group and being useless by myself.

The sellshop are mostly Priest, yes, but the scroll are more than the Pirest:
Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

Besides you will find many competition as others may make an alt to get some of these.

As for being dependent, perhaps Priest is not for you, as most of their skills are group base. Farming items is still very profitable with Krivis (assume they have not nerfed it). Cleric -> Krivis -> Krivis -> Krivis -> Priest -> Priest -> Priest

So are you saying priest pardoners ( cleric > priest > priest > priest > pardoner > pardoner) are useless by themselves and canā€™t do anything if not in a group? Iā€™m asking if I would be able to handle myself if circumstances dictate I canā€™t be in a group. No group = no progress, is this the case?

I am not saying it is useless, but you will see a lot of competition of Cleric -> Priest -> Priest -> Priest -> Pardoner -> Pardoner as an alt, which it makes Pardoner less important than other active skills as a main. And would people prefer a Cleric -> Priest -> Monk or Cleric -> Priest -> Oracle over Pardoner? Monk can help a lot in PvP, while Oracle can help a lot in farming.

can someone tell me please
Does usage of skill by simony scroll make original skill go cooldown?
is ā€œknockdownā€ status affected by ā€œDiscerning Evilā€ skill?
can dispeller scroll be given or sold to other characters?

p.s. i hope my bad english will not stop you from answering :smile:

Nope it wonā€™t share to skill cd (Unless thereā€™s new patch that change it)
If itā€™s a debuff that have debuff icon + duration then itā€™ll work.
Dispeller scroll can trade and sell

So Iā€™ve developed an extreme interest in Pardoner recently, and Iā€™ve come to understand that Simony works like this.

Lets say my kawaii Pardoner c2 has lvl 10 Simony. She also has Monstrance lvl 10 and Safety Zone lvl 1. If she uses Simony to create a Monstrance Scroll, she will create a lvl 10 scroll that will cost 5000 silver and 10 parchment. Also, if she uses Simony to create a Safety Zone Scroll, she will create a lvl 10 scroll that costs 1 Parchment and 500 silver.

Now pardon me (hehe, get it?) if Iā€™m wrong, but this means that creating spells with low ranks costs me less money and lets me conserve skill points for skills that canā€™t be used in Simony. Not to mention if I make these through spell shop I can increase their duration by a large amount.

Is this a bug or intended? Iā€™m pretty sure it should cost me MORE silver to create a scroll higher than my skill rank, not less. Also, Iā€™m pretty sure I shouldnā€™t be allowed to create lvl 10 versions of a lvl 1 skill. Unless I read it wrong and you CANā€™T make scrolls higher than your max level in that skill?

Not sure if it a bug or not though. Thatā€™s what my kr friend also wonder back then because it seems weird to working that way. It working like that back then (before KR extend was wipe. I havnā€™t track much patch note after that).

Unless thereā€™s new update to fix it in current version, I havenā€™t check the patch yet.

I think the developers have better priorities to fix (eg. new classes), so I am not surprised they will re-visit this, and based on both skills. I hope they add more skills to it at that time.

Yeah I mean if its a win-win for me either way, because it basically means I can have high level versions of ALL my spells no matter how many skill points I put into them, which means Iā€™ll be getting at least 1 point in all skills that I can use with Simony. And if its fixed, Iā€™ll plan accordingly for OBT.

Cure Lv5 + Cure Lv15 = Heal Lv15 scroll (ignore that heal is not scroll-able)
This is no longer the case !!!

If you have only a base skill lvl 5 cure then you can make up to lvl 5 cure scrolls only.
(I hit pardoner r5 so yeah i can personally confirm this)

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Yea already mention above in reply #127
I canā€™t edit thread. The edit button is gone.

I still havenā€™t decided my build. Which one do you think is more profitable, cleric 3 or priest 3?

Sorry i was using ur old example thatā€™s why (iā€™m well aware of the current scroll list)

Cure Lv5 + Simony Lv15 = Cure Lv15 scroll

Cure lv2 + Simony lv 5 = You can only make Cure lv 1 or Cure lv 2 (you can select level)

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If you plan to do spell shop. Go with priest.


Is the OP information still accurate when it comes to divine might? I thought divine might only boosted skills by 1 level X amount of times but I guess it was different.

Is there any way to make simony even work now? Aside from cure 5 and maybe heal for questing, what would people even buy? Level 10 Zalciai?
I REALLY want to sell spell scrolls. Does anyone have a recommended build for krivis > pardoner anyways?

Zalcia scrolls for them DEX builds so their crits hurt even more.

Aukuras is just nice cutting down HP recovery intervals.

Monstrance for those STR builds so they can crit more/dodge more.

Zaibas cause magic damage for poor swordsmen and because it kills everything.

Safety Zone because a bunch of blocks can absorb a TON of damage, great for tanks that have finished pulling their pack of mobs.

But undoubtedly Heal will be your best seller.