Tree of Savior Forum

Pardoner Skill Explanation + Simony Scroll List

That’s also a good idea for Dievdirbys class as well and would make their teleport more useful. I think a lot of people were also trashing their items in the beta because it was more about leveling and testing rather than saving a bunch of money. So we’ll have to see.

Yep, good point for the Dievs too.

I wonder the same thing but can’t join any pvp to try it. OTL

It’ll be Lv.15 scroll. Scroll lv base on simony skill. (Please note some change might happen in extend test.)

Nope you can’t. You need at least one point in skill you want to make.
Oblation do nothing but open up a donate box. Players can donate you item and you’ll pay money for those item. You can’t take those item out from box and you have to back to town and sell it.

Only thing relate to this skill that I know is it have attribute to increase damage of Indulgentia when you have more item in box.

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Can i make Stone Skin scroll with Simony skill?

Not see in recent list but not sure about it.

Current available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

Maybe can’t I guess?

I see.

Thank you for your answers.

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I can’t edit my thread for some reason. Here’s some major change.

  • Divine Might effect also change to +1 skill level only.
  • Simony available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast
  • Add Increase Magic DEF skill (Buff Magic Def to you and your party member).

Hello Tsuyucchi I have a few questions about Priest / Pardoner Class.

Did u know about max buff count in KCBT3 ? I read in forum they say KCBT1 = 8 , KCBT2 = 5.

and in KCBT3 is skill Sacrament still bug with skill Spell Shop ?

I saw a thread mention about max buff is 5 on KR forum that was posting last month.
People not seem to happy with current max though. Basically job that will have many buff will need to party with Krivis for Daino. But I can’t confirm it myself because I got no party or someone to test with. :cry:

If I’m not wrong I think I saw patch note said sacrament is now fix.
I’ll try it again If I saw pardoner shop around.

Thank you for your answers.

I think my class build in ICBT2 is Cleric -> Krivis -> Priest -> Priest -> Pardoner -> Pardoner if Max buff count is 5.

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All buff in spell shop fix and work perfectly fine now.

So is it still just priest skills for the spell shop?

Yup still same :astonished:

Ok so in terms of money, which pardoner makes more profit (by profit I mean after deducting costs) C1 or C2? Though I doubt you can really say now because the scrolls don’t seem to be final yet.

Maybe shop I guess because buff from shop is pretty long?
I don’t know if people still buy scroll, Hardly to see one in ah. :disappointed_relieved:

I think it was the other way around but I can’t confirm it… I think it was 5 first then they changed it to 7-8…or they changed it back again who knows… XD

So I take it that you have the keep the donation items in the Oblation box for Indulgentia to benefit from the additional damage? I also take it it’s +1 tooltip damage per item? Plus more if you level up the Oblation attribute?

600 items at level 5 Oblation… That’s a lot of money the pardoner is going to have to buy in order to buff Indulgentia damage… :disappointed_relieved:

And does anyone have a going list of the debuffs Indulgentia can dispel that Cure cannot?

Value always fix price and can’t change by seller. You can ask friend to sell a cheap value item. Maybe something like low lv mat, etc.Gonna took a while to reach max items with lv5 Oblation.

Indulgentia debuff list possible same as cure in pve but maybe different as a player pvp debuff lv?

If I go priest pardoner, how do I do damage? I’m guessing since I have damage buffs I can go auto attack. Is that doable or is the damage so bad I have to party up?

Mostly by buff yourself up and do auto atk and use cure+heal+aspersion as atk skill.
Kill fast or slow depend on what you are killing and area. If party up it’ll be faster.