Tree of Savior Forum

P2W Model Prevents People From Playing & Enjoying The Game

That doesn’t bode well for this game then.

No matter how well the game art + music is, it won’t fix a bad game play design, and that will be a real shame towards the art team / music team, because it truly is world class.

I just hope that they get our message after protesting enough times… Otherwise the community will get the message and move on; that would be a real shame too.

p.s. That wasn’t my original quote, this was what I asked:

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well I have to agree. Stat boosts = No Go. Wtf IMC? You told us to build a CS without P2W. It seems like you dont understand what P2W is.



I never said they self published that game.I know IMCGAMES is a game developer, not publisher. But they CAN be bad publisher because they are going to publish iTOS. This is probably their first time to publish their own game and they may learn a lot about P2W from previous publisher.

@CookyKim to answer your question

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Please let it be they learn a lot (of mistakes) from previous publishers. :grin:

If you monetize this game right, I promise I’ll sub until i’m homeless on the streets.


Yeah. I hope so. Lol

Ragnarok Online did fine with it’s shop. TERA does fine with it’s shop. ToS won’t have a bad shop. Every premium account has to be worth the money to lure people to buy them. It’s that simple. You don’t want to pay money so you are taking the harder path is all.

Of course it would be you PVPers that whine the most. Always ruin the PVE experience because of something you deem OP.

The Magic Scrolls are something I personally do not like, too.
I would have prefered if the game was like P2P with basic F2P. Like increasing the gap on time eating features like dungeon runs so you can enjoy a basic game as your time is limited and just hang around with friends and pay for the subscription token if you want to invest more time.
But paying for rng stats roll. Duh. That’s sad. That is so 2010…


It’s exactly how GW2 works. I wonder why IMC can’t look at other games to learn some tricks.

Tera is fundamentally bad to the core. People complain about the rigged RNG boxes that has less than 1% chance to get a special version of a particular costume.

I’ve seen people spend over $300 and never get a single costume (or mount) they want from those RNG boxes.

Also, Tera PVP is DEAD because of awakened gear that are necessary to stay competitive. It costs insane amount of enchantment materials to make just one gear, and most PVP players need all 4. It might be easy to grind gold as a PVE-er but PVP players are limited to doing stupid dailies or spending real money. Not everyone enjoys grinding dungeons mindlessly for gold.

The population of Tera dwindled down so much ever since the release of Gunners & awakened gear, you can’t really say Tera does fine with its shop.

Finally, Elite benefits in Tera became garbage over the course of time. IMC should NOT learn from BHS because the developers of Tera completely ruined a game with lots of potential to be good.

//Forgot to mention the enchantment process for Awakening gear is pure RNG nonsense. People can fail up to 750 times to enchant a gear which may end up costing them over millions of gold (or roughly $1000+ if you sell cash shop items in game)

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Gw2 sells gold but the thing is gold doesn’t really make you much stronger int hat game. High end gear is extremly easy to get already, all it does is add some convenience with vanity items. Same thing as in Eve online you can buy plex and sell to other players but isk alone doesn’t make you stronger like silver can in ToS for example. Different games have their own balance when it comes to p2w features.

And yes, most f2p games out there have a degree of P2W. Some very little (the ones you can only sell costumes to other players), some have lots of it (RNG boxes with high-end items).

In my oppinion, the token system is okay as a ‘pseudo sub’, if they dont add any more of these but only 1 AH item for free players is just lame. That’s my only complaint here.

You simple said; “PvPers must die. All hail the PvE players”

You know what? Who is against P2W feature is much more want the TOS become succes then you and other Fanboyist players. Im not mad about this P2W stuffs which is already on TOS (its not extreme)… But i think TOS will better withouth this features…

If we r not discussion about this things; someday (maybe 6 month later) IMC announce new TP shop item “Legendary Cloak item” (+%10 more dmg, %10 less dmg taken, +%30 combat m.speed) They r company and companies allways trying to push the limits their customers… But our words can stop this if its reached them

Ps: sorry for my enguriush

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My opinion is that IMC itself should be “divided” at this point. I see the company kind of like a sport club were the coach and the players (the dev teams, the GMs, the forum staff) do their absolute best to provide a good entertainment for the fans BUT they have an absolutly idiotic president that forces them to take every single decision thinking only of money, like rising the ticket prices too much or forcing the coach to use specific stupid players because of sponsors, thus ruining it for everyone because of greed.

OFC this is an example but it kind of well explain how the situation seems to me since almost eevry move done kind of shows that there is a certain someone forcing the decision into a money making/fun destroying way.

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It’s probably the investors. This game has been in development for a while without generating any profit yet. I have made several claims in the past that ToS really isn’t ready and that the game play seems very rushed / quickly slapped together. I think something changed last year (like an investor threatening to withdraw capital) that forced the game into CBT.

The quality of the CBT was almost like throwing a few mobs and npc in the map with almost no thought to it.

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So wait… the game is P2W because the item can also be acquired in game but with a drop rate you don’t like?

Man, y’all get pickier by the minute.

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I want a free game, but pleaes leave out anything that might make me less powerfull as others. Ohh and yes dont make them level faster then me, even if they are better!

As real as this… or atleast tasty.


RO ? Damn i can’t play again anymore RO Serv, been more than 30…

and dont forget those enchant scrolls arent a equal chances random, ull get 70% of the times 1 single enchant, 25% 2 enchants and 5% 3 enchants.

good luck geting crit rate, i never got and burnt a bunch on KToS.
i got +sp a lot of times thought, guess what? probably also diferent chances for the stats.

the +3 movement speed is a mayor WTF, i almost couldnt believe when i saw it. If you guys want to make the chars move faster just give everyone the +3 speed.

It feels just like we talk to a wall, the +walk speed on token was flagged as P2W AGES AGO.

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PoE has a trustworthy community who love PoE more than their lifes - who defend PoE from everything that tries to harm their precious game - who kill everyone who dares to even say a single bad word about PoE

for them it worked/works well ya

dont wanna start a dota and lol debate again since theyre mmobas and rely on the competitive spirit - for those who dont know these games - you do nth else but playing on a map “arena” and fight against other players - over and over and over and over again - nothing to compare to a mmorpg

never played gw2 cant say much about it…and whats tf2? never heard of it so ya no comment either