Tree of Savior Forum

P2W Model Prevents People From Playing & Enjoying The Game

When i saw movement speed buff with token when OBT was just released in KR, it raised a flag for me.

When i saw the magic scrolls… it doesnt surprise me D:

Why is it a problem? You know people can sell it in the AH. You can be free player and get it , if youbplay 5 h + a day . if you dont have the time then pay. By paying you make imc work on the game a give you more in this game.

It doesnt matter if we can buy it on AH or not. Its clearly P2W when you can use real money to buy significant stats.

Cash shop needs to be implemented in a creative way so that its not P2W but at the same time it can get people continuously purchasing stuff from it.

It has been proven for so many times in so many MMOs that once the game goes P2W, it goes downhill to the point of no return.

Its true by selling those magic scrolls, IMC can get quick money and hence improve on the game even further. But i can assure you, which has been proven in the past, it will only lasts for short term. In long term, we will see the game shutting down in few months.

Just fyi, i purchased the $50 pack and i dont have any trouble getting magic scrolls if they are out. Its just that i want the game to live on for few years at least, not few months.

The extra stats on tokens are hardly the reason why it’s P2W. it’s because whales can simply spend $$ and dump a bunch of tokens on the market and progress in gear/money MUCH faster than a free player would.

With time, they are only going to add more and more high demand items to their cash shop, while at the same time nerfing your in-game income so you’re forced to spend money to progress at a decent pace by selling premium items to the poors. It’s the same thing they did with GE.

If they made every cash shop item untradeable, and removed every single non cosmetic item from it they could make a good model by turning the game into ‘pseudo p2p’ by selling a token subscription for around $7-10 a month instead. You could essentially play a free trial forever, but the moment you pay the small sub fee you’d be on equal footing to everyone else with no more ways to accelerate your progress.


Show me what mmorpg did the f2p and nothing at all that can be p2w.
If you can get it for in game silver from AH its no longer p2w. P2W is when you can get it for money only. Now if it will not give this things wgy any one will buy it?
As for creative ways give one.there not so much things they can sell. They can sell exp/silver pots, costumes , vip.
Now if you think vip is p2w then f2p game is no longer for you.go play wow or ff14. I play ff14😄

she actually did @____@ holy shet

Actually, 3 MS is extra 10% from base MS, so it’s quite a lot in some situations.

The easiest solution is making it like 4 out of combat.

This way in PvP it won’t give too much advantage.

I kind of disagree with that.

Why not to add cash shop item that decreases all cd by 3 seconds?

Chronomancer can decrease cd by 25 seconds, so 3 is not too much…

It’s like 10% MS. If you are running for someone with 10% more MS you will never catch up.

If it was out of combat, then it’s fine, but in combat it is not.

That is… amazing :heart:

I agree that cash shoppe items should be untradeable and only account bound~ :dizzy:

Did you played the game? Onlly the warrior classes and monk some what move in combat.if you dont like it you can do 3 things. for the game. You think the game is good for you money dont you. for free get to late game buy it from the AH.
3.leave this game and never play f2p mmorpgs no more. Play moba, shooters or p2p mmorpgs like ff14.
I hope you will pick 1 or 2 and we will see you in the game.

I’ve bought 3 packs in the first day anyway. But I’m not sure that buying token every month worth it’s price.

That’s why I’d prefer if it only gave QoL benefits but no PvP benefits. Also I don’t like the idea of having uncompetitive advantage in PvP. 4 MS out of combat would be much better.

And 1:1 trading should be allowed in case if I want to trade with f2p player in my party (give him an item I’ve got while solo grinding etc.). If Token price would be reduced to 10$ with no PvP benefits and 1:1 trading being default, I’d buy it every month for sure, because EXP boost and tax decrease is the reason to get it.

Every class acrually moves in battle, if they are not stupid. It’s even more important for ranged classes if they want to avoid swordies damage/skillshots.

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Wait, IMC is the publisher of granado espada? One of the most infamous and filthy P2W games out there. Lol this game is gonna be trash

Then you can hsve the 3 money making classes in this time. After this get it from thr AH.
People need to understand that you can buy it in the AH.later game you can do lots of silver will sell for somthing like 500k-1m i think.

No, they’re not the publisher for GE. But they may learn a lot about the system P2W from the previous publisher. :sunglasses:

I guess, I will play TOS for 5 months. 60 days token + 3 token buy with 650tp and then quit. LOL

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+3 mov. speed (%10) is P2W… This bonus must be out of combat +6 m.speed (%20)… (still great buff)

Maybe +3 m.speed does not work on Arena but there is Open world pvp too (GvG)

Magic scrolls must be 5 or 6 TP and each accessory can only 1 or 2 time enchanted (and can be sold on market if owner is not satisfied). Head accessory drop rate chance need to be high enough. This way enchanted accessories populacion are too high on the market and price is low enough to everyone can bought (not 10-15 mil. silver for effective one but maybe 1-2 mil.)

Abouth item trade; no silver transfer is cool idea. “1 item trade per day” for +250Lvl F2P players is another good idea for me. This is not a big deal since there is ways to ban bots before they reach this high LvLs.

Ps: im trying to balance between IMC and F2Players… And this balance is a MUST…


  • too much f2p friendly system = no new content even maybe TOS shutdown if too extreme (Jesus bless the TOS)

  • too much p2w feature = no new players and slowly dead playerbase


Ok you have good points but how you think they need to make :moneybag: then? Its not p2w if free players can get it as well.

Actually it costs almost 2 millions on Korea already.

And yeah, it will really disappoint new players. And it basically forces everyone to buy it if they want to be competitive.

I think it should be a luxury item like it was planned from the start. Cash shop shouldn’t provide PvP stats directly in any way.

Then IMC should start selling silver and remove TP at all if you can sell essential stats like Token and Enhansed headgear for silver. Cash shop should sell only QoL items like exp tomes or cosmetics. If token won’t be essential then selling it on Market is OK, otherwise it is not.

If token won’t provide stats it won’t be pay2win but pay2comfort/speed. Then selling it is OK and it won’t be essential for new players who want to explore and enjoy the game.

But it will be a good item for higher level players who want to level faster/run faster between locations/do more dungeon runs/trade more/upgrade attributes faster etc. For those players 2 millions price is totally acceptable.


Published by others. But imc retained a lot of influence over how cash shops were run.

I played Grenado Espada for years, and technically imc was never a publisher themselves.
But none the less i’d still prefer nexon to be in charge as i’m fully convinced they will treat their customers far better.

Hell, imc held back updates for the us provider since their community manager wouldn’t accept pay2win items in the cash shop.

Which is a shame, cause i really do like the work their devs create.

If you think its so good to the point it’s p2w then I have nothing else to say other than wait for the game to release and look at it yourself b4 you run around saying it’s p2w without even knowing the actual outcome of having +3 MS.
This Forum already had this discussion regarding the MS, I’d rather not bring that up again cause I feel like there’s nothing really to discuss about it anymore.