Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Magical Farmers : Linker --- Thauma Builds

Excellent guide greyhiem, very thorough, I would like to ask you though about a further comparison on the utility of this builds outside of the role of farming, given that you added a section about party utilities.
Since some builds sacrifice linkerc3, and others, like enchanter, can share almost all of their buffs with others, it would be interesting to compare or rank the builds in terms utility outside of solo farming.
Also regarding the enchanter version, how good is linkerc3>enchanter2 vs linkerc2>enchanter3 or if there’s even a choice there.

Best regards

Great guide, but here’s a few things I’d like to say;

In regards to cards, Tutu cards are great if you farm for long periods of time (+30% inv weight), and Armaos is a good way to not use too many Hp pots (but I guess FF builds don’t need blue cards anyway).

Also, I disagree with your skill distribution for Runecaster. I’d much rather get rune of Giants instead of Ice, the +20 mov speed it gives is very good for farming, but it really depends on what maps you are farming, some maps where you stay in a single room all the time don’t need any extra mov speed. But if the character is meant to be a Velcoffer+farmer instead of just farmer, Ice is indeed better in my opinion.

Oh, and each uphill run gives 2x +100 loot chance pots that last 1 hour each, and can be extended to 3 hours if used near basecamp. These pots are tradable too, so they can be bought at the market.

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Thanks Zeucleio. I agree. Tutu is a card choice as well for purple - I see I did not mention it. Also I forgot to mention froster lord card for enchanters.

Runecaster rune of giants is indeed better for (faster) farming. I will add this recommendation to the skill distribution, as rune of ice is just for supporting elementalists. The looting chance potion near base camp is a great tip.

Discussion I would like to add:

Aukuras tip
Instead of using any blue cards, my farmers use Level 1 Aukuras scrolls (have pardoner to make scrolls). The HP recovery is surprisingly high due to high SPR (or INT) builds of Farmer Wizard. Aukuras scrolls are cheaper than potions and replace HP potions. Aukuras scrolls are sold at the market too.

Gem tip
Also I bring a gem which I level. Whenever mobs drop (blue) equips, I feed it to the gem to decrease inventory weight. Move to a safe spot in the map (regular maps), or exit the map to a safer map if it is impossible to find a safe spot. Sit and feed blue equips to gem. Keep primus (weapons), feed blue, and dismantle bad purple-identified (more powder than blue).

Linker2 enchanter3 is good to farm. It is similar to linker3 enchanter2, which uses Lightning hands too.
However a linker3 + Enchanter2 is a stronger support (spiritual chain attribute, lifeline) and a stronger boss debuffer (spirit shock magic defence debuff to help allies).

Enchanter3 receives stronger buffs, and the Overreinforce skill. The overreinforce skill buffs your Main Weapon’s Anvil level to boost damage. The damage buff is quite low compared to thauma3’s buffs. Even though thauma3+enchanter3 may stack to buff damage, the players I know prefer a linker3 support (utility/to share stats) at difficult content. Another option is to bring 2 wizards, one linker chrono (runecaster) (this is the support), the other one (pyro) thauma enchanter (hybrid dealer&support).

I will consider expanding on Utility & party play function. I think it will be useful information. Sometimes several choices/recommendations/informations are obvious to me, so I forget to write it.
Some examples: I forgot to add featherfoot’s enervation cannot hit flying, and during Levitation you cannot receive Heal Tiles and Bloodbath heal. Added some more tips. Reminder for myself: add warpstone tip too.

Hopefully the guide is sufficient for (new) players to understand how to build & use a farmer wizard.

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I thank you for your response, as a somewhat inexperienced player myself, at the very least I can confirm to you the great utility of your guide, specially given the state of non-centralized information regarding the game, while I’ve been lucky to have the help of guildmates, your guide is excellent and very clear.
I picked up the game back at the R10 update after more than a year of being completely off the hook, and one can hope that more guides like this would be posted and kept up to date, a clear necessity for a game that changes so much from one year to another.
If I could ask for one more thing to add regarding the enchanter builds, that would be a little bit of gameplay tips, because is not clear how to properly autoattack in order to maximize the damage output when joint penalty is on CD, in my case, I just “jump” around hitting monsters while trying to group them together, and because that way I can somewhat not be rooted by the attacking animation, but I’m not sure if this is the most effective way to do it.

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hi newbie here ! Featherfoot and Shadowmancer which suitable for beginner ? and what stats should put in ?
i just start play TOS few weeks ago , please guide me . thank you !

That’s good. This is an effective way to move+attack at once to lure mobs faster. Walking+attack stops your character, so it’s better to jump and attack.

@ahsoo welcome!

Hunting grounds are special maps with higher % equipment drops and special drops (card albums, ores, gems). Hunting grounds mobs are stronger than regular mobs. View the last part of the first post to find hunting grounds locations. For specialized hunting grounds guides - visit the guide section of the forum: here’s a link to the 170 hunting grounds guide: Natarh Watchtower - Lv170 HG

Please note the farming-builds are slower to level than other builds. Farming builds early ranks lack big AoE skills, and later ranks provide strong damage but lower AoE compared to other wizard builds. The farming builds I discussed are specialized for getting more drops. The builds are all viable support/buffer + damage hybrids for party play as well.

Click here to read<<

Feather and Shadow
To help you decide, I will provide some more information on shadow vs feather:
Featherfoot skills are shorter range and the skills are Poison-element (strong vs fire, ice, earth, lightning). Featherfoot skills must be used within 3s of hangman’s knot (joint penalty -> hangman’s knot -> swell body combo -> kundela slash), so I will not recommend this class if you have lag. To check lag, you may type //ping in-game in normal chat. Press enter to get your ping. A //ping below 0.08~ 0.06 is sufficient (0.06 = 0,06 seconds - or 60ms delay). I think a //ping of 1.0~1.2 will barely finish the combo in time. //ping is usually higher if it is crowded. Luckily the farming builds are excellent solo farmers.
You may check the videos in the first post to view the speed at which you must combo.
Feather survival
Featherfoot is able to use Bloodsucking on mobs to recover HP. Featherfoot can fly to dodge all melee attacks. It is useful on certain map (spots) and vs some bosses which use melee attacks.

Shadowmancer skills are available at longer range and its skills are Dark-element (weaker vs dark, most mobs are dark). With longer range, you may jump far away after using swell body and still hit the mobs. Shadowmancer skill animation is quite fast and Shadowmancer is very strong vs ground-type mobs but weaker vs flying mobs.
Shadowmancer class is locked. You must complete a special quest to unlock this class. View @Mikumo’s class unlock guide here<<click for instructions on how to unlock shadowmancer.
Shadowmancer survival
Unlike featherfoot, shadowmancer cannot recover HP with skills. Use shadow hallucination to summon a clone to mitigate damage.

Both Featherfoot and Shadowmancer lack big strong AoE skills. Other builds have stronger AoE but those builds are not specialized for the purpose of farming (doubled drops). If you dislike unlocking a class and dislike the time-limit of featherfoot farming combo, I suggest sage. This class cooldown is longer but you may cycle skills to match the farm combo (view video in first post). Sage does not need an unlock and sage is not affected by lag. Sage skills are a bit better at AoE too - but cooldown is still long.

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Why isn’t Onmyoji a option? I mean, the tiger is a damn good skill to lure mobs to the JP/HK>SB combo

It is an option. I will add it later on (wiz2 link2 thauma3 onmyouji3). Onmyouji3 water shikigami (attribute) damage burst is strong. It is true the tiger skill is the best and easiest taunt to lure mobs.

Old rank 9 farm onmyouji2

Also for the wiz2 link3 thauma3 runecaster build’s final rank, I will add some more options later on.

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I was thinking about omny1 or 2 because I like the 10 monsters combo with Linker3>Thauma3, do you think I will have enough damage to kill the linked monsters with omny2?

Onmyouji needs more magic attack to properly burst linked mobs, especially at Baubas Cave (370 Hunting Grounds), compared to the other farmers.
Skills are high multi-hit with lower damage per hit, so links break faster. Water shikigami (torrent attribute at circle3) is the strongest option to burst, but the cooldown is 35s (2 overheat) and does not match the farm combo. You must cycle between Ying Yang Harmony, Water shikigami, Toyou. Use tiger to easily taunt mobs. I wonder if I am able to get a vid of this farming build. Wiz2 Link2 Thauma3 Onm3 is quite rare. I am discussing the optimal way to farm with onmyou at higher Hunting Grounds.

Compared to other farmers, Onmyou excels at farming lower hunting grounds and maps with Big AoE skills.
Onmyou also uses a lot more reagents (paper dolls for skill cast) to farm.

Regular maps: yes, 100% sure.
Hunting Grounds: difficult, need quite high magic attack.

Link3 + onmyou2 is stronger at bossing than link2 + onmyou3 (linker3’s spirit shock skill with mental pressure attribute) though.

Onmyouji1 is definitely too weak for Baubas Cave Hunting grounds 370+. Onmyouji2 is still too weak.

This is Onmyouji3 farmer:

Also added Onmyouji to the first post and updated some sections. I hope the images are clear because they get a little downgraded whenever I upload them.

To add:
-unbuff tip (right click to remove buff)
-advanced thauma stats (very high int or con + transpose)
-some equip recommendation (?)
-still have to add the remaining filler rank 10 for runecaster builds
-vid of enchanter farmer, vid of runecaster farmer
-the reason to build a farmer character (fund yourself and your other characters)


How should i allocate my stats for feather as thaum 3? Do i need SPR or should i go full int for transpose?

100-150 SPR to prevent SP potion cost, then full INT (or full CON) with transpose. Featherfoot is immune to melee. The CON is just to prevent getting killed fast by ranged mobs, magic mobs, and during content with party. Flying featherfoot cannot take heal tiles unless you right click the levitate buff icon to cancel it. Swap to Full INT and cast thauma buffs, then swap back to CON (and heal before flight) if you need survival.

Greyhiem–wow, as expected from one of the most informative people in the forums!

I’m bookmarking this for future reading as I’m at work now.

Quick question if you don’t mind:

I loathe Thaumaturge’s disproportional body parts. Can I pick just one rank and call it a day? There will be adjustments for the next ranks, obviously.

Thanks and good luck for your next guides!

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Do you mean you will pick thauma1 without using swell arm? Because having 1 big arm instead of 2 big arms is more disproportional. :muscle: You could pick thauma1 but your link-target-count will not match your Swell-body count so you will swell 5 out of 10 linked mobs if you are linker3. Without thauma3 buffs you need a stronger weapon to compensate for the loss of magic attack, especially if you would like to farm at higher level Hunting Grounds (340 & 370). Compared to thauma3-farm builds, farming at regular maps is easy for linker3 + thauma1 as well, just less doubled drops.

I know builds like linker3 - thauma1 - featherfoot1 - shadowmancer3 for bossing, to shrink body&link on Boss Shadow Clone (shadow3’s infernal shadow). They cannot farm as well as a pure-farm/support hybrid but the bossing is a lot better. You could watch the video vs drake raidboss when you are free here <<.
Thanks Randy! Is this the Randy from a long time ago? I remember. Welcome back.

Would you say Shadow or Sage are better overall? or they’re the same?

God I hate swelling spells. They’re just not cosmetically elegant. It’s okay, I can live with just 5 swelled mobs.

How big is Swell Body’s hitbox? This is crazy but I would like to drop Linker as well.

I am. We used to play the same game, huh: Tree of Forums.

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I prefer sage2 because it is easier to farm. Sage skills hit hard and hit all linked mobs so you require less magic attack to clear a pack. No worries about flying mobs and free warps. On ground mobs combo with Sleep (dream eater attribute) + sage skills doubles damage. Sages will combo with micro dimension until 3 overheats are used, then use combo with ultimate dimension. Then start over with micro dimension combo. Sage burst on boss is great with linker3 spirit shock + dimension compression (full charge). Fast saalus on farmer character.

Players who prefer low cooldown skills and faster skill animations will enjoy shadow more. Though shadow conjuration hits all linked mobs, the shadowthorns skill hits a single mob. With low cooldowns, shadow may use combo with 2x shadow conjuration, 1x shadowconjuration 1x shadowthorn, or any other combination of shadow conjuration & shadowthorns. Shadow is stronger vs Ground bosses than sage.


Joint penalty is useful to kill mobs faster through spread damage. It is useful because Swell Body doubles mob HP. Without linker, another option is psychokino’s magnetic force to gather mobs. Or manually lure and group mobs.


Awesome as ever. Thanks!

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Thank you very much! I will go with sage as well.

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