Tree of Savior Forum

OUT NOW! The Popolion Post October 2018 Issue


A few things

The most insane dmg of the clerics are inqui1 burn (already nerfed in korea), Rubric class with rubric (but kinda not useful in velco so its mostly for CM), and zealot blind faith with arcane and empower… the rest of the combinations in cleric arent as deadly, and IF they go the route they took with inqui, its most likely they will nerf blind faith and rubric, which to be honest i dont see too much of a problem, rubric have too much dmg and/or duration for a cleric, and blind faith is silly dmg when you set it correctly…

The part of the increase defense vs % dmg reduced, its kinda the same, and i would dare to say that its even worse, to lazy to grab the formula and run the numbers… Also, the meme-inqui as i said before its already dead in the ground in korea :V


Still wishing for Popolion Post to come out more often, since it’s one of the only ways we can formally and directly interact with IMC staff about anything good or bad.

What did Zealot and Monk do to deserve being in that list btw …

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Clerics are too all-round from the begining… and while it maybe should be toned down a bit too… I think the main problem is rather that other class trees are much more plain…

You can’t necessarily win a fight with just damage if the enemy has some damage, heal, invulnerability, protection against status effects and can also cause status effects… and maybe other things too…

I think with balances it got better but I still feel like Clerics can have everything if they want it while others can’t rly…

Goro is my favorite!

It looks like something’s wrong with the Cross Quiz.

Completed (?) cross quiz

Img upload not working…

Rubric does have a major downside though, it doesn’t play nice with other Rubrics, only one Rubric can be applied at a time.
You’d be surprised how many times auto-match has set me up with 4 other exorcists, who don’t time their Rubric and try to go for the same target.

tbh i’m very bad at crosswords and got only half the answers ‘w’;;; i also don’t know the answer to that item ‘w’;;

Would be Evoniphon or Ebonypawn…


oh i remember him OAO i only got 1 of my chars to trigger that quest owO;; got a hard time too back in the initial update, like he’s the 2nd boss i encountered that i can’t win against ; w ;

Rubric doesn’t have too much damage. All those people who say that Rubric has too much damage don’t consider the following things:

  1. Rubrics base damage-% is pretty low (it hits for about 1000-1500% at level 10-15) so you have to hit a lot of times for high damage
  2. Rubric roots you in 1 place (while casting, you can’t move and/or change the direction of the beam, so it’s relatively easy to miss if the target moves)
  3. Rubric disables you for up to 6 seconds (while casting, you can’t do anything else, so the overall damage is Rubric is one that others can deal within 6 seconds with several skills;
    Clerics in general have a lack of offensive skills, so they can’t even use that many other skills in the time they don’t cast Rubric while other Class trees have full skill bars with damage skills that can be spammed)
  4. Only 1 Rubric can deal damage at a time[same with Koinonia]
  5. You need to invest 2 Class Circles and several 1000 attribute points before the skill even becomes decent (the basic amount of hits and the basic number of targets make the skill pretty bad initially, so you only get so far after you invest a lot into your character)

So if anyone wishes to nerf Rubric with all these downsides, I want to see you have your Class disabled for 6 seconds and to have to invest more attribute points and possibly Ranks to have a working Character[yes, Exorcist C1 is utter garbage].

Also, how dare you attack the lore? The Exorcists are specialists in dealing with the demons, so of course they are supposed to be most effective against them. Look at all the other 08/15 Classes like Lancer, Mergen, Shadowmancer that are so effective against demons even if they are trained for completely different purposes.
If IMC was completely serious about the lore, the other Classes would have to be way way weaker than Exorcists, since they all existed way longer and trained way more men and yet were way more useless in fighting the demons.

Exorcists are the elite of the elite in the Cleric tree, so they have to be strong, and stronger than most other Classes, that’s a fact. Nerfing Rubric does nothing else than anger Exorcist players that just want to play a powerful spellcaster on the Cleric side.

Rubric is neither op nor weak, it’s as good as it is supposed to be as a Rank 8 skill.

Stop your PVP mind please. 100% of the game don’t even involve PVP (neither leveling nor equipment farming nor exploration). I’m tired about people arguing with PVP about everything. PVP can have its own rules for all I care, but you don’t have the right to destroy Classes just because of PVP balance.

To be honest, we should be glad that all strong Classes are strong enough to carry their own weight and stand up against the demons. All you do is trying to throw a stick into their legs because you don’t enjoy this power fantasy of yours.
Have you ever even tried how strong the Classes are in PVE?

I have to say that with mediocre equipment(7k matk, level 80 skill attributes), it’s hard even for Exorcist to clear monsters in the new 370 Hunting Grounds, given their high HP pool and mdef[Exorcist has no ability to ignore or reduce mdef, so the damage will be harshly reduced].

As Monster mdef and HP pools will keep on increasing in the future and the skills not getting any stronger than the current level of Rubric, I don’t think it’s even worth mentioning attack power for now, as the damage is balanced for Rank 10+ content (new 380 raids, 370 HG) and upcoming endgame content.

And about the invulnerability:

Guess what Gravity did when they noticed Sages and Priests being to strong?
They gave monsters Dispel and Land Protector to do away with their invulnerability and buffs.

I guess IMC will do a similar thing soon, with monsters removing your buffs and protection skills, which cancels the current advantage the Clerics have over other Classes, leaving them with only healing as a Class ability.

Well I understand that it sounds like I only talked about pvp but no… Clerics have the easiest way to get through everything… The game is easy yeah but you can still feel how much easier is for clerics than for some others…
I also said I think the problem is that other trees are more plain…especially swordman tbh…

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Thats not low… thats very high considering the overall hit count…

Sure, its way less useful in velcoffer, but for CM is godlike, and IMC nerfed inqui due to CM, so get the idea am getting at??

Fair enough, but clerics arent suposed to be DPS, also, i can have an archer, swordman or wizard with very few skills and still be relevant in DPS…

They changed it in last ktos patch :V , now multiple rubric can hit…

Doesnt matter how much circles you need to invest and/or the attribute cost…

The main point is that Rubric (just that skill) is dealing too much dmg compared to the other skills of exorcist, and its even more dumb when you compare with the other R8 class, only thing thing that goes above of rubric is blind faith with a proper setup, then rubric, and waaaaay down the rest of cleric R8 skills…

Rubric have good CD, good DMG, and good amount of hits… just nerf 1 of them and its done…


Who decided that? do you work for IMC? Are you the class designer?

Is it because they have the ability to heal it automatically locks them into the support role? Guess what, there are many games where a class/job can heal but its identity is a damage dealer, Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter, Red Mage in Final Fantasy xiv (or any of the series), Shadow Priest/Elemental Shaman/Retribution Paladin/Moonkin Druid in Wow, are all good examples.

Exorcist is fine imo, some other cleric classes may need a little bit of love, but that doesn’t mean Exorcist should be nerfed, at worst all they should do is just shift a small amount of Rubrics power into its other skills.

There’s a reason why Plague Doctor is getting some significant damage buffs soon, and Inquisitors God Smash is getting its 3rd overheat back.

The role of the clerics always was to be support…

The part of DPS was always fine, but just some cases is where it goes too far like exo… i think nerfing rubric and buffing the rest a little is not a bad idea…

PD isnt getting “some significant damage buffs” its only incinerate to 2 OH, and PD in CD is kinda meh, in boss is “fine” but not great (which is good for clerics IMO, some dmg, not “good” dmg)…

There is a reason that in early stages of ToS it was called tree of clerics… and finally IMC is saying that they went to far with that (this is what am basing mi opinions)…

But i really would like some sort of red mage as a hidden dual class (like wiz + cleric), but thats just me…

That’s a bold statement seeing as Clerics have a wide variety of roles they could perform since day 1, just like how Wizards, and to some extent Archers in more recent times.

Incinerate is getting 2 overheat, which is huge, and Black Death Steam is going down to a 20 second cd which is also huge seeing as one of the reasons why Rubric is considered so powerful is the fact its such a short cooldown. Also BDS is one of the combo skills used with Incinerate, so since they will be on the same cooldown and overheat, that changes a lot with the class you clearly don’t see. This is a step in the right direction for balancing the class, and should significantly help Plague Doctor, is it enough? Who knows yet, but either way its a huge boon.

The game hasn’t been tree of clerics for a while now, in fact, I’d say the game is dozens of times more balanced now than in the past, I see more variety now than ever, its not perfect yet but its getting better. Just because something was op in the past doesn’t mean it should be weak now, that’s incredibly bad game design.

As I mentioned before, If they are going to go with Exorcist changes, I’m hoping they go with the Icefrog way of balancing things and shift power from one thing to another, make Aqua/Entity/Katadikazo better but remove some damage from Rubric.

I’d rather them just create new wizard or cleric classes that perform different elements/roles than create an unrealistic workload.


Clerics are supposed to be supports.

Just like.
Wizards are supposed to be DPS.
Swordsmen are supposed to be Tanks.
Archers are supposed to not exist (Jk, really)

Lets burn all the heretics who do not conform into this generalization.

Jokes aside, while in most games classes are generalized into such roles, the lines are a bit blurred in this game where every class tree has their share of Red (Attack), Blue (Defense)and Yellow (Crafting) classes (White only existing in Swordsmen as Templar, and Purple (Summon) only existing in Cleric and Wizard tree). Clerics simply have more Green classes than other class trees but nothing’s stopping them from going mostly Red classes to DPS, nor is nothing stopping other classes from going mostly Green/Blue/Purple classes to do their respective roles.

Chap-Inquisitor can burn and fade into nothingness though.

this made me laugh xD

Spr now gives magic accuracy and magic penetration otherwise you can block magic or evades it


Bring popo post back :sad:

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