Tree of Savior Forum

Orgasm Patch Notes (joke)

Greetings, Saviors!

We would like to provide information regarding tomorrow’s patch that we hope will vastly improve your gaming experience!

  1. Monster gems will now be tradeable
  2. Market limit has been removed on certain items. We have instead retained the market limit system as a reference point in order to detect fraudulent activity.
  3. Gold buyers will be banned.
  4. Silver storage has been added to Team Storage
  5. Premium (cash shop) storage has been added to Team Storage.
  6. Token requirement on Team Storage has been removed.
  7. Megaphone level limit increased to 90. Cooldown time of 2 minutes has been added. Filter for common gold selling shouts has been implemented. Automatic ban detection now also detects and bans for gold seller shouts.
  8. Option to turn off word filter has been added. We have also improved the filter list so as not to filter unnecessarily.
  9. Automated bot sweep system has been implemented. It will shift all suspects into a custom map periodically which administrators will test for botting activity. Users who are wrongfully caught will be given compensation bonus.
  10. Purchase of TP is now available.
  11. World boss system has been improved. We find it important to recognize the efforts of the whole party in a boss fight, rather than an individual’s effort. Now, it is still based on top dps, but instead of the top 6 dps, we will now implement top 5 dps of each unique party. So if the top 5 are from the same party, it will simply go down the list. We are in the process refining the system further.
  12. Game optimization has been improved. Drastic FPS drops in high intensity GvG and bossing areas should be a rarer occurrence. This will be a constant work in progress.
  13. Dungeon instance server capacity has been greatly increased.
  14. Dungeon matchmaking: We understand that people prefer to have a choice, such as having a healer for a smooth run.
    We have added a choice for you to reject the party found, which will then put you back into the queue. If you do not reject within 1 minute, you will be deemed to accept the party. This choice may be exercised up to 3 times a day to prevent abuse .
  15. Dungeon matchmaking: We have placed a level limit on each dungeon matchmaking to be dungeon +20. This is to prevent higher level players from leeching the experience of matchmaking players, and rushing to the boss.
  16. Dungeon matchmaking: Added an option of team queue of up to 5 players.
  17. Instance Dungeon: Killing the boss no longer automatically boots the players out. Instead, it will create an exit portal at the end. However, players are reminded that instance dungeons have a time limit of 1 hour and do not last indefinitely.
  18. Instance Dungeon: Party members that do not cast skills or attacks on monsters or players will fail to receive experience.
  19. Added an exchange system for Saalus Mission.
  20. Team Battle League PvP has been opened.
  21. Untradeable items will be able to be placed in Team Storage.
  22. Class ‘Trial’ System: We have implemented a system where you may test the class for 3 days, and then decide whether to keep or retain it. When the trial system is activated, class level is set to 15 and experience and item gain is halted. The classes: Alchemist, Pardoner, Squire and Templar are not available for trial.
  23. ‘Testing Room’ system: You can mix and match different classes and test out their skills here in this custom room. The difference with Testing Room and the Class ‘Trial’ System is that the trial can access normal world maps and game content, while the testing room is limited to the dummy. The Testing Room also allows the above 4 classes to be tested. You can also invite friends into your Testing Room.
  24. The effects of Token: +3 movement speed and +1 buff slot will not be implemented in PvP.
  25. Skill changes from the Korean service have been added. Both International and Korean services will have their balance changes aligned.
  26. Collections: Now can be sort out by level and by completion.
  27. Old exp counter system has been re-aded. :slight_smile:
  28. Increased Spawn Rates on certain ‘depopulated’ maps by 400%. We have removed the spawn timer system, and instead mobs will respawn individually.
  29. Dynamic spawn rate system added - the higher the number of players in the map, the larger the increase in spawn. This is capped at 20 players.
  30. Number of channels at popular grinding maps increased.
  31. Dynamic channel system - the higher the number of players in the map, the more number of channels will be available.
  32. Spawn events of certain World Bosses will have their timing randomized.
  33. Boss cards are now tradeable.
  34. Magic Enchant Scroll: May now be dropped at a low rate by all monsters, like Golden Anvil.
  35. Magic Enchant Scroll: Drop rate from Dungeon Instance Cube increased.
  36. Guild War rewards have been added. They can be redeemed up to once a week when a guild wins.
  37. 48 hour cooldown on silver collection on market has been refined. Drops that are 50k and below: 3 hours. 500k and below: 12 hours. 500,001 and above: 24 hours.
  38. Option to trade ‘untradeable items’ within 3 hours of it being dropped has been added.
  39. Durability loss has been adjusted: Based on damage taken rather than on number of hits. A well equipped tank will lose durability more slowly than a poorly equipped one.
  40. Market Trade: Number of items listed by non-token users increased from 1 to 3.
  41. Market Trade: Tax for Token users decreased from 10% to 5%. Tax for non-Token users decreased from 30% to 15%.
  42. Buy shop license: Re-implemented and now purchasable for TP. All buy-shops will be placed in a custom map, which is strictly monitored for fraudulent activities.
  43. Shop tax: Tax rate for Pardoner, Alchemist and Squire shops have been decreased from 50% to 15%, in line with Market tax.
  44. Attack speed is no longer bottlenecked by ping.
  45. Confirmation notices: You will get a notice for confirmation for the following: Exiting the game, deleting a pet (UI modified to make it more obvious), walking into a portal and more. This option can be turned off.
  46. KS Prevent System: Attacking or using skills on monsters will tag mobs for 6 seconds. Tagged mobs cannot be attacked by non-party members.The above system can be turned off, and does not apply to boss monsters.
  47. Quest Item Share: Completing a quest objective will grant all nearby players that quest objective, regardless of whether they are partied. For example, collecting that 1 herb will give +1 herb to others as well who have that quest.
  48. PK system: A new optional channel with PvP enabled has been added on each map. To encourage the use of it, spawn rates have been slightly increased on this channel.
  49. More cash shop costumes and hairstyles have been implemented, including the ones from the Korean service.
  50. More to come :slight_smile:

DISCLAIMER: The above information is, unfortunately, not implemented. It is intended for comedy purposes only.


Would much prefer current circle resetting to these “sandbox room” ideas.


mmmm, good shit. I love 44, 31, and of course, 49.

Aha, this thread isn’t really focused on the specific implementation or the details though. It’s more of an ‘aspirational’ thread for things that might not even come. But oh well.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh if only😰

I can see Good things in this patch, thanks.

I don’t know mate, you should be working at IMC.


this is almost like a wishlist for may 10th.


Half of these changes I’d either hate or are just impossible to implement.

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It’s okay, many of the things there are controversial anyway. But it would be nice to hear what are other aspirational changes that other players would hope for!

Optimization, more maps/bosses, and Arena. That’s all I really care about. That and for players to stop trying to change everything in this game until it suits their ideals.

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lol that was a rly good patch xD

51. The Lodge system has been upgraded. You can now move into other players lodges with their permission; players in your Guild and Friends List may have the ability to move in without confirmation. This “roommate” system also allows you to trash the players lodge, in which must be manually cleaned up by the Lodge owner.

Move into Gwen’s mansion, drink

everyday and just throw the cans on the floor, gud life.


in game for some time already. They have changed lodge UI slightly to make it more obvious and harder to “accidentally” delete pets. The confirmation notice was there from the beginning.

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Enough with the expectations.

Now to the reality :

Patch Notes :
1 - Fixed a chicken that seemed to not appear during quest Y in Map x. You can now complete the quests in Map x without issues.

2 - Transfered people from server Q to server Z

3 - There is no 3

We are still working on the other issues and we’ll keep you posted.

Compensation Rewards : a exp tomes,b dungeon reset scrolls.


Some of these are pretty decent, others not so much. You want to take away the needed Token for Team Storage? No thanks, IMC needs to make MORE reasons why you should have a token, not less.

  1. In regards to taking away “Bonuses” for Token user’s, we have decided to make more. As we feel you should want to buy a Token. After all, we are human beings doing a Job and we need to eat. We have decided we would like to make the Game more of; A Demo with Option to Subscribe and reap the full Benefits.

Anything that takes away from Token users is bad. The more money the game makes, the better the content, faster releases and over all quality of life will be. Start pulling away these things and there is absolutely no reason to “sub”.


HA, the dream. if only IMC would do these, or even some of them xD

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I’m sorry but that reasoning is flawed. Using that reasoning, you should put all content behind tokens, regardless of what that content is, which is clearly wrong. The game should rightfully charge money - but for the right things. A common basic game feature, such as account storage, is not what is normally deemed to be an acceptable feature to charge for.

But I digress! This thread really isn’t about debating merits of changes again, but about general stuff you’d like to see.


You already have storage. Team Storage is for Premium users and should remain that way.


Some of these points are great
But that 27. though