Tree of Savior Forum

Orgasm Patch Notes (joke)

  • 6 - I think it’s a good feature, token users need to have some benefits pertinent to alt chars after all, and anyone who has an alt probably has enough silver to buy a token from the market anyway

  • 22 - Change that to up to 3 days and maybe limit it to a testing room as in 23. I can see people making test chars and ruining low level maps.

  • 24 - I’m not going to get into the token debate, but token is fair. Just stop. A slight pvp advantage is perfectly fine.

  • 41 - Good point. Rather then the tax for token users being OP, it’s just the tax on non-token users that’s way too high.

  • 43 - 50% is definitely too high, but i don’t know about 15%.

  • 44 - Amen

  • 47 - No.

  • 48 - Depends on the PvP rules. ALso, maybe some specific maps, not all of them.

Overall great patch, like alot.


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Damn, u crush my hope…


Hi, I’m Staff_togoodtobetrue.

I’m happy to announce that some of these features will be implemented in the next patch! Most of the others are currently under development here @IMC and most of it will be released during the month of May.



Correct me if I’m wrong but #9 could be abused. Let’s say you report a friend, he could prove he isn’t a bot and receives compensation.

WOWOW!!! the pain of reading that last part…T.T Well played

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Some bad suggestions with mostly nice ones. Just the ones I think are more problematic or doesn’t solve anything:

7 - As long as you have instances to do (lv50+), shout is a useful tool. No.
11 - Nice. Now the same guilds will spread their DPS’s between different groups with tanks, healers, control mages and etc. Now the same guild gets 25 cubes, yay. Won’t change much.
14 - Horrible, horrible and horrible again. Some classes will never be accepted.
16 - Premade trolls and leechers. Nice. Premade already has an option, the random matchmaking has a compensation as exp bonus. Would be very hard to balance and even more to prevent abuse.
46 - Ranger with barrage, Peltasta with taunt… you get it.
47 - Not horrible, but I think would make things too easy. With increased spawn rates and less people at lower levels all the quests should be ok to be done.

Most of the other suggestions are either obvious things IMC knows about but no one knows how to solve, or things they need a big staff to take care of.

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Whats bad about sandbox server/area? Lmao. It allows people to test their ■■■■■■■ classes beforehand. Nerfs are barely bad enough to guarantee a class change(if someone cites sadhu, one of the “nerfs” was a bug fix, so it doesnt count).

@elysium Im torn with your “perfect” patch notes. There are some I like, some i dont. It’d be nice to start getting balance patch notes, but i dont want them to be the same as ktos. Itos doesnt have the pressure ktos gets from nexon(2000 people complain to nexon about a class, nexos pressures imc to push a patch they didnt want). Here imc is free to drive the meta in any way they want(ranger3 fletcher 3 is no longer #1 archer build, since u can go A2-qs3-falconeer-cannonner/musketeer or the common A2-R2-F3)

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I love this 33. Boss cards are now tradeable.

This is awesome but who knows.

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#9 is an independent system meant to address the fact that reports alone aren’t sufficient to take care of the bot problem (because people felt that plenty of maps were still bot infested, especially maps that players don’t frequent), so it doesn’t depend on bot reports :upside_down:

As for the others, thank you for the comments. I feel the need to address that some of the points are hard to implement - that is certainly what I’m aware of. Things like optimization aren’t really a one liner fix and require in-depth, prolonged efforts on the part of the staff team. That I recognize. However, for the sake of brevity I could not afford to go extensively into each and every one of them, so it’s more like a ‘wishlist’ style as Gwenyth has said, haha.

Also I’m really glad that there has been plenty of comments and criticisms. They are helpful to understand the differing needs and opinions of our community. Perhaps in future I may do an organized feedback collation so that everything can fall into place.


lmao, sadly this needs to be at the top and like 10x bigger. (and some people would still miss it.)

can’t wait to see how long it is till someone tries to quote this as official.

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Nice! You summarized almost everything the community wants. You missed performance issues, but other than that, perfect.

What about making this thread a “time capsule” and see what is changed and what is not in a year? :smiley:


Perfect. Just perfect

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huh, that could actually be really interesting.

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Haha, thanks but I definitely think it’s far from perfect (and probably impossible) since many controversial issues have to be slowly ironed out over time.

But I think the idea of a time capsule would be great for the purpose of the thread, so I’ve marked it down.

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Lets post it on reddit? We can ask the mods there to create a time capsule.

I Don’t think that this thread will stay visible in this forum. Not even guides are fixed =\



Love how all, if not most of these are things I dwelled on during my play through. Feels good hearing it from someone other than just me mumbling on and on as I played.

Thanks for starting this up! Even though that last part took away my climax…T.T Will definitely stay tuned to this thread!

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I can agree with most of this wish list, few items im not a fan of but over all pretty much covers the majority of requests.

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And random spawn location would also be great.
I would also love to see people selling vanity items in the market! :smiley:

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Missed the most important thing here OP

Direct trade of silver

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about the point 22 and 23 you mean a sakray beta server (just like “Ragnarok Online”) to test any class job and equip with npc who sell all the items/equip and other who give you gold and exp cards to lvl and change you job without quest (this part can be awosome cause can see how many cards need it to get any lvl).

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