Tree of Savior Forum

Option to request for rerolling a character

By your own logic, this exact same sentence can be said about skills and stats, yet we have skill and stat reset potions.

The stats reset potion is a one thing only from the Founder Packs, it will be gone later, not sure if IMC will add a stand alone item on CS later on, maybe, maybe not, the skill point reset is there already.

I am not against those, neither a class reset but i think it is not really necessary, or they will lose sales on char slots, which cost 36 TP, if they add the potion, it would cost more, not sure how much tho, and there are lots of other things to consider, but i won’t enter in that detail now since it is already being discussed on other threads.

Forgot to add one thing, the merit of starting over a new char is that, you can always discovery a new thing or way to play it.

Mind you the game is in EA stage, stat and skill reset potions might get added in the future. You can’t expect everything on a silver platter when the game is not even accessible to the general public or in other words F2P.

To recenter more the subject about what the original poster said, i too, just as him, got lots of stuff i can’t even trade to another of my OWN character, such as :

  • Silvers
  • Equipements
  • Achievements
  • Reset skill and stat potions (founder’s pack)
  • Cards
  • Recipes
  • Exp tomes
  • Dungeon reset vouchers
  • Soul crystals
  • Megaphones
  • Last but not least, a COSTUME.

All these are stuck on a character i wish i could to delete and redo again but just have not the luxury to. Not to mention that the character name is unique among the character team (discovered it today), it may perhaps seem a detail for many, but for some it’s not, AT ALL !

I also just can’t wait to feel the “merit” of redoing the same repetitive stuff i already did, you know :yum:. I’m Also quite sure thousands of other people can’t wait too, people will prolly delete their lvl 600 characters all the time just to feel it. :heart_eyes:

So, More seriously, isn’t it at the very least counter-intuitive that the very game whose Motto is “You are not a character, you’re a team” proceeds to apply the most restrictive or inexistent trading system, in general AND even between one’s own character that has ever been seen in the history of the MMORPGs genra?

Guenuine question here…

I’d suggest you to carefully read again what has been said in this post please.

Thank you in advance.

About we not being able to trade CS stuff with other chars, i do agree that IMC did a big mistake there, not sure how they will deal with that later on, tbh, i don’t see they changing it so soon with so many bigger issues in game right now, but i still hope they will change that, can only wait and see.

Perhaps ( prolly) the solution that OP proposed isn’t adequate, but at least he points out a real issue that devs should take care of ASAP, because it affects numerous players in a very negative way.

I’m gona have to agree. At least let us transfer content from TP store.

Example, someone really likes the game and spent 100 dollars on cosmetic items to support it and look different.

You messed up your build and want to reroll to fix it. Now all those items are wasted. You supported the game and end up with nothing except for stuff on a character you dont use anymore.

Resetting characters to start to keep achievements and stuff is a good idea too.

Edit actually, rethinking it over, they would have to make a way for people not to get 2 sets of unique quest items.


Staff needs to know about this issue.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan

If we can reset, I would guess than you would get to keep all your achievements meaning you can’t redo quests? Perhaps the drawback would be that we have to grind our way back.

Or even better just let us trade our TP items to another character? There’s so many TP items on my main character that I just can’t bare to throw it away, yet I don’t foresee myself enjoying a build that I messed up with.

Well, grinding back up from lvl 1 would take much longer than creating a new character.

I’d like to trade cash shop items to other characters through team storage though.

Time only goes forward. It cannot be reversed nor reverted. Such is a human condition, for it means one has to make a choice every second that cements one’s own existence. The responsiblity one might feel for this could be overwhelming and even dreadful. Here, you need courage and strength to make it through. Without the willpower, a human is nothing but a meat puppet controlled by the strings called Causallity. Every step you take will cause you fear and trembling. But trust in yourself. Never regret what you have done, instead, be joyful for what you may overcome next.
Thus Spoke STAFF_John.

Just kidding.
I will forward the issue to our Dev team.
Life might be a series of irreversible choices but that doesn’t mean that games should be too.


lol, you got me there John, my heartbeat skyrocketed ! :laughing:

Thanks for your support,
the forum staff seem so involved in the game and guenuinly doing all they can to arrange stuff. It feels like devs themselevs arn’t even remotely as implicated and caring about their own game than you modderators are. thanks for all the help !

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Excuse me but the OP was also talking about resetting stats, I simply misinterpreted.

Love how you took time for such an interesting answer. :smiley:

No problem, Happenz :slight_smile:

Okay well heres the thing about most people who play a game. If they spend multiple weeks leveling a character to max level just to have a patch make their class useless they wont play the game anymore. If they say sure ill do this again and then the same thing happens this wipes out most of the tos player base but the hardcore players and then the game dies.

Its a nice thought but in the end it only kills the game if you dont make certain conveniences and this is coming from someone who is leveling 4 chars at once -.-

As i said, the game is far from completed, if you want to avoid this kind of thing then stay away from it for now, as i stated even before the OBT be announced, and not only me, but many on this forum who played the iCBT, that this game is not ready to be in OBT phase yet, at least 2 more CBT was supposed to happen, there are too many stuff missing, too much heavy bugs to be fixed, too much skills to be balanced.

If IMC deem that is necessary to have a class reset, then they will add, but i highly doubt they will, why is that? Because we are testing all the stuff yet, OBT -> Open Beta Test.

And don’t try to buy me with: “Ah but the new players didn’t know about this.” How they didn’t know? When you gonna buy a game, or an EA DLC or w/e any game company do, you at least have to go and search about the state of the game.

I take The Crew as an example, i read all the stuff about it, be it on Steam or other forums and game sites, i knew about the bugs many complained, and when i played i never bumped into one. Luck me? Maybe, but even if i hit many bugs, i would be aware of them.

I am not saying you guys have no right to ask for something, but don’t expect to be implemented or at least, not so soon.

As for hardcore players, i don’t know if i fit on that category, i do play lots of hours, but i mostly do exploring, kill count and sometimes just leave the char there while i do my work. So if i had to restart a char, i would do no problem at all.

Not being able to re-roll seems like a very archaic game model tbh. Let’s not forget that, although a great game, it is essentially a micro transaction game at its core (be it for cosmetics or pay to win, doesn’t matter). The gaming community has shifted since Rag was released, more and more people are enjoying games they can pick up, play for a bit, and put down. Having to put a large amount of time into a game only to realise A: You stuffed up somewhere, or B: The high-end spec you chose isn’t as enjoyable as you thought it would be is a really poor design in today gaming society. I myself have to travel sometimes for weeks for work and I absolutely love this game. Kinda places me in a poor mood when people just keep saying to me, Oh just start again.

They already have Skill Reset Potions in the IGS, I just can’t place my head around why Stat/Reroll Potions are so forbidden and people are so against them. If you don’t want to pay for them then don’t, It’s that simple. just give the ones who are willing the option.

I will just point out what IMC itself said on an interview, if i am not wrong, was at the end of last year.

“We know that our game won’t be fun for everyone and we know we can’t reach that aspect.”

Note that it isn’t exactly as above but have the same meaning all the same.

Now point me out a game that can do that on today’s market.

I know the point of view of many players, but you can’t expect stuff to be heavily changed just because some can’t play much, or because the game is not totally balanced yet, i am pretty sure many here came knowing that.

And on another note, if that was implemented, and no one would level other chars because they can just reset the whole class and redo what they want to try, what is the point on investing time on the game? I think IMC want a long duration and good game by not doing that, if other games, and i think there might have one or 2 out there that do that, have all this, i bet they would be all dead by now for being so boring and easy.

Well i will leave this thread now, lets see if someone come up with a good solution to this, at least one that don’t take the fun of the game.

Cyall in game.

Reduced xp requirement for re-roll