Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Could you send that to me too :slight_smile: I’m about to hit c2 rogue and planned to go [burrow] (A-QS3-R3 was the goal from the start) from the featured video.

At the topic concerning research. The necessary information to making a thought out decision is being withheld by IMC. It is a lazy attempt to increase the game’s replayability by making it so very easy to make mistakes. Generally it is “lazy”, personally I call it “malicious”.

And I find @forgotten_dreams particularly funny for asking

No need to reply, really? =)) Licking back the words you spit?

You absolutely have no idea about Rogue C3 so you have no credibility or whatsoever to say that my build is not the most efficient at what I wanted to do.

The build is not theorycrafted, I learned QS C3 changes from KR patch notes while I tested Rogue myself back on CBT2 where I found out that Sneak Hit has flat additive crit rate that allows me to go for pure STR w/o sacrificing any critical rate as long as I’m hitting from behind which is usually the case if there’s a tank. Mixing both, I can easily reposition anytime to proc criticals from Sneak Hit because Running Shot lets me do high single target DPS while being able to move. I was supposed to stop at Rogue C2 but Burrow which allows Rogue to attack while being invisible and immobile is just too good to be missed. Burrow’s tooltip only said that you can attack but the penalty is being immobilized.

Zero theorycraft. Everything is supposed to be working but IMC misled me to believe that I can cast any skill while using Burrow since the tooltip says “allows you to attack”.

I also never said I wanted a redo button so stop putting words into my mouth. My Rogue C3 is useful for afk-farming mats while being safe from any harm through Burrow. I’m currently leveling my first planned archer build.

You don’t know anything.


Sure. I think the build is still fine just that even though with everything min-maxed, the build ended up just being decent. Considering all the ninja nerfs Rogue has gone through, I just gave up and would just use it for farming materials and world bosses for now. Oh and rushing dungeons since it has seperate dungeon count.

why people do not want to replay a game that they consider fun?


No no people want a redo button for assuming things toolkits don’t say. Or for going double rodelero into dragoon.

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Posting this for posterity.

People arguing against resets are within their right. Theres plenty of valid reasons why one wouldn’t want resets at all. If you can’t see that, read the other threads and look for the more detailed posts. There are strong cases both for and against.

If you are dead set one way or the other, don’t expect me or any other single person to convince you otherwise. And for the love of whatever please stop before you flame them for it. Why are we still throwing the knights of the round table around? Its becoming a lazy way to try and invalidate other’s opinions without basis.

Look and research if you’re invested enough to tear apart someone elses argument so late into this discussion. This topic has been ongoing for almost a month straight and to be honest its just kind of disappointing to see so much opinion bashing coming from both sides.

After all, the other thread had so much to contribute! Thanks guys.


Thanks for that, was patiently waiting to see a staff response this whole time.

I really hope they picked up on the idea that we should have restrictions along with it, too.

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It’s not their fault really. They are just used to more casual games where everyone resets to the best build every patch. They want to sit at end game all day when this game has much more to offer. They want no class diversity and want to turn this unique class system into to some generic class system.

Pretty much they are casuals who want to turn this game into something its not. Being casual doesnt just mean they dont play often. It means they want everything easy. With little to no effort. They dont like risk. They only want reward.

I’ll say it again though so this isnt taken the wrong way… i dont mind being able to reset to change 1 or 2 circles as long as its restricted and not just a “buy item, pick new rank already maxed” type deal. So it would be more to make it so you dont reroll for a single circle and not to change builds every update or change builds just to test something.

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regardless of your fanboying, resets will nessassary until they OFFICIALLY give proper and clear skill descriptions that arent what seems to be direct translations.

jeez you turds and your high and mighty ■■■■. “no don’t compensate for the many who couldn’t be bothered to spend hours researching and planning to before they started playing! Even when the information available is crap”

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Why do you need compensation?
If the game is that much of a chore then why play in the first place?
You level up so quickly in this game, I honestly don’t see how anyone can be upset about their build being ■■■■ when they can just make a new character and try a new build in such a short time

who is this they? you sound like another elitist prick casting shade for no reason than to float your own ego. Besides, how anyone chooses to play the game isn’t your problem. IMC gets money from it and it supports the game rather than forcing every single player to just deal with it. if you read opening post before you jumped to conclusions, maybe you would find out how much of a prick you are being.

Even still, even if it was a “I want to switch to the most optimum build” issue, so what? time was still spent leveling the character, even harder than it should have been with a less optimal build. so now that ive already leveled to 120+, Im not allowed to say, “hey, ______ class that I was building toward turned out to be a bad choice, I want to change.” or “hey, they nerfed _______ class that I am and now I don’t want to play it anymore thus making all the effort to get there a huge waste.”

grow up and think farther than the tip your nose.

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They are the people who are used to more casual games where everyone switches to the best build every patch… it was in the second sentence.

Pretty much everyone who wants to be able to do this is who i was reffering to. So if you want this, I was referring to you. Do you not like risk and only reward? Then its you.

I dont think my post was offensive so i dont know why your like this. Being called casual is offensive now? Because that is only what i described. Nothing wrong with being casual.


I was actually commenting on something in the thread and not the OP, maybe you misunderstood?


you honestly think that this post isn’t offensive? i mean, do you really really really and truely believe someone reading this shouldn’t feel offended? you dont think telling somebody who shares your hobby that they “want it easy” or are “afraid of risk and only want reward”. implying we are weak because we were mislead and ask for a resolution?

Oh, just start over you will say? just toss out that characters weve become invested in over the past months? just deal with it and blame ourselves and pray for the love of god another mistake isn’t made after youve invest several hours again? no no, we just want it easy. we want them to sell lvl 8 exp cards for 1TP in the shop. we are soooo casual playing this grindy mmorpg. so casual spending money to play it early. such a casual mobile gaming, wii loving, cooking mama casual.


Did you even read MY post?

Ok, so no throwing away your character with one mistake with that. Aparrently I should have bolded this part.

No I dont think it is offensive. I never tried to imply you were weak, im sorry if you felt that way. You do want to take one of the only risk factors in class building out of the game because you dont feel like leveling another character though.

People like to play casually with no risk and an easy game experience. Thats fine. Many people like this because they are used to it from other MMOs like wow.

This game appeals to people who played games like diablo 2 when there were no resets and older grinder MMOs where there were no resets. So, less casual. People dont like it when i use the word “hardcore” for some reason. Which just implies, more unforgiving risk to me.


So, what is bad about having a reset?

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Laziness has never been an acceptable excuse for change.

So everyone should stop using automobiles and wallk. Or they are lazy.
Do you even value time and effort?


okay, thanks for apologizing. I don’t think tree of savior is by any means a “hardcore” game. None of the mechanics involved say hardcore to me. there is no Exp loss on death. No player-killing. No in-depth market.

The game promotes casual play way more than anything hardcore. 5 free TP for just being logged in for a few hours. Fast travel across the map. Silver is easy to earn. Leveling is pretty easy with repeatable dungeons, plenty of quest, they throw exp cards at us like confetti, sell revive orbs super cheap, items breaking from durability just cost a bit more to repair, etc.

This game is not for hardcore players, though people can play it as if it were. Comparing it to “harder” games from generations ago isn’t a good argument. Just because they are both top-down mmorpgs, does not mean they are for the similar audiences. If this game appeals to you because of diablo, you are terribly mistaken. the game’s bright colors and cute characters should have screamed “not at all like diablo” and “not hardcore”.

For the sake of TOS being a PC only MMORPG, its players shouldn’t be called casual either.

I hate this idea that options for players other than you shouldn’t exist. You have the choice to use these options. You don’t ever have to reset anything and I can reset 5 times a day and at the end, your experience doesn’t change. We aren’t cheating, botting, scamming, buying silver, or exploiting bugs. we aren’t screwing up the in-game economy or causing server instability. We aren’t breaking PVP or PVE because people will still min-max and build OP/perfect builds anyway if they want to. The game isn’t going to change a damn a bit. It just means players are encouraged to take risks because they won’t be forced to reroll if it goes wrong. Players won’t feel like they need to have a spread sheet infront of them to enjoy the game and be locked down optimal builds because they might get screwed in the mid to end game where their character might possibly be useless.

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this kind of elitist way of thinking is going to kill the game.

We’re not talking about acceptable things like choosing driving over walking. If you had a report to do, and say you didn’t do it because your lazy, thats not an excuse.

Or in our cases, Its not acceptable to add resets because we were too lazy to do research.

This problem could have been avoided. Some games just can’t go without research. Its part of the game.

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