Tree of Savior Forum

Opinion on possible Mergen builds

Hello everyone, here i am again while planning for my possible Mergen character.

I have 3 builds in mind, and i can’t really decide which one to follow ( 2 of them are already ~lvl120 so i stopped leveling them for a while for more planning since i don’t really want to create a lvl 280+ just to find it lackluster and reroll ( getting tired of alts already lol) ).

Build 1: Ar 2 > Ranger 1 > Wugushi 2 > Falconer 1 > Rogue 1 > Mergen 1 ( will be c3 no matter r9/r10).

Reasoning: I really like wugushi, and i think with the newer weapons with crazy high physical attack, transcendence and such, poison will alway be a very good support damage we can keep while doing our usual rotation.

Rogue is picked here for: Capture ( Gu Pot + Circling + Arrow Rain) and Sneak Hit ( Planning on a interaction with Werewolf card, but i got really disappointed after seeing this: [don’t know if this is a bug or if the chance on activating the werewolf card effect + sneak hit is really low] ).

Falconer for AoE attack awesomeness, really good interaction with Koochaksal, Triple Arrow and Spread Shot(?) + Team support with Aoe defense reduction. ( < Koochaksal interaction) +

@greyhiem Topic on some Rank 8 skill tests [Future rank 8] Job & Skill test info from Korea - (closing soon)

Build 2: Ar 2 > Ranger 1 > Wugushi 3 > Rouge 1 > Mergen 1

Reasoning: In this one, i simply drop falconer in favor of more damage on wugushi. Reasons for Wugushi and Rogue still the same as above ( Minus the circling part);

Build 3: Ar 2 > Sapper 2 > Wugushi 3 > Mergen 1

Reasoning: This one is the most straight-forward of the above mentioned builds: AoE damage at it’s finest. Sapper for broom trap awesomeness + wugushi for a devastating interaction. Mergen comes here as an icing to the cake which will complement the build AoE’s side while providing good “solo” skills like Arrow Rain on bosses, and Koochaksal for Single target burst if no other enemy around.

Hope you guys forgive the “Wall of text” and give your opinions on what you guys think is the best out of the three builds. I don’t plan on going for fletcher 3 > Mergen whatsoever since i don’t like their interaction nor think they fit together(personal opinion here).

Thanks in Advance to everyone who can/is willing to help. Cheers

I like build 2 and build 3 best, since I like wugu3 (best scaling for wugu).
100% Uptime on Poison vs boss too (if there are no other wugu around).

Build2 has more burst due to feint&barrage + capture arrow rain gu pot.
Build3 has more AoE.

I recommend you to save skillpoints on mergen1 since you will go mergen2.
Mergen bossing skill: Arrow rain.
Koochaksal (homing arrow) (+ Circling).
Triple arrow as lowest CD AoE.
KToS doesn’t like spread shot.

A3 Scout3 Falcon1 Mergen1 seems like the best mergen build you can make right now for R8 content.

Falcon1 will always keep you relevant for parties in 290+ content, and really makes some mergen skills shine.

Scout3 is great for farming, and uses a bow is a primary weapon.

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@greyhiem Yeah, all in all i will save some points, since i will be going for c2, i just distributed there so, for now, no points would be left unspend. I kinda “like” spread shot because i really liked his atributes, which at max gives 20% that one of the shots will bounce to another monster, so i’m willing to take a leap of faith there and test the attribute with level 1 skill. If it’s good enough > i will raise skill level.

My main concern with build 2 is, thanks to that video i linked up there: will rogue be a good trade-off compared to Falconer c1?

@sudonim7 Hey man, thanks for you input. I’m kinda deviating from Scout c3 because i barely see any of that build running ET content ( and that’s something i want to do with this builds, since i like PvE end game content a lot). I’ve seen a video of a Scout3 > mergen and it seemed nice overall, but, somehow, whenever i see scout3 i have a feeling that something is off / or it’s lacking something. Idk.

Rogue capture cd is 3 minutes, you will use it vs bosses.
Or capture circling during grind every 3minutes. Circling duration will triple if you use captured version, and you don’t need falcon to use captured circling.
Rogue give you feint&barrage with ranger.
Sneak hit is just bonus.
Nice burst.

Falconer = Call + Circling. CD of 35s or 25s if you count circling 10s duration.
Will help your party too.
Some zoning if you like Hovering at PvP (bad at PvE due to knockback).

Most scout3 are farming mobs or farming dungeons.

Unfortunately mergen does not seem capable of doing ET like a real aoe class. SR3 is still going to be king of ET, especially with their new forward shot skill

I mean, it’s not like i want mergen to top off SR3, SR is just way too strong there, and i have one in the making myself. The thing is i just want a viable route to get through there with my guild, a route where i have some damage/utility to offer. Wugushi 3, while struggling with some floors, can dish out some really good damage, and mergen will only help the damage, so it can’t make it worse. Where, on the other hand, scout c3 split arrow isn’t very good there, and is pretty lackluster. Flare shot is really nice, but i think there might be some other good options there.

I still think falconer is too good to pass up, you can do something like Archer3 Wugushi3 Falcon1 Mergen1 if you want to ET, but the issue with Wugushi is that the attributes are completely gimped for your poison damage.

I think your build all fine it’s upon your like. If you have AAR equipment or have AAR card maybe you don’t need Circling for Koochaksai/Tripple Arrow.


Old Build

Because of Falcon combo I think we have a lot of way to play Mergen (just like Musket & Cannoner case)

Mix Type
A2>R1>Sc1>Fl2>Fal>Mergen (Alt Fletcher Build)
A3>R1>Sc1>Ro1>Fal>Mergen (Multishot+Falcon Build)

ScoutC3 Type
A3>Sc3>SR>Mergen (from Ktos Farm build)
A2>R1>Sc3>Ro1>Mergen (Idream)

Magick Archer
Great single and aoe.
Fletcher = Single target/WB destroyer
Mergen = bursty AoE
Scout = pvp/rushing
A2 = Swift Step (a must for archer) Multishot
R1 = 10% dmg increases scale really well with mergen/ fletcher compared to A3.
I think they compliment each other really well. Since Fletcher lacks AoE and Mergen lack sustain single dps. 2H bow works great with Fletcher too. Ever Try casting a spell circle + charging but the boss run away from your range? Or just want to spam from safe and non-laggy distance? Fletcher Mergen is the answer :slight_smile:

Oh did I mention broadhead is amazing at pvp/gvg?

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That’s pretty old info.
Barrage not bug with circling anymore. and Barrage also have only 4AAR you need circling or AAR equipment for hit all mob.

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I’m considering 2 builds for Mergen.

  1. Same as OP’s #1.

  • Circling + Multi Shot, Homing Arrow, Covering Fire, Snipe
  • Scout for utility via camo+cloak, Musk provides a bunch of strong skills for burst
  • Feint-Barrage
  • Capture + Circling, Arrow Sprinkle, Flare Shot

Build #1 won’t require weapon swaps at all, but there’s always the issue of losing dps when another wugushi is around, and poisons can’t crit so you need to build more towards heavy str to keep up the damage.

Build #2 has less sustain due to the lack of poisons, but in return you get much more AOE burst with circling. Scout gives you the ability to perform in PVP as well if you wish.

When I saw 2nd build in KTos vid I feel like. OMG how can I put all of my skill in shotcut lol.

I’m probably going A2>R1>Wugushi2>Rogue1>Falconer>Mergen

@Nicola Yeah, i have a Fletcher 3 with that exact same build. Even though i liked to level it and i can, even solo, guarantee some boss cube, i really did expect more from the build itself. Idk, i feel like the rotation is too locked up around Magic Arrow ( i mean, ok there’s a reason for this, 5s CD OP multihit skill) but that kinda made me bored with Fletcher.

Also even though i can play with my guildmates / random party member through the game, most times, due to my rl schedule, i have time issues to find party members sometimes which lead me to solo playing. Even though fletcher wrecks in single target, i don’t think Mergen will be his utmost solution for AoE problems; in some way i think that Mergen will further optimize previous AoE-favored build while also addind some great single-target bursts / skills overall ( Homing and Rain) .

Not saying the build is bad, far from it. It just isn’t my flavor i think.

@seifer0692 Yeah the lack of crit in poison may be, at first glance a gimping feature if you look at the endgame scenario, but as further ranks arrive i think Wugushi starts to sit in it’s deserved place as a support DPS, both for yours dps and your party’s, instead of the “OMG POISON DAMAGE OP, KILL ALL” that it is now ( even thought it’s already starting to go on it’s way to support dps as people reach the current “endgame” maps).

A good thing is: poison, while not critting, scales through physical attack. The newer weapons already have a crapton of base damage, which, through refining and transcending will reach some crazy high levels of Phys Attack, meaning my poison will, no matter what, scale with my gear progression. ( and i really think barrage+circling is already fixed, i will try to find the video later).

@thedojin Even though i like the Scout c3 concept i really don’t find it that uself in ET ( e.g ET ). Even though i saw this video:
I’m somehow afraid scout damage might fall off later in pretty badly which would kinda gimp my build since it takes 3 ranks in a pretty vital part of the build (4~6), and i really want a character that can, at least be useful to the party while going up in ET, so i can help my guildmates in the process.

I may go to iDreamy’s guide to try and find more info on Scout c3 and if it scales decently

Thanks everyone for answering btw, i really appreciate it, since i know almost no archers that doesn’t simply blindly follow meta builds to theorize about.

May i suggest my build?


Since i didnt hit wugu2 yet i cant say how much the combo gu pot + catdrops is relevant but… Running shot means lower sp usage(and you alternate it with poison since similar cd) which means more mergen skill casting. Btw, catdrops/pavise + arrow rain is also a thing, i dont really think you can get as much synergy with other build. Worth the reroll for me.

I will miss my grand cross+arde but well, viper bow is cheap and work. The new equips could make anything old irrelevant, so… Yeah.

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