Tree of Savior Forum

Open PVP in all fields!

First, sorry my english sucks. Im latin american player, and is not my maternal language.
Hey IMC Games, im here to propouse an idea that i had from a long time ago.
Because i think that was the only thing that RO failed.
The idea is to have open PVP in all fields map on the world, or maybe on determined channel.
We are a lot of users that loves PvP and focus our game in this aspect.
The option of you can kill anyone that you cross, is really nice!
Maybe you can add a ranking for Pk’s (Player killers) and too add an option to a random minimal chance of drop an item.
I would really like that all players agree with this, post here in this thread to do an official propose to IMC for work in this feature.

Thanks to all and have a good time!



No. Either man up and go duel someone/GvG to prove your 1337 skills or stay down. No need for world pvp (a.k.a giving a reason for bullies and unethical players to do what they do best)


Most stupid idea so far. Nuff said


@javin2869 @Shnookums

I dont think that.
If you dont like pvp, simply IMC would be put an option to select activate the world pvp in every field or disable like hundred of MMO have.
Not all the players loves only PvE, lvling and grinding like animals.


i like pvp but i dont like pk’ers which literally will destroy the game.

So no no. The game itself already good , you have arena, GvG , and 1vs1. except you want everyone fight with everyone… then that different story.

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Why not just go to arena and fight like gladiator s or something? Round up yer buddies (people that think like you and kill each other).

What you want is an open world pvp (in all maps with ranking for pk). You clearly did not see high level trolls goin to low level areas killing low level character. That is why I called it stupid.

Finally. Ro didnt fail because it lacks open world pvp. WOE was the thing back then. And it was enough to make people log in just to participate that.

Bad idea, high lvl guys will kill low lvl. And only one have fun. yess, sometime i wanna kill that fk bots, but pvp in all maps bad idea.

Bad idea, ToS players are too naive for this.


// hello20characterswemeetagain

I don’t think opening PVP for all players in all maps is a good idea. Many players would take the chance to ruin the gameplay of other low level players.

I would rather suggest going for either:

  • A faction system similar to WoW, so you will only be allowed to attack players from other factions. This way, if you find yourself being harassed by someone from the opponent faction, you could still ask for some help to other players in your own faction.

  • A vampirism system similar to Skyrim, so if you become a vampire you will enter PVP mode against all other PVE players and city guards. In the same way you will be allowed to attack other players, the whole server would be incentived to team up and hunt you.

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There is no room for vampirism in this lore.

This is all silly, just make a toggleable flag system where if you want to open world pvp you turn it on, and it has a cool down to turn off and that way people who want open world pvp can kill each other and people who don’t want to get ganked can leave it off and be safe.

I suppose the appeal for most of these players isn’t an actual skilled fight though its ganking newbs and swinging e-peens around


I would add that to one channel per map…

And that channel would be where the hardcore pvpers can grind in peace.
Till two partys fight for supremacy xD…


There’s already an option to activate PVP in every field.

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If you want random PvP than duel random people you come across.

We have no interest in higher levels ■■■■■■■ over lower level players, which is all open world PvP does.

a pvp channel would be fun imo. everybody wins.


I think that other kind of implement it, will be with a limit of levels of the players that you can attack, only with five lvl of difference, in that way the newbies not suffer the abuse of the agressives Pk’s. The flag to allow/not allow pvp with you and one channel for map, are greatfull ideas too!

Thanks to all for you feedback guys.

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Future Guild Vs Guild Suggestion Attention Devs and Players For Support kindly check this post :slight_smile: thanks guys

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No offence but just because you like PVP doesn’t mean everyone should have to do PVP. There are options in the game that allow you to do PVP already.

However if there was a compromise they should have a pvp toggle button. If there are two people who have PVP on they can fight eachother. To avoid abuse they could make a 10 minute cooldown for each time you toggle PVP so you can switch too quickly