Tree of Savior Forum

[Official] Sage thread

So, does the ultimate dimension really works? I heard linkers can’t channel damage from “true” aoe attack such as frost cloud. So is that info wrong or ultimate dimension didn’t count as “true” aoe attack?

Oh, and while I’m at it, is damage from micro dimension linkable? And is micro dimension hit only on one enemy or every enemy in its range?

frontler already worded it well what sage can or cannot do with it’s two damage spells

Yes, both spells cannot hit flying targets.

Micro dimension, though having a very high base damage at lv5, is a very weak spell; Single hit, slow casting animation, only usable at point blank range, three charges but somewhat long cooldown makes it an undesirable spell for damage, it’s only sole useful purpose at the moment is the duplication attribute.

On the other hand, Ultimate dimension is slightly stronger, is a multi hit(4 hits I believe), aoe spell however it has to be used up close, has an extremely slow casting animation, and a single charge coupled with a 48seconds long cooldown making it practically unreliable as a form of dps as well.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say in the above quote.

Micro is a single hit spell, if you link monsters before using micro dimension, it’ll hit all targets.

Sage, as of circle 1, is not a dps class despite having a red icon. Hopefully it’ll get better at circle 2 or 3.

Hmm. Sorry for my bad english, it seems my questions were taken in the wrong direction. I heard that elementalist’s frost cloud damage could not be spread via jp. Does the same thing applies to ultimate dimension or not? And thanks for the reply btw. I’m really torn between choosing enchanter or sage right now but I’ll probably go with sage for the damage because i have linker2 in my build.
One more question, if i jp + hk 8 enemies and micro dimension them, will each of my enemies take micro dimension damage x 1 or micro dimension damage x 8? Sorry for asking this again, i just need a confirmation since i think i just heard something that i didn’t want to hear lol

I don’t have an elementalist so i cannot test it out for you on frost cloud.

8 enemies will take damage x8 each with micro dimension, provided that they’re totally bunched up together using hangman’s knot; micro dimension’s target area is very small. Micro dimension might be affected by your aoe atk ratio, however i haven’t tested that out to see if that was true

I see. Atleast the micro dimension alone looks good for me. Thanks for the reply tho. Tbh i haven’t tried linker + elementalist myself. I just read it in the forum somewhere stating that linker have been nerfed so jp don’t affect AoE skills.

I just did a quick test, here are my observations:

micro dimension seems to have a fixed aoe atk ratio of 4, i managed to hit 4 varvs(s size) but it’s rather difficult to position a larger group than 4 without linking and using hangman’s to clump them together. Five hammer doesn’t seem to increase the aoe atk ratio though.

If five hammer don’t add attack ratio means head costumes won’t either right? So it’s capped to micro dimension damage x 4 with jp and hk? Now that’s kind of disappointing. Now what’s left is just to pray that ultimate dimension damage is shareable through link TwT
Thanks for the info. love you guys XD

No it just means that the spell is affected by the aoe def ratio of the monster but not adjustable via your aoe atk ratio, similar to how an increase your aoe atk ratio doesn’t affect the hit count of Firewall, but if you reduce the monsters aoe def ratio through other means like hangman’s knot -def ratio attribute or circling, you put in more hits… that’s probably what’s happened here; hangman’s knot aoe def ratio minus’s attribute probably allowed micro dimension to hit as many target as it could in that tiny aoe that it has

this is the first time i’ve seen that -def ratio actually have a use lol. but that makes sense. so lvl 5 hk attribute can only hit 4 monsters huh? still, that would be a pretty significant damage imo with 3 charges of micro dimension. May i ask what’s your average damage using micro dimension and your total magic attack?

The attribute decreases the aoe def ratio of monsters currently jp’ed and hk’ed. with attribute at lv5 it would put all monsters to 0 aoe def ratio. Any skill or spell with aoe atk ratio will benefit from this as they no longer will be limited to the size type of monsters affecting how many they could hit in a group.

I hit around 8~9k for micro dimension lv5, 0% dmg attribute. My matk is around 1800 ish

so micro dimension really just add a plain skill attack (6870) + matk (1800) = 8670

I wish they could make this skill scale to level a bit better but knowing imc they won’t give a shiet about it. i believe ultimate dimension is just the same as micro dimension then?

Ultimate dimension is a multi hit skill, whereas micro is single hit. For ultimate dimension is (spell base dmg + matk) x4

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yea. but basic principle of plain skill attack + matk is what i meant. anyway, thanks a lot. maybe someone could give me a confirmation about ultimate dimension + jp is working or not. For now i’ll settle with sage then. love you guys :slight_smile:

Ahoi! You forgot about Confuse att. link-knot-ultimate dimension = Huge Red numbers(at 317 forest mobs doing 12k - 14k damage to each other(linked)) about 1/2 hp. This makes Ultimate Dimension good if you have linked mobs at ANY lvl up to 600+ :wink:

Sage & Necro combo. Duplicate dirty pole -> link -> flesh cannon.


Can you duplicate POLE OF AGONY ? XD

That would be epic lol

Btw, it looks like confusion attribute of Ultimate Dimension is more usefull than i thought, i wish the probility is higher and confusion duration is longer

Maybe in the future…or Sage Circle 2 a more powerful duplicator / or triplecator skills…


Goodness that is a sexy non-icewall combo. Shame you can’t do it yourself in Rank 8 content.