Tree of Savior Forum

[Official] Sage thread

so micro dimension really just add a plain skill attack (6870) + matk (1800) = 8670

I wish they could make this skill scale to level a bit better but knowing imc they won’t give a shiet about it. i believe ultimate dimension is just the same as micro dimension then?

Ultimate dimension is a multi hit skill, whereas micro is single hit. For ultimate dimension is (spell base dmg + matk) x4

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yea. but basic principle of plain skill attack + matk is what i meant. anyway, thanks a lot. maybe someone could give me a confirmation about ultimate dimension + jp is working or not. For now i’ll settle with sage then. love you guys :slight_smile:

Ahoi! You forgot about Confuse att. link-knot-ultimate dimension = Huge Red numbers(at 317 forest mobs doing 12k - 14k damage to each other(linked)) about 1/2 hp. This makes Ultimate Dimension good if you have linked mobs at ANY lvl up to 600+ :wink:

Sage & Necro combo. Duplicate dirty pole -> link -> flesh cannon.


Can you duplicate POLE OF AGONY ? XD

That would be epic lol

Btw, it looks like confusion attribute of Ultimate Dimension is more usefull than i thought, i wish the probility is higher and confusion duration is longer

Maybe in the future…or Sage Circle 2 a more powerful duplicator / or triplecator skills…


Goodness that is a sexy non-icewall combo. Shame you can’t do it yourself in Rank 8 content.

Most likely - no. Just one more aoe cc skill, and something with magic circle:

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Do you know Warlock Circle 3 skill already ar?

No. There are very few known for other jobs.

About those new skills:

Maze is promising… But that all depends on how many tick damages because the numbers are not that promising for a rank 9

Reduce magic circle… A pvp related skill. Can be good if the reduction is not just 10% like Ultimate Dimension (not so exciting increase AoE attribute, anyone?) @_@

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Im pretty sure this skill will be another Sleep-like skill, 1.5s cast time(animation) is too much. The only question is what status rank is it.
About the reduction, we already have Reversi with 3 overheat, which is AoE and much more usefull and rank5. Not counting even Miko, Oracle and others who already do that.
For now, we still dont know why Sage is red icon, where are all the damaging skills.

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Btw, i can’t help but wonder why Micro Dimension duplicates a bat for a whole flock of fake bats @_@.

Sorry if this has been asked before but…

How fares the Full CON Cryo/chrono/Sage in TBL/GVG?

This build is REALLY strong for PvP.

You still have plenty of points to use in kino and sage branch.
Stopped enemies receive damage from ice wall + PP combo, so magnetic force + stop with perma haste and cast those 2 skills to win. If you miss still have pass and run with haste xD

Awww… I already have Cryo3 :confounded: :tired_face: :sleepy:

cryo3chrono3sage - one of the best support in the game. PvE or PvP.

Thanks 20chars…