Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

he´s the one calling names… just another p2w boy

Soo im revisitting this thread again, what do you guys come up with? Ye or no? Meh? Kek

I hate my class!!! plz give me a class reset or I will have to re-roll after spending countless hours. Its as if I never bought early access! :frowning:

Can anyone tag the staff’s here… so that this thread and the incoming thread about this material’s will have clarification.

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A logical approach would have been to allow class changes within 5 levels of the same rank. The current system implies, that everyone knows what they’re picking from the get go, which we don’t. Having to start over within the same rank makes more sense than starting over at rank 1. I agree with the fact that nobody should be able to change class colors even with the use of circle reset. Red can only pick red, green can only pick green, blue can only pick blue. It should also be limited from ranks 1 through 5.

Now, I keep going back to beta testers because as I said, the “majority” of them only cared about how to build the best character. If you’re a dev, and you see 2 out of 100 testers report an issue, you’d go “oh, isolated case”. When in reality, 80 of those testers experience the same thing and want it fixed. They just happen to be too busy thinking “someone would report that”. Interns don’t get paid, but they still do what they’re supposed to.

You’re delusional if you think you can compare beta testers to interns. Everyone was only obligated to play. Many players reported issues in the beta which still persist to this day. Backmasking is still broken for example and some text strings are still missing and print out the variable name rather than the value. Hell even the magic circle quest from in Tenet Garden was still broken in the release AFTER it was reported to be a bug in the iCBT and AFTER it was fixed in the iCBT.

If IMC wanted focus testing, they could have hired a group to do so. Beta testers are there to play the game. No one was given roles. No one had tasks. The only thing asked of us was to play the game and kindly report any issues found. Everyone plays, encounters problems and reports them (ideally).

You are dreaming if you think the state of the game can be blamed on beta testers. There are issues persisting for literally two beta tests that were not addressed (and were fixed in the beta so I assume IMC used an older build or missed some their own hot fixes). You don’t blame the consumer for a product being faulty.

Thanks, you’ve kind of proven my point in terms of beta tester mind set. You’re still in it. I didn’t realize that beta testing was an invite so people can get a head start over others. We may have all started at the same time, but the way you put it, beta testing was rerolling season for the elite.

If you’re feeling insecure, browse the forums. Tons of data that beta testers acquired is public information.

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I don’t need to, you’re giving me everything right here. Now go enjoy your perfect character.

I’d ignore most of the 12 yr olds and just listen to the logical posts only.


I understand what you’re getting at but you can’t replace practical experience with third party information on what is a very clear lack of explanation and detail on how classes work going in to them.

Even with reading material and a person who’s watching YouTube videos and reading guides on the toilet about the class they are interested can find out that they are completely disappointed in their choice the moment they get 1-3 skill points in their new circle.

It’s absolutely inexcusable to not consider this in a game that takes so much of your time just to level up, for there not to be flexibility in this regard.

Flexibility sure, but a complete reset is too much. If you offered that, there is literally no reason to level as anything but a super solo DPS as it is the fastest level progression. It diminishes the values of leveling a support. If there is to be resets, there has to be a penalty. If you can just make it rank 7, reset and freely pick your circles, then I am in complete disagreement.

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Thats awesome!!! you can call yourself Jakiro :stuck_out_tongue:

So how about being able to reset the CURRENT circle choice of your current rank until you hit class level 15 and then subsequently pick your next rank? Each time you switch you have to level it from 1, and once you move to the next rank, that class is locked.

Pretty reasonable don’t you think? Hell I’d even be okay with that as a TP item.

This way people can change their minds of their current circle turned out to be awful and not what they thought, and it still fits in to the granular structure of the leveling process.

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Don’t know if they intended to be so vague in the skills descriptions, but we should be entitled to at least one circle reset for each account if they decide to revamp all the skills descriptions to be precise.

Well I don’t think it’s wrong to go solo dps build n reset. U know even solo dps build to archive 280 how long it takes? Not to mention most of player have real life to catch up which probably they only able to spent 1-2 hours to play per day? I believe a lot play do screw up their build too that seek reset.

To those mention solo build then to merchant class. I don’t see any issue too. People that do that eventually they have to reset again too if they have to. And we not requesting reset for free. At TP cost. If that person is so committed to reset everyday jus to do merchant while afk. And he paid for the reset. Why not.

I am fine with that. Honestly you can have a complete reset, I don’t really care, but I think it’s important that you have to level back up from 1. I wouldn’t even mind if you got a class exp bonus for releveling.

Here’s what I’m thinking. Maybe you can reset back to rank 1 if you wish and your class exp gets a 1000% exp boost. Numbers would have to be tweaked, but that’s what I think would work. Though resetting your current circle is also good. Let’s you play around a bit at each rank progression.

It undermines the time an actual support took to level up. Why should you be able to pay your way into popularity at end-game? No, I disagree completely. If you only have 1-2 hours to play a day, why does that suddenly make your time more valuable than mine? So you can’t play as often as me. That means you get to take shortcuts to have the same build as me? No, you should have to level it up like I did.

Nope. U jus ignorance. Going dps solo eventually u needed stat reset too. Which stat pot still not available yet too. Same goes ppl that do stat reset can do the same. Go Str for easy lvling then change full support.

…We’re talking about circles here, not stats. Stay on topic.