Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Well I think circle reset is needed but not because of bad builds, but because this game is unfinished and it’s still in beta.

Because of that and cause of the many bugs and cause of the lack of informations there should be circle reset options from time to time till the full release. Currently this is like testing a game and sometimes screwing up your character but not cause of your own fault, but because you couldn’t know that class will work that way, or wont even work like they said.

The only thing which I see the need of circle reset is the status of the game and the lack of informations.


how did u get the exp window on top of chat box?

It’s an addon. You can find it on reddit.

Xp + map addon.

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Very well said.


This is the full release.imc dont do more betas.not open and not close.for now they dont do the f2p on 28 from the look of it.
A game that have so much classes need some form of reset.

Because they want the game to have high replayability. Oh wait…we can only have 4 characters unless we buy TP? Or even better, 3 characters per account if we want to level a companion.

They are just shooting themselves in the foot with this contradicting design. Unless they implement a way for players to earn new character slots without having to pay, they are just indirectly limiting replayability. People will spend if they enjoy playing the game, but if you decrease the incentive for someone to keep playing, most will stop playing.

I am all for this. Gamebreaking changes being made should allow some sort of class change, albeit with penalties.

But you cannot use that card when you leveled up to max shortly after a game’s release. No important game changes were made.

Why remake in the first place because of a single circle? In this game having one circle different isnt going to break your character.

If your character is truly broken you would require a full reset.


You were the one that ruined it, tho. It’s only you that gets to decide if your character is ruined, and should be remade.

Consider this: atleast you can start over. And with the money and resources of a very high level to make that experience smoother.
Not to mention the knowledge and information you now possess that will allow you to make your build better.

If actions never have consequences, how can you learn from them?

I think this statement is a lot more general then it should be. ‘‘people’’? I’ve seen many different builds so far, so it seems the cookiecutter builds are far from the only ones being played.

As for asking for advice, that’s natural in any place, be it a game or outside.

I gave some advice to a priest myself only yesterday.
She wasnt looking for the most OP build, just wanted to know what the options were, (from my perspective as a ‘senior’ rank) the differences between this circle and that circle. Ultimately what she chooses will be her own choice, and effected by her own feelings, it wont just be ‘‘the OP build’’.

Many ‘people’ are like this, so I have to disagree that ‘‘asking for advice = person wanting the most OP build’’ Most just want to have a character then can enjoy playing, regardless of their position in the food chain.

That is a fair point, however a casual player would not be at rank 7 that fast anyway. They have a lot more time to decide on their build then someone that hits 225 in two weeks.


This is more an issue of the dungeon match system then anything else. If it was possible to ‘queue’ while out questing or grinding it would be easier to find groups.

Secondly not unimportant either is timezones. ToS is currently iToS. What is 8-9pm for you might be past midnight or early morning for others.

So I don’t agree with using those arguments as a sign of a ‘‘dead game’’.

I agree with this post. How are we to know if the class is right for us if we need to grind many hours just to reach that class to find out we don’t like it. I hope staffs are looking into this. I can just see that players will leave once they find out the build they make are not viable for end game and quit. Because right now it seems if you don’t make the right build you can’t do well in PvP or GvG or Earth Tower. Thats sadly a harsh reality to this game and yet this game has so many options for class advancement because of the way the game is design. If theres so many ways to design your class then why do I have to feel like I have to select the right classes just to be able to do Earth Tower or PvP?

That is why in every MMO, your first toon is going to suck.

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That’s not the context I mean “game changing decisions” in. Picking Thaum over Elem would greatly change the outcome of your wiz3 build if you mostly solo. If you didn’t understand the buffs weren’t that great for the tradeoff of having 0 abilities for most of your build (go go magic missile!), you’d probably want a redo of that decision before you have to fully commit to it.

I can test drive a car but I can’t get a bit to test my next circle in ToS? What if I’m completely new to this genre?

A single circle can really cost you. That could be the difference between having Ele3, Wiz3, Cryo3, Linker2, etc. and having a circle that doesn’t synergize with your other choices. Think of all the poor pure damage wizards that won’t always have a wiz3link2 at their side, that wouldn’t mind paying some price, be it levels lost, currency cost, conditions, met, etc., to swap out pyro3 for literally anything else. I guess alternatively, they could start over. But in this game, that kinda blows if you’re just going to do the same thing.

lol circle reset is good… somehow u spent 300 hours on this char sure u got some sentiment… of cos silvers and item u have with the char too… no way u raise a child n u found out ur child get in a wrong thing… instead amend it u make a new baby ?


or just get along with it and forget about what is right build and what is wrong as long as you are happy with it, and accept it as it is.

my first Character in Ragnarok ( Priest ) was a Battle Priest, hell people were laughing at my build in 2003, i still keep it for 10 years never re roll or anything, and then Battle Priest became a thing in the server. i had the last laugh, and i was in a great guild as well.

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either way works fine… well i still wanted circle reset option although i dont see needing it right now… but im sure when more classes open up… sure we will need some tweek…

I’m not up for reset potions at that time of the game, maybe when they add higher ranks, so if better skills are on the circles we still don’t know we could reset the higher class, but that’s all i would agree with.
Yeah it’s pretty harsh, yeah you might not have the “all rounder build” that everyone else have copied/paste from known-players. But it is your build, and if you learn how to play with it you may be better than people with these all rounder build. ^^

Imc must add class reset.

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I am pretty confident that Femidian players are largely EU players with matching timezones.

However casuals do largely not inform themself about what classes to pick no matter how much time goes by. They have 15-20 hours per week to PLAY they won’t give up another 4h of that to stay in touch with current meta.

Even if they do just glimpsing at the cleric subforum for example it is full of bs information to begin with - on better known classes as it is.

There is just one question here: Do people want to accelerate the games demise by having a worse player retention rate due to lack of reset option or not.

This is really all this boils down to.

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I dont know how often I have read this type of bs over the years. What you refer to as “all rounder build” is what we call cookie-cutter.

That is one of the terms used for things that simply outperform others. There is a theoritical possibility that better builds might exist yet, but you will not outperform someone that plays a cookie-cutter build with your random XYZ build unless his way of playing is slapping the keyboard with the palm in a rhytmic fashion.

It also doesn’t matter which game you play. There is always something that outperforms all others since most balancing departments share the room with the staff toilet in MMO companies.

I’d agree with this with the exception of out performing. Some players guard their build recipes like Col. Sanders, especially in KToS.

They do this because if you can’t outperform 90% of the people you meet, leveling takes far longer due to all the missions that require you to kill X number of Y while surrounded by farmers attracted to quest zone spawn rates.

Some of the best performing builds I’ve still never seen on on youtube or tosbase and only know about them from dungeon runs and stalking clearly OP players.


Oh yeah, I know that build, I’ve seen that around somewhere here too…
Btw they get their own class costume too! Looks something like this:


Fedimian has (had) a very low population compared to Orsha or Klai.

Did RO have the same? If the answer is yes, then you have a decent point. But if the answer is no, then I don’t see why a lot of players would leave the game.

What it really comes down to moreso (the way I see things):

-Will players really feel their builds are ruined as easily as is being suggested in this thread? What is a ruined build?
-Would players rather quit the game then try a new build, or a new base class? Or even continue on their current character?

20 hours per week is still well beyond casual, even tho it is not hardcore. Putting that aside, however:

This game really isnt very casual friendly.

Such as? :stuck_out_tongue: