Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Why would you mention me taking it personal again? When i’ve proven you have to[quote=“Dream, post:267, topic:215759”]
The problem is you don’t bother reading other people’s post and just be entitled to your own opinion.

Why is personal opinion still part of your arguement against me? You’ve done it to.

Clearly you care so your emotions show, emotion is fine, we know your personal invested in this.

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I disagree.

While I’m sure the instant gratification crowd does, I don’t find it enjoyable and there is no sense of accomplishment in pressing one button to erase all of your mistakes. Flaws in a character make it yours, and the quest for the ‘perfect’ character is part of an MMO (in my opinion). The game is already easy, and already very small and you’re advocating for the removal and gutting of one of the game’s biggest draws.

Nobody should be able to press one button and have a perfect character. That is a terrible direction that games have taken in the last 5 years that needs to come to a screeching halt.


The issue of the bad class/skill descriptions is relevant. Why that should result in a forever-available class reset is something that people need to justify and prove won’t ruin the game completely. There is more reason to believe it will hurt a leveling-focused game than not hurt it (compared to a game with a relatively small level cap and less leveling/grinding inspired game design).
It’s a very big bandaid for a relatively small problem. It’s like performing brain surgery for a broken toe. It’s a slight but overboard and misdirected.

When it comes to the feeling of reward?
Simple, it’s been said a million times, but leveling as a really hardcore grinder class, then switching to a really hard to level class in order to gain all the benefits without the effort.

Doing that without thr reset option is rewarding. Doing it with the reset option (which everyone would do) would eliminate the feeling is satisfaction, the feeling of reward, and every single person would have one elminiating any uniqueness within the game.

As it stands, some people will level it the hard stuff and they are community supportive members. They made that class that allows people to do this or that, give or get that benefit/buff/whatever, they are pillars of the community in that respect. They did it, it makes them feel good or they get profit out of it or whatever.

If everyone can do it without effort, it becomes a meaningless endeavour. People with trader classes or whatever will not longer be relevant as they will roll alt accounts which have all the traders they need.
It just cheapens the entire feel of having a community or set of players who go “I know what this server/time is lacking, [class], i’ll roll one and i’ll make profit/help the community/my guild/whatever”, It will become something that isn’t valued as it’s no longer something important.

Ragnarok had a Merchant class as well.

And i’m not ignoring limitations (but there are people arguing on here for no limitations, and resets of entire class from max to rank 1 so they can completely retake all their class choices in whatever capacity, not just their last choice or whatnot).
These limitations have to be extremely legit though. If it’s a single reset 2 months after every account/character creation, that’s more than enough time to level a class, reset to and spam merchant type characters all over the place and thus my above statement.

It’d have to be a real right set of limtations, like once or so a year per account/team or similar where it would be far more time-savvy to just make a new character, instead of waiting a year to reset again. Either that or a very expensive TP cost so that people only did it if they were extremely sure they wanted it. I’m sure there have been numerous suggestions posted through here.

You are right I have not real every single post in the thread, i’ll admit I don’t think it worth the time as usually the last few posts are where the discussion is at in one of these threads.

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Tell me where I didn’t read your post. When you said you’re against class resets because of possible abuse, didn’t I say that’s why the class reset proposal comes with certain limitations to prevent this abuse you are so against of?

You didn’t prove anything against me. I gave you proper replies. It’s just you having and showing your own personal resentment against class reset.

Which is why I myself suggested that it should be just a single circle/rank reset that is available per cap. Per cap means if we get another cap increase after Lv280, this single circle/rank reset becomes available again.

I mentioned on the other thread, majority’s problem is usually just having 1 circle messed up their whole build. This single circle reset thing would definitely solve the issue and since it’s only available once per cap, it’s not abusable. Merchant classes also requires higher circle investments to be effective, having able to reset only one circle per cap prevents such abuse to merchant classes.

I’m sorry I think your just blinding yourself here in ego, I don’t want anymore of this flame baiting.

Your taking this too personally. If your going to use arguements you made before this post so will I. Just take my answers to anymore of your questions as my previous posts.

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I think you’re appropriating other peoples’ view to mine, or assuming that’s what everyone is asking for. To make it perfectly clear, I do not want a total class reset, I want a method to be implemented that allows me to redo circle decisions with severe limitations in order to prevent players from abusing it, but allowing players to remain attached to their main characters. If your Featherfoot decided one day he wanted to be a Warlock, would he never be able to leave his old ways and start new ones? Do those characters not exist in fantasy worlds? I agree with you, the game very easy for most of it, which, to me, is actually the barrier that holds me back from rolling lots of characters and wanting to start over characters at all once I’m far into them; there’s no way I want to spend even more time grinding trash mobs that die in one hit for hours just to achieve what I actually want to do and test that against the end game.

Personally I would prefer that players were able to reach end game faster, and then the end game progress was rather slow, akin to Path of Exile, because then this wouldn’t be a problem. But it goes against the design philosophy of Korean MMOs in general (grind!), so I think it’s more practical to ask for some sort of circle reset instead of a faster leveling experience. Something like being able to reset your latest circle a week or so into having it so you can actually flex the abilities out and see if it’s what you want, or if it works the way you thought it did.

In RO, when something didn’t work the way I wanted it to, my class was already prestructured to fill a role, so I might be behind some people by a few numbers, but my a couple points in a bad skill or too much of a base stat aren’t nearly as magnified as choosing the wrong skill set entirely, made even worse by the fact that I have to do that several times over without being able to see how abilities work unless someone else has already done it for me.

Take my suggestion and just stop. The fact is that I gave you a proper reply to your “abuse” thing and you just gave me this “unacceptable” reply which was obviously just your personal resentment on the class reset.

Clearly that would be a mistake and, if I happened to make such a mistake, I’d gauge the severity of it first. There are many variables to this type of situation.

Firstly, assuming the character was still salvageable and the rank 7 class was just under-powered or not as efficacious as other rank 7 choices, I’d push on and wait for the possible chance of that said class getting re-balanced in a future patch. If the character turns out to not be salvageable, I’d re-roll and be sure to do more research next time before hastily making my decision; if it turns out that there isn’t any information out there, I’d ask in the class forums to gain an assessment about others’ opinions before rashly making a choice.

Alternatively, if it turns out that my rank 7 choice is better than expected, that would have a much more positive impact than if I retracted my first poor choice via class reset and then chose the “right” one. This would be the reward side of the coin.

Additionally, I just want to add that nobody is wrong in this thread; there is just a difference of opinion. The needless insults being tossed around by others do nothing to help the situation (and I’m not talking about you @Pappus; you’ve shown tact).

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Exactly why people prefer OP builds in current meta or constantly ask for advice.

IMHO - The class reset scroll for tp would be bad idea
BUT they should make complete reset (of circles/skills/stats) when they are implementing some very big patch (like adding new rank).

Sure thing. If they downgrade our levels to match if we choose to use them

Yeah but I think that casuals simply don’t have the time to go for several rank 7 chars.

See there is nothing wrong with seeing it one way or another, but at the end of the day the game has to at least try and keep a larger audience. Things can spiral downhill very fast with lack of people.

3 weeks after release I already don’t find a lvl 115 group via autoqueue for an hour at 8-9pm. Yes I could technically shout etc, but there was a single person queued and yesterday already didn’t work out for the dungeon aswell.

No matter how much people want a game to be niche and special - a dead niche game doesn’t help anybody so even if we are personally against single circle resets all the arguments pointed out here do not warrant the loss of players over it. Most arguments are based on personal ego stroking and I would rather have a healthy game.


It definitely is a tricky situation. I suppose we’ll have to see how it goes once the game’s free release commences in early to mid May. If the population starts declining rapidly and the concerns of players start to mount to a certain point, I’m sure the issues will be addressed in a balanced manner.

While I am not to keen on the idea of cash shop resets, resets on class reworks is something I am super on board with. Also I do agree the skills need to actually describe what they do, in some instances they need to be changed entirely as a tooltip explaining every little exception would be way too long.

Some obvious examples would be things like:
-Burrow and all of it’s exceptions.
-Which buffs apply to your limit.
-SPIRITUAL CHAIN which at this point should have a “some restrictions may apply.” warning slapped onto it as it seems to work with less than half the buffs in the game which feel entirely random.
-I still don’t know exactly how capture works despite having looked into it for an upwards of 6 hours now. Maybe there is more information on it now but it had virtually nothing outside of the list of things it worked on when I looked into it before.

It isn’t that research can’t be done on classes but there are some things that players don’t actually know they need to research. Looking at spiritual chain in particular, the skill tool-tip is so simple, “Link your party members to share buffs effects with each other.”, you wouldn’t know that you would have to find a list of things it actually works with.

Probably the easiest solution would be making a test area, where we could test all skills on any kind of monsters before we invest any points in them - works great in many MMORPGs. Doesn’t solve the problems with new content and skill changes (like nerfs) though.

IMC should just make a new server where you can use class reset. Of course with the option to transfer your character from the normal server to the class reset server, but not vice versa.

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I was thinking of something along those lines as well. That wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Nah, I don’t need this casual stuff.


I have not done it yet, I’ve only discussed the feasibility of it. I would not currently need a circle reset whatsoever, so there goes your shitty argument, whoops.

Also if you care anything about facts you’d have any kind of reason that it’s a ■■■■ build, because I provided numerical evidence backed by stats where as all you’ve just provided is a narrow world view of what works and what doesn’t in this game because of popularity.

A lot of people think it would be just fine to have 1-2 per account. That’s exceptionally reasonable. It’s almost as if you’re strawman-ing at this point.