Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

This is still abusable for people who make more than one account.

At this point, the whole point of class resets is just an abuse, b/c people who messed up are most likely just going to go to something more viable in their opinion or just go to the meta.

A game like this where classes vary pretty harshly would seem nice, but then everyone would be the same thing or switch to classes like healers or merchants after lvling up a dps. I dont like that fact either.

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FFXIV has an extremely huge playerbase and is now quite successful yet they use the all class system where players can change to any class they want.

PSO2 JP also has an extremely huge playerbase and itā€™s been running for so many years, itā€™s a really old game yet players are still addicted to it. It even has much more success now than before.

You need to notice that youā€™re just pulling data out of nowhere. Your statements are just personal opinions rather than being actual facts.

Yet the game is dying so fast on korea that itā€™s not even part of the Top 100 games there anymore. If the number of players ranting about class resets is just very small, that means the game is doing fine but no, there are multiple threads like these and even reaches several hundreds of replies. Something is definitely wrong.

Oh my god. I donā€™t see the OP ranting over his stats nor ranting over his skill point allocation. He was ranting about how the skill description misled him and a considerable amount of players as well which also includes me. Youā€™re missing the point.

Youā€™re implying that stat and skill resets are so much spoonfeeding already yet the point of the thread is about how the skill descriptions are so vague and misleading that players are messing up their builds.

Which is why those who are suggesting class resets are intelligently adding limitations to prevent abuse. The problem is you donā€™t bother reading other peopleā€™s post and just be entitled to your own opinion.

The reason I keep talking about resets is thatā€™s the ONLY alternative anyone is really presenting here and talking about.

ā€œOffer Job Reset Pleaseā€ is also the title of the thread. The discussion logically leads on from that.

If they offer a single reset for people 2 months in, I donā€™t really care, if the game only had enough life in it to last a few months of leveling then it was destined to die.
If they implement a constant available class reset then they are dooming their game to a few months of life. Thatā€™s all iā€™m saying.

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No, Iā€™ve read them, limitations or not, its unacceptable. You seem smart though, what makes you think you can decide what Iā€™ve read? Only I know because I know myself, you donā€™t.


Nope. This prove you arenā€™t really following this thread. There were already suggestions on what limitations it would come with, they even linked the other class reset thread here which also got hundreds of replies.

Thatā€™s just you. Some actually read the replies and continueā€™d from there on.

Yet there are games where they allow players to change class anytime but is still growing larger by the day. Look at Warframe, itā€™s still part of the Top 10 most played on Steam and YET, it has players who arenā€™t even playing on steam platform, thatā€™s how huge itā€™s playerbase is. And yes, Warframe allows changing to any frames anytime to suit your needs.

Like I mentioned, this quoted statement from you is just your personal opinion, not an actual fact.

Anyways, Iā€™m not saying there should be an infinite circle reset thing. My suggestion on the other thread was even just a single circle reset thing that comes by every level cap or cap increase.

Clearly, you donā€™t even have a good counter-argument and just pushing your personal feelings into this.

I said that because I dont need to repeat myself, just like you read every post Iā€™m assuming you read all of mine.

Also your pushing your personal feelings[quote=ā€œDream, post:267, topic:215759ā€]
The problem is you donā€™t bother reading other peopleā€™s post and just be entitled to your own opinion.


I like how you make such bold statements. Not that I agree with it though.

And youā€™re confident that those types of games are identical to ToS in this respect? There is a big difference between providing a complete character reset in WoW and a complete character reset in Ragnarok online.

You seem like a smart person, you can figure out what I mean by that.

Which sense of reward are you talking about feeling when it turns out you clicked on rank 7 and it doesnā€™t work as you thought it would? Explain that to me in great detail

@Haibara can join you in that effort.

I am dead set against a reset of any kind. Part of the charm of this game, in my opinion, is the huge variety of class/circle combinations allowing people to be unique and different from the norm.

Implementing a class reset will put the perfect build into the hands of any player at any time with the click of a button, and will soon lead to ā€œyou must be only this ONE cookie cutter build, or GTFO of my party.ā€

The time investment isnā€™t so astronomical as to warrant a reset anyway. Tree of Savior is a very fun, but very small game, with very limited features (limited PvP, limited gameplay options that basically ensure every character will quest to 150ish, quest/grind to 230ish and grind thereafter to max level with little or no deviation).

The fun and challenge of trying and leveling new builds to see if you can discover something powerful and out of the box is the biggest draw this game has to offer, and I see that it appears a majority of you want to take that away and have one button turn everyone into a cookie cutter. Case in point, I asked around on opinions of Fletcher 3 vs. Cannoneer for my rank 7 circle. Almost unanimously people said Fletcher 3 is WAY better, so for the hell of it, I decided to pick Cannoneer and make it work, and you know what? I love it. I love the burst damage, and the mix of solid single target with great sustained/burst AOE, and I am glad that I went outside of the box.

Resets would be suicide for the game. Although I am sure IMC will cave and turn this game into another WoW clone with instant min-max characters to appease the instant gratification crowd, I urge you to reconsider and allow there to be a game left out there in the MMO world that actually rewards different playstyles and lets those who do the research and testing to create solid character builds benefit from their time, without giving every Tom, ā– ā– ā– ā–  and Harry a one button EZ mode at any level.


Think its just impossible for them to do code wise

Your post has the weakest counter arguments and reeks of personal resentment towards class reset. I donā€™t even need the class reset to begin with since I decided that I will just wait for the day that they revert their ninja nerfs to Rogue or buff it another way around.

Iā€™m just simply trying to be reasonable here because players are getting bashed or insulted because they want a class reset for their messed up builds which was IMCā€™s fault in the first place due to their misleading toolTIPS.

Like I mentioned. ToS is different because of some classes especially the merchant ones. So this circle reset thing needs to have some kind of limitations to prevent abuse. Again, please do not ignore the limitations. You keep talking as if I want something that gives a full class respec anytime.

Actually, I think most people are asking for partial circle resets, either through windows of time offered by the server or with team limits or with TP. And I think thatā€™s completely practical considering the investment time required to get a character up to 200. Iā€™m pretty sure nobody is asking to completely reroll their character, just repick circles as you can already reset stats (founder pack 3) and skills (TP). I donā€™t see a difference here so long as it is not made to be reusable at convenience.

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Abuse is a weak counter arguement? So you support bots to? I heard there was a vacuum hack to you want that llegal in tos?[quote=ā€œShyBoo, post:265, topic:215759ā€]
At this point, the whole point of class resets is just an abuse, b/c people who messed up are most likely just going to go to something more viable in their opinion or just go to the meta.

I wonā€™t bash you because you have your hands full with everyone else, but i honestly think you didnā€™t even read my post at all.

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You would encourage people to make more unique builds if you allowed them the opportunity to backpedal over certain poor decisions along the way. It doesnā€™t matter if some people would use it to streamline themselves if thatā€™s how they enjoy the game, itā€™s about offering players practical and reasonable outs to decisions they didnā€™t fully understand. Think of it as liquidating assets of a failing company; cutting your losses and moving forward is not a violation of this gameā€™s spirit.

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I read it. Thatā€™s why I said there needs to be certain limitations on the class reset thing to prevent abuse. Yet hereā€™s what you said,

See this? Youā€™re clearly taking this personally instead of having a proper discussion.

Reward in terms of saddistic satisfaction, when you find out that mr.stranger didnā€™t do enough research and wanted to try something on his own which ended up pretty bad.
The stranger who went straight up OP build in the currwnt meta and got his class nerfed. Haha that stranger scrub, serves him right.

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I prefer games are not designed solely with the interest of appealing to sadistic people.