Tree of Savior Forum

Nothing can beat the nostalgia of Ragnarok Online

Another naphthalene gathering of people who just can’t move on. Yes, RO was great, but it’s gone. Deal with it already.

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For one thing, it didn’t have a fatal server crash bugs in it’s first year release in SEA countries, it only had that back in it’s initial 2 years in Korea.

C*cking G-Fist with well timed/proc’ed Auto-Guard/Parrying/LexDivina… yeah those were the good times. :joy:

No Korean game can have a decent pvp world tournament like RWC and GCWC anymore…:cry:

What memories I first knight full int xd

If the bots never change anything

No, it was just the client crashing/lagging because it couldn’t handle whatever was going on in busy content, like WoE.

Official RO Servers are always full of bots:

It is very true that bots are already part of the environment in games like this
Those who play or played ro and ro2 know that for the new they must be a nightmare.

nonsense. EDP doesnt apply an elemental enchant on your weapon

nonsense. Valk shield is the standart gear since ep 11.2(?) and gives you 20% fire res. You want earth, wind or holy in pvp.

Mostly nonsense. Only 1 vit char can die via TU/Res but high vit chars shouldnt die to TU even with lex A

The first GTB card that ever dropped on EuRo was 2 years after launch.

agreed. but officially ToS doesnt even have a relation to RO

Thats how … modern mmos work. at least some

If you are 12 and need a little pocket money you are welcome for warp services. but since roundabout half a year after launch farming rare materials and monopolizing MvPs ensured an income 10000x higher then warp service for same time.

RO is the game with the easiest access to bots, tools and other automated stuff that I know after playing mmos for 13 years.

The class is called “Acolyte”

PvP in RO is almost as retarded as PvP in ToS since rebirth came out. 150 dex asura with autopot is something that you barely can beat if the champ is good and has a good ping.

not a single mention about bg…

…and most of them completely scked. SinX was completely useless in WoE unless you are one of these retards that rather break the emp instead of playing GvGs at a competitive level. Actually Ro became the game with the most dense team spirit Ive seen in my whole life.
Lord Knight was even more worse in woe.

Many skills had no use as their mechanic was super useless or too weak.

all hail ad crea (or spp, if ppl didnt find you are good in this game), that 1 button “diversity” is real

ToS already has way more skill diversity as Ro. In Ro is that okay but in ToS its not enough? …

Did you ever play Ro for real? lol


I miss the ragnarok stats and skills system. Like passive skills and prerequisites, calculate damage with specific formulas aspd and autoattack mainly and as stats represented most of the character’s strengths.

Tree of savior seems like a simulator of skills spam rotating cds and other things, I know it just does not equal the feeling. Especially by leveling being by quest what I hate.

In general I still like tree of savior, but from the first moment I saw it before I even played, I already knew it would be ridiculously difficult to balance. So many classes and so many levels and stats without cap and finally without consistent formulas only flat numbers.

Ragnarok is really crap these days, the main reason for me is the limitation of xp and drop when distance of the level of the mobs. Even before the renovation was amazing, it was not perfect, but good enough. Tos today is not in this range of good enough …

So we need to fight to make it better by giving the best of our suggestions and complaints. Waiting for the best and getting ready for the worst.

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Requiring 100 active players on average onscreen before crashing is respectable on its own specially considering pc specs and internet quality back then.
ToS does’t even need more than 5 player to trigger a client crash, you just need 2-3 specific skills or one forgotten admin commands left in the client itself.

ToS basically adapted a good chunk of RO design ideas into a Diablo like gameplay, together with old RO’s issues and ToS’s own.

Well… the 2-2 classes were meant to be more focused for PvP scenarios.
And a SinX breaking Emp is still strategy whereever you look at it, it’s the defending guild’s fault for letting that meat covered in rags get past defenders and break Emp.

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sorry about that i havent much played patch of rebirth class i think that time where i quitted the game thats why there is lot of misinformation on my posts or mix things up

my main point is the gameplay mechanic is diverse in RO for an old mmo

I just enjoyed the old days of RO
where only 2-2 class exist ( paladins , rogue , alchemist , monk )
i felt everything was balance that time

warp service isnt bad in early patches of RO
you quickly deal 10 person member and recieve 10k zenny and warp them

my main business is sitting in prontera and reselling stuff ( like buying low price recipe for refinement and resell it )

another method is selling 6 to 7 or the gambling method +9 - +10 the resell
sadly im unlucky person when it comes to refining higher equipment so mostly i just refine + 7

trading has no restriction in RO which i wish TOS has so i can do the same thing ( buying lowprice recipe then resell it )

but everything is modern now so i dont it will work because of global market , all maps portal are scattered around the map

about the skill i think you misunderstood me
what i want in last rank of C3 in TOS is more rewarding or has path branch of skill build or special skill

for example PYRO 3 has only 1 skill which is flamethrower i want more X Y Z skill or even mastery so i can choose what type of pyromancer i am
why not add more skill sets

oh well, nothing can beat the nostalgia of playing ro…
while it has its good moment, its also has its bad moment
what i like most when playing ro ofc woe
and sometimes going pvp when im bored
the tension when u feel when u are going to war with other guild
and this beautiful bgm make me more pump playing woe xD

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Here we go with another nostalgia thread. RO was amazing back in the day, now it’s dead. ToS was never amazing back in the day, now it’s dead. What is the difference?


Hmm agree with OP that no other game can beat the nostalgia of RO, since other games aren’t RO at all, including ToS.

The similarities I find between ToS and RO is only limited to

  • Top down, near isometric gameplay
  • Share same producer

That’s all to it. Both are fundamental different IPs, have different style, gameplay and takes. RO takes a special place in my heart too, but do realise that ToS and RO are fundamentally different. It will be kind of a disservice to both if they are lumped together and compared.


You guys never played with 3rd classes in RO. Dragon Breathe kill everything, done.

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I’m so with you there… I really enjoyed these stories and the Hauberk one gave me the feels.

Other things are pretty much “disable this basic trap, kill this basic thing, get the revelation, save the crying useless goddess and when you’re done, go onto the next one”.

There’s a few sideline quests that are interesting though, but nothing that come closes to the single thing Ro could give you.

Like, even the job change classes, I remember my first character (swordman), it took me so much time…

Then thief, go through all these aggressive monsters to find the specific guys, then assassin, do the same to reach the assassin guild, I don’t even know how I did it alone…

I also like the animated emoticons of the game :joy:

Nothing beats tos’s fps


Well said! :smiling_imp:


whooo the FCKS warping to PAYOOON?!