Tree of Savior Forum

Normal Attack Variety!

With the game so reliant on normal attacks, we’re essentially playing a hack-n-slash without the basic components that make such a game entertaining. Combos, variety, fancy animations.
Monotony is one of the big problems with grinding.

Give our normal attacks more variety! (or just some fancy animations)
Here’s some ways it could be done. (these are just examples, balancing needed)

Alternative/Heavy attack!
Swordsman - Slow, wider/larger swing/thrust, cannot be done in the air or while moving.
Archer - Can nock a second arrow with the alt and then use the normal attack to fire two arrows! (or more?)
Magician - Can use their staffs to release a short-range magic wave to do damage. (GW2’s Guard Staff 1)
Cleric - Can use their secondary weapon/shield to push small enemies back. (useful for buying time to cast?)

Combo system
Dynasty Warriors concept - Cycling between light and heavy attacks to trigger preset combo attacks.
Fighter concept - Directional button combos (i.e. flicking back-to-front, double-tapping, etc)

Special Attacks
Basically a ‘finisher’ move that you can use after charging it up.
It’d be a lot more fun if finisher attacks are based on class.
(not entirely sure if this makes any sense in a game like this)

Do something about our attacks in the game so they are instantaneous. I:
Lag affecting control responsiveness is an issue, even with low ping.
This might not seem like part of this suggestion, but it is very much necessary for improving the combat.
Solid controls are a big deal in action games.
(I am aware that IMC seems to prefer setting up local servers as a solution to this…)


You are not making the game more deep if you make it more complex.

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Okay. (What does that have to do with anything I mentioned here?)

Your statement isn’t always true, but I’ll agree in this case it’s just for entertainment.
The semi-pointless combos really only mean to make one thing less repetitive.
Little more than buttons to give different animations.

Still fun enough that a shitty port of one genre of games always gets good ratings by a large fanbase.
(though their version does involve some amount of combo depth…)

Indeed, many players were complaining about the reliance in basic attacks…
we need variety to make tos grinding more interesting
and I hope they put many skill combos as well (ice wall+psychic pressure)

I completely agree with this, I’ll copy paste my reply from that other topic ‘What did you not like in ToS’

Jump attack spam festival is BAD, not meant in a good way :wink:

Also there can be different combos, like 111 (same button x3) ends sequence with a multiple hits attack, 112 ends with a cleaving attack, 121 ends in a quick move that repositions character, 12 and hold 1 pressed ends in a heavy attack, 122 a slower attack with bonus critical chance. I could go on all day :stuck_out_tongue:

Opens up many combinations for different small combos inside each class, they can also explore damage types and many kinds of effects/area/statuses whatever else to complement basic attack mechanics, if basic attacks are gonna be used a lot.


I like the musou combo system / finish move ideas.
I’m not sure that can suit well now, because of the problems with the hit boxes, it can be very frustating. :frowning:

I wonder if that can be easily implemented too, thinking about the ergonomy of the different controls (full keyboard, gamepad, mouse).

A combo strike like in seal online seems legit

I agree, more normal attacks animations could be cool. And also simple combos with your keyboard/gamepad arrows (on mouse could be clicking or just moving it in a way).

Nice idea smile_cat It would be boring if we always see the same procedure attack. Can i add some good idea? How about holding attack “z” for charge attack?

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please google Lost Ark game if u want all these~ (im also hype for the game but it can wait since no news atm, only know it was shown there)

EDIT: ya, they could make the auto attack cooler or something but meh, im good with anything atm~ just dont change the damn skill system XD

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I don’t care much for a variety of animations for the same attack.

Adding different kinds of AAs or ways to combo sound good but it raises the question, how?

Some of the suggestions concerning Heavy Attacks sound weird to me.
I wouldn’t even bother with the swordsman heavy attack if it can’t be done while bunny hopping, as bunny hopping is your bread and butter as swordsman to avoid damage from mobs and bosses. Only if they removed the bunny hopping or if the heavy attack was considerably more effective than a normal one (bringing it on par with a skill, dunno if that’s clever), it would work.

The cleric secondary attack would be something I would welcome, but it doesn’t sound like a heavy attack to me then, more like a general secondary weapon attack for shields.

A combo system would be cool as well, and while I’m a fan of the Warriors series, I don’t think it’s a good combo system for a MMO with PvP. The pre-set combo sets make for predictability similar to a lot of Beat 'em up games and leaves the game unbalanced. If you haven’t gotten around to playing Duel Modes in a Warrior game with a buddy before, Dynasty Warriors Online showed this imbalance quite well too.

The corsair has a “combo” system in name but it’s actually just killing mobs in order to increase the count. I could see a class similar to the Combo Monk being released at some point in the game.
But a working combo system for every class is hard to imagine. It’s by no means hard to request of each class to input a button combination in order to output more damage or similar (Dance Dance Revolution style), but I imagine it hard to combine with the movement processes going on, like move-n-shoot(archer), jump-attacks(swordy/mage).

I could see special attacks go well with the game as it is right now if the special attacks were not class-based but weapon/equip-based. With some dropped gear randomly gaining special effects that you could then trigger with your special attack button or by enchanting your gear with special effects. I’m not particularly fond of finisher moves being readily available to anyone anytime in form of a special attack, as such mechanics always lead to semi-tank/off-tank metas where the players who lose their health in % the fastest are the losers, usually making both squishies and/or tanks obsolete.

And yes, the lag was real.

I’m also hyped for LAO but theres nothing in the trailers that points the characters are using basic attacks instead of skills. Besides the game only has polished graphics so far, its mechanics and itemization and all else may just as well be horrible. (Take Black Desert for example, AFAIK its all about graphics)

I would be jumping in hapiness if a game could mix basic attacks with combos and skills to dish out some epic gameplay. Unfortunately every new game and developer out there seems bent on delivering the next in lame, poor characterization coupled with carbon copy classes in general… probably due to this “happy with anything they get” kind of approach that some players have :blush:

I’d love to see Alchemist’s Item Awakening unlocking these special attacks for weapons :purple_heart:

I’d rather not have ToS turn into a terrible mmo like Elsword.

Elsword is actually a pretty good game, where the controls and combat are counted.
If this is enough to make ToS bad, then lo behold, ToS is already a really bad game because you basically implied that without the combat mechanics it has now, ToS essentially a ‘terrible mmo’.

Thanks for the share of opinion, but if you leave it vague… I’ll just make up the rest of your opinion. I:

I clarified, balancing is needed. These are just examples.

Heavy attacks
They need to possess an equal, or barely superior amount of utility/efficiency to the normal attacks to be at least sensible to use. I called them ‘heavy’ attacks, but that’s just a name. It’s definitely more like an alternate attack that serves to reduce the monotony of the game as it is now.

Combo system
Only if you presume the combo system to be able to stunlock enemies or are non-cancel.
I imagine if you leave it up to the experienced players, we won’t rely on the combo system but only use the most efficient tools for PvP combat. (i.e. in almost all fighters, you don’t combo until you confirm)
A combo system can be made to simply be for animation, rather than effect.
Yeah, that sort of means that it’s not going to help in PvP, given the risks of being easily read.

Special attacks
Yeah, problems. Easily remedied issues, for the most part.
The only thing I don’t get is why this would add anything.
It’s really just another skill with a long cooldown.
Just leaving it out there if anyone thought of something interesting.

Elsword isn’t actually a good game at all, it’s like if dance revolution had combat, it’s sad and degrading.

What you’re suggesting would turn ToS into something really bad, your suggestions would need to be thought out a lot more than this.

Well, just to add to the discussion, how about a combo system that rewards you by filling up your SP for doing combos successfully? It shouldn’t regenerate more than a potion would, but it’d at least give you an incentive to perform some combos.



It would need to be thought out more than this, sure.
I’m fairly certain I mentioned that.

Thanks for your time.


An interesting proposal.

I really like the idea of a combo system. It just makes sense with combat already repetitive as it is.

I think the concept of being rewarded for pulling off combos is really interesting too, like the SP thing mentioned.

I have no problem with the normal attack swings what I hate is the “bak” “pak” “blak” sound… It must differ depends on the softness of the monster.
Add: please make the walking stance of swordsman like this