Tree of Savior Forum

No To Any IP Block

Unfortunately they have to IP block areas that have licensed the game to a different publisher.

The EU + NA / Russia / Asia are usually given different servers because of language barriers amongst other reasons. I know for a fact I could easily pick up enough of the language to play a MMO with a different germanic language, but i’d be utterly lost trying to read Cyrillic or one of the forms of Chinese since they are completely alien in grammar and alphabet. Plus, because of distances geographically, you usually get very slow connections between these areas.


It never occurred to me back in the day with RO, but an MMO can be a really useful tool in practicing other languages. I hope they at least include all of the Americas so I can practice Spanish.

I vote for no IP block for Indonesia!


this is actually a delicious problem, the customers (us) are not asked how the producer (imcgames) is selling their product, so we have to accept their decision as we can of course make peitition or not play it, but in the end they already formed with some publishers a contract and i guess they are formed as a time contract with penalties if you stop the contract before.

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I would love to learn to read russian from playing ToS =3


Just use VPN if you want to play with english speakers.
You’re likely going to need it anyway just to keep your ping in the playable range.

And then you meet Brazilians. IP block them.

We wants steam global server!
Say no to IP BLOCK!

we all know that ip blocking will be impossed regardless of what teh users want

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I have the feeling you didnt really read my post, just thought I am for IP block or something. I just explained that it is a difficult problem. specially when publisher (, publisher sell their game and developer have nothing more to do than bringing more content) bring IP block as requirement.

I feel like this thread is a good example how a shoutbox would have been

dont ip block! :grin:

While I do agree, sometimes national servers just make for a better experience when combat is more “actiony”

Its a bussines, of course they’re going to block those countries that have their own ToS version, anyway why do ppl that cant even speak english want to play the international version…

Please be a little more considerate.
They can speak English.
They are asking to play on the International version because they can speak English.
You’re actually replying to some of them who are actually speaking English right now…

Whatever other reasons they have, it’s unbecoming to imply that non-English speakers shouldn’t want to play on the International server.


if you have your own server and publisher then you have no scuse

I hope to play this game with many of my other friends located in other countries as well.

indeed :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It’s kinda ridiculous to think that in the 21st century people still don’t have the freedom to choose were they want to play (without using vpn or other methods).

@Slayergm dude, it’s not ToS USA version, it’s ToS INTERNATIONAL version. If they want to play, they can!

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Whatever country that already has a ToS version will get blocked, why? because its a bussines, and for example the guys from Indonesia or w/e have the rights of the game in that region, so thats enough reason for IToS to block them.
Its all about the $$$. :blush:

Ya, international is better.
Don’t lose your hope, though confirmed that Indonesia will blocked when ToS local server released.