Tree of Savior Forum

No Silver No BOTS?

Few people can understand how gold sellers affect the game’s economy, but you gave a class here today. What you described here had to be put on a frame and sent to the developers of I m C, so they would think a little and develop something to do away with those damn sellers. Congratulations. I fully agree.

@Lostac brings up a very good point.

There are -bots- in Sauce9 farming for primus drops.

@SoftYoumu Why are the players complaining about farming for silver to buy those primus drops, and not giving it a go at farming for them?

Masinos recipes drops are not limited to old players. Newer players can also get them.

You don’t need a +16 weapon to do the raid.

Heck, you can already catch up pretty damned quickly using the silver you get from levelling to 300.
Brand new character to level 300 gets you around 2-3m silver if you clear your daily dungeons.

Once you hit 300, you can easily farm for 270/315 gear and give em a go at hammering to +11. That is more than enough for all open-world (HG included) stuff.

Do that, then farm in Sauce9 for primus gear while levelling to 350. Then use 350 gear. Then do the raid yourself.

Is the above so damned hard? That was exactly what I did when I came back to ToS around a month and a half ago. The only advantage I had was the newbie/returnee package.

It has everything to do with this portion of your post.

I am also rather irritated that -every single time- some muppet (see early few posts) complains about BUYING Masi weapons, it comes along with blaming bots for -OH THE HORROR- PRICES, and asking IMC to implement hard caps on market prices (Hint. It dosen’t work.).

Just like the other thread a while back asking for hard-caps on token prices. Lmao.

Edit: You can actually catch up to older players in TOS fairly easily, given that the gear is mainly centered around HG drops now… The only thing I can think of that’s a little gear locked right now would be the Unique Raid. And you can do that one with +11s.

That’s actually not true, haven’t seen a complaint like that at all on the forums. You can stop your exaggerations just to give your argument any type of credibility.

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It is extremely relevant.
The BOTS are nowhere as much as these threads say.
And the main argument most of you guys are using is economy.

Not only the inflation is almost nonexistant on this game, you are not even required to trade with any other player to get the strongest gear in the game. It is pretty obvious that all this steams more from envy than anything.


Now, i’m not calling you blind, but…

Edit: Oh oh oh there is this one too!

You really need to see your optometrist.

Oh oh, don’t forget this hilarious thread.

Please force your players to sell cheap tokens! Charity charity11!!

Tbh this stuff makes me mad too.
People in this game expect to be able to “compete” into an economy by pure silver gains. Christ, if the prices of weapons rise just sell damn weapons instead of farming silver.

In a closed system where money can only increase every second that passes you CANNOT expect economy to not inflate. Fun fact? Italian economy inflated more than tree of savior did in the same amount of time in the 90’s. By the end of the 90’s a good pc costed the equivalent of nowadays 10000 euros. You are welcome.
I would add that we had no bots.

on your fedimian server yes, go visit silute and telsiai before you actually speak.

Fedimian isn’t as profitable as on these servers.

I have legit proof that I can easily spot 100 bots without making an effort. 200 or more if I did in an hour.

See panto horn and kitchen knife.

If you think that’s the end of it, it’s actually much worse. This is just a dumb seller that made it too obvious compared to those selling crystal mine ores at a lower price for it to not be visible with 1 click.

No need to be envy either, I have 200m on my team storage and 800TP left back from CBT package. I can easily legit RMT p2w my way up but that’s not the point and I’m not doing it.

Point is, bots are disgusting and needs to be removed. More so they cause more inflation than what we’re already having. I explained why above.

The fact that you’re doing nothing yet still getting silver is what makes it worse. Not one bot, but two hundred.


With regards to this bot matter, I 100% agree with you.

Look. I am not disagreeing with getting rid of bots.

I am just tired of people using bots as AN EXCUSE to ask for limits on player trading.

On the other hand, you must understand that prices -will- go up over time. Not as much if there were no bots, but the prices of things -will- go up regardless.

You cannot expect the prices of stuff (as you said) like tokens to remain at 500k.

Especially when it is to IMC’s advantage for tokens (and other cash items) to have a more favorable exchange rate as compared to buying directly from the bots. (IMC actually getting the money, instead of a 3rd party).

Being able to legally RMT is also a method of fighting against the botters. People -will- RMT, and it is better for the company to be the one receiving the money, than the 3rd party sellers.

PS. Don’t forget, there are players who want to cash out of the game, especially those from third world countries. These players will contribute to RMT regardless of what you do.

There is no need to discuss further with the Veldt user. Only he is defending his point of view while most have already understood the impact of gold sellers on the server economy. Let him stay there and say whatever he wants. Maybe he should be a big customer of these gold sellers and maybe even be one of them. For this reason is trying to show that golden sellers do not affect the game at all. Continuing to answer this guy is a waste of time.


I’ll tell you right now.
I legally sell TP items on the ingame market.
I am one of these ‘WHALES’ that supply you sheep with all your costumes and stuff.

I am definitely against the 3rd party bot farmers and gold sellers. Why? Not because they have an impact on the ingame economy, but because they’re causing my cash value to drop.

BUT. I do not like it when people confuse their own laziness with inflation.

I’d love it even more if the prices of masinos stuff drops. I wonder why?

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besides what everyone has already said.
i hate bots because they ■■■■ up leveling routes
leveling happens to be the funnest part of this game

rip game.

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They don’t? most maps in the same range give same exp now.

The gold sellers are not affecting the game as much as you think, just that. They DO affect TBL, they inflate the market, just not AS MUCH as you might think.
If someone with token buys 400m, 40m are destroyed in taxes, if then he spends those 360m, 36 of them are destroyed in taxes, then those 360 become 326, and so on. And this ONLY if everyone has token.
Don’t know if you get this, but TOS taxes are higher than most IRL places.

And btw, when token costed 2m you could make 1-2m/h of pure silver gains in tymeris temple or 3-4m/h of market gains from material drops. Same on release, when it costed 500k, you could farm 1 token each 2 hours. For a fact i bought 1 year of tokens only in my first week of playing, and like 20 of them this december.

spawn rates


Well, hopefully the new implementations help soon.


why do they keep shut over here in the forums???

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Thank you for sharing it. I hope this comes soon.

Because its always not their fault that they can’t afford or even make a decent team composition for farming.

Its because there’s always a big bogeyman oppressing them. In this case, bots. In other posts on this forum, its the greedy whales (because everyone should sell to them at a discount, right).

They refuse to hold any sort of conversation regarding actually farming for items, and not just plain silver.
(I wonder why? :smiley:)

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