Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

I’m barely anymore powerful after the patch.

What did +30% STR scaling add? Like 5% damage?

Still atrocious.

It seems that they’re nerfing Guardian skill, it will substantially reduce the user damage and increase def. I heard that this change came to kToS and most of the players are rerolling. Thats just a rumor though…

-14% ATK at lv 1
-28% ATK at lv5
-45% ATK at lv 10
-63% ATK at lv 15…

I looked for it and it seems kind of legit:

It’s not a rumor. They just didn’t mention if numbers will remain the same. But they won’t be flat anymore.

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Yeah you no Pelt = You Dont Want to Tank BUT OTHER CLASS NEED TANK. WHY U DONT SOLO? YOU ARE DPS TANK, Kirito Swordie

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Hahahahaha so saltyy😂

PJSalt :grin:

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Lol pelt guardian nerf solidified pelt tank status… Now ppl dont want pelt but parties still do.

Makes me so glad I grabbed guadian fo the evasion buff rather than damage. Barb c3 with frenzy/Wc attribs + fencer = no real damage loss

problem is guardian is getting nerfed so it has atk penalty now. i think -14% atk at lv1 guardian.

I know, that’s what I’m saying, Frenzy 10 stack + attribute + warcry + attributes + fencer aoe/multihit offsets the % 14 loss.

omg i dont have barb c3 , i think i should get gungho instead… but i still have free 25% of max hp from swash buckling tho XD

but you are aware that 14% reduce the total damage (even with buffs)?

it’s not like it will reduce the basic damage values and then you use all buffs and “hooray I got back my damage back”

you will deal ■■■■ ton less damage when this change comes to iToS than you are doing now if you want to benefit from the evasion bonus that guardian offers or if you want to tank bosses in missions or mobs in parties. Buffs won’t help you get back the damage since they will be also “cripples” by guardian change

not to mention that you can even forget about guardian in PvP now. Evasion was helping with those pesky full STR swords/archers but now it will be pointless to use it. After all you are suppose to BURST enemy in PvP and with 14% less damage then good luck with that

I figured the -14% attack even as an overall % lower is still going to be offset somewhat by frenzy stacks and warcry. Not saying it’s a great fix or anything, but that there’s some good that comes out of this hard hit.

Pelt does not even stand in opposition to good solo play or dmg.
Before I played a Peltasta-Squire, a major annoying thing with my full support priest was that I had to walk towards every enemy to hit them. With Pelt, you just call for the mobs to mow them down. Easy questing/grinding cause you dont have to walk so much.
So really, Pelt1 does not gimp any build.

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I have that same build, and I love it! I would prefer having better damage buffs over being a peltasta. People are just stupid.

pelt snobbery can gtfo

triggered non peltasta elitist triggered. Sorry because what we think of swordsmans is an extra slot for experience bonus. We want a more useful swordsman rather than a non peltasta “dps emphasized” build that runs around while the party killed the mobs. In other words swordsman are not useful and dead weight already. Dont worry you can still get parties just shout or be the party leader.

We prefer one useful swordsman in a party, the fastest leveling experience than a dead weight. Dont cry if 90% of the community thinks of that.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Get used to having no pelt once the guardian nerf patch gets applied, you’ll see less of them playing.

This is coming from a swordsman player with 3 out of 4 of my swordsman classes have at least one rank in peltasta. Those builds revolved around both guardian and swash, I’m greatly affected by it.


Coming from the master fencer, i think i know now why those people in ktos deleted they’re characters after knowing the said patch…