Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

I read all your comment, i agree and disagree with some of your comments but how about making provoke attribute available to level 100? and each level raise provocation to 100%? so we swordman lover can actualy “tank”?

The final number would be:
100% x 100 = 10.000% provocation

  • based on “realistic” matters, you will punch people nearest to you when you got bullied/mobbed by bad guys.
  • it will not raise any damage output, am i right on this right?
  • it is okay if the cost for the attribute is doubled, so more partying in dina bee farm = more money to enchant the attribute.

people said that iToS is more close minded than kToS, but guess what? inaToS people are the worst, they bully people without peltasta in world chat.

we need this immediately, i need this immediately, as i am afraid i will lost spirit in my build: S2>H1>C3>D1, still in C2 and dissed a lot by people.

So in summary, Swordsman c1 needs its own form of Swashbuckle?

No, the whole swordsman tree needs a revamp and a relocation of alot of skills.

All the buffs the swordman have are ■■■■ with the exception of Pirate Flag and DoV there rest are ■■■■.

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everyone’s hyped about the rank 8 classes when they can’t even get their characters to 280 because no parties take in dps swords unless you have pel1 or sometimes corsair in you’re ranks :expressionless:

Soloing is easy and possible if you’re doing things right though…

Just get pardoner buffs and go out.
This applies to doppel and fencer from my experience.

yeah… if only my bunshins aren’t so buggy they can’t keep up with my speed lol, im talking about the need to delay my skill for 1-2 secs for them not to get bugged and copy them skills properly…

anyways my shinobi’s living the kirito life atm… so much repeatables we got im getting bored collecting these herbs… i feel sleepy…

oh btw idk if its just me or TOS got some network optimization… hmm i feel like im auto attacking a bit faster than before …

I’m wrecking a handful of Elementalists with the Cleave buff on my Dopel, depends on attributes though given I still haven’t dropped a dime.
The only problem is I can’t hit as many targets and even with the aoe ratio, the hitboxes still don’t favor us. If I forget to use Cleaves debuff efficiently for every Cyclone, Seism and at least Half of Pouncing, then my damage output will drop notably. With the cleave debuff, and DoV’s ASPD buff, it can be more efficient to just AA once everything is on cooldown, which also works well with Frenzy. Cleaves debuff is also fairly short so there’s a lot of uncleaved slash damage going in.

Im better against Fliers though so in mixed content where you have Land and flying enemies but not a huge amount of targets to hit, I’d overtake them consistently. Oh well.
If I had to tank, not only would my damage drop (which can be a fair consideration) significantly to dodge key attacks I otherwise wouldn’t have to deal with, surviving high amounts of pressure in a fairly glassy set-up is anything but Ideal.

Peltasta’s taunt should be nerfed. The end of story

along with that, they should also remove the party bonus for having four different classes in the party so there’s no need to waste a party slot for swordsmen


Well as a lvl 207 PeltC3/RodC2 I can tell you there is a reason why “tanks” are wanted, the grind is hell and no one in their right mind wants to level one.

In this game if you roll a Swordie and fail to get PeltC1 your asking to be shunned, sad but that’s that state of this game. Until something is done to mitigate this I say just quit or reroll until IMC does something to address this problem.

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:pig2: :pig2: :pig2: :pig2:

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man if you want to play the game in easy mode go wizard… real swordman don’t whine for ■■■■

well, it’s easy to do quests with swordsman :))

I dont even know why I play as a dps swordie, since we lack in utility and damage at the same time, jeez

I don’t feel I lack in utility when my flag saves my whole team ass and I hook 3 people and watch them 100-0 their asses.

P.S.: many asses due to “stuck in loading screen” sh1t happening to my sw3 doppel and imc asks me to wait until the issue is solved. I’ve deleted chars already due to this problem and I don’t want to reroll a sw3 doppel.

Corsair isnt really a heavy dps… I was talking about damage focused classes (barb/highlander/etc)

By “stuck in loading screen”, you mean the loading bar only gets to a certain point and never goes past that? I’ve had that problem too, just change the channel number you enter from and that fixed it for me.

That allows me to login but once I change map, it gets stuck again.