Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

 Well said sir! I went that route (swordie->peltasa->hoplite3->dopple->dragoon) currently at level 135 and hoplite 3. I have no problems with tanking and dpsing at the same time. My stats are 250+ str and 75con (15k+ hp without buffs) and have all pelt attributes maxed. Dungeons are super easy when tanking and PVE is just as easy when I use swashbuckler then kill the whole mob with one stab. I'm glad I made my toon the way I did :grin:

^ This


Imo stats is just a way to personalize the character to suit the player’s gamestyle, not something that makes your character better than anyone else. I do think that stats matter although slightly, and it shouldn’t affect the game too much.
If what you said about skill damage and stats is right. Then “the one and only” build for swordsman to take is hoplite c3, or at least c2, where you can afford to have full STR build thanks to high level of finestra.
This is just weird for a game that offers so much diversity in class and role.
I mean, I picked corsair because I liked the dual wielding concept but I don’t pick hoplite simply because dual wielding with spear feels “weird” to me. Does that mean my character is worthless compared to others who picked hoplite?

The topic should actually say “No one WILL want you if you aren’t a Cataphract”.

Ragnarok already showed what happens in games like this. The scaling gets bonkers and no amount of CON or defense is going to matter. Your tank’s going down one way or another.

The solution? Ranged dps stays at ranged while you joust the boss and mobs, taking care to keep away from them most of the time. Sure, Peltasta will help here because you can kite tank. But mainly you’ll be moving fast enough to get in, out, and away.

I got a good idea guys! Lets take a class that uses 2 handed swords and build a 2 handed spear class, THEN complain about how nobody wants me in a prty.

You would be doing alot more dmg if you went even hop1. But you chose highlander. this right here is why i think class resets are a good idea.

not all full con wizard type can do that,
That only applies to folks that took Wizard 3.
due to insane dps quick cast attributes give.

Most people aside from Wizard 3 build, dont have such massive firepower boost.
Few combination that have, however have few condition or setup they must meet. like linker, wall + pressure combo and such.

folks that took semi support path, cant do that.
though with lots of CC skill they have, they can find party easly.

I have seen, Full Con psycokino wiz
its damage were not great if I may say

well, I belive stats should be Important factor.
tinkering status is always been way of perfecting builds in old style MMO

but, the Stats on this game were not Exemplar.

There Dex that like Beast on paper, Give Evasion, Crit, Accuracy. - all what DPS need. but fall so hard on higher level.
due to insane Crit resist

Then There is SPR that have worthless Growth (except for cleric).
you can have mdef Bracelet that worth hunderds of points of MDEF gained by SPR

You know that you can switch between 2H sword and spear, right? Also, catar stroke and some others highlander skills can be used with any weapon. The only problem is the mount restriction; otherwise than that, is a quite versatile build that could works, if the general swordsman wasn’t bad.

Yeah but a full con psycokino wiz can CC and entire emy team.

The point is that people who DEDICATE damage to the most extreme do nothin compared to other class who DEDICATE damage.

While Swordsman Damage is similar to a support char, but the swordsman damage cant support.

… some people… :cry:

Dunno mate, Seems the only way DPS swordsman can compete with dedicated DPS from other class is the way of the Spear :x

not sword, not fence, not (realy) 2 handed either

same with how many wizard build cant realy hope to complete with Quick cast build.

The best spear DPS build cannot even come anywhere close to the best DPS wizard build. If it even came remotely close, people wouldn’t dismiss swordsman DPS in parties over ranged DPS.

Part of this is to do with the fact that swordsmen need to be in melee range to DPS, and as a result can’t maintain optimal DPS output due to the fact that we need to dodge some attacks to stay alive. Meanwhile wizards and archers can stand back and unload to their heart’s content.
The other part is due to poor scaling.

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i think swashbuckeling wouldnt even be such an issue with mobs would aggro properly (if they aren’t passive). Half of the time thy dont even chase properly without swashbuckeling.

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Which is why the current swordsman tree needs some serious attention from the developer. If the only way for swordsman to become a decent DPS is to be a hoplite, then why bother adding another damage dealing classes such as barbarian, fencer, highlander, etc?

More CON vs Defense debate

If this were RO for example and you have a LK and your putting cards into armor before killing some bosses…

Would you choose the Taogunka Card for your armor the Ghostring Card for your armor?

“Wow I really glad we have this full dps swordsman build on our team”

Said no party member ever.


Well this is due to shitty design from IMC where DPS swordsman is never gonna be DPS =(

I have to say that cyclone is not strong at all, it is kinda hard to use actually.
because when cycloning, you are constantly taking damage…
It only works when you run into mobs that are lvl lower than yours.
when you are soloing maps that are lvl10+ higher than yours, you roll into mobs you die…

besides, you cant stop mobs running from you and you cant even stop the skill when you are dying and try to run away lol

DPE and DoV are also annoying to use, dpe is only 10 secs and 10 hit and does not work well with multi hit skills and even bleeding counts as hit.

for example, you use lvl10 dpe and 1 auto atk shot 20 mobs.
only 10 of the mobs will drop X2.

if you 1 shot 20 mobs with a 5 hit skill.
only 2 mobs drop x2 items…

dov is bugged kinda, i could not see a any difference with it or without it.

dps swordys are kinda good for solo, we dont need to tank when soloing, as you dont want to drag extra mobs which you cant handle by yourself… and it takes much more time after lvl 230 and not very useful in pt.

tank swordys are less ideal for solo but good for pt, and only good because you tank… it is boring…

I am kinda tired as i soloed my ■■■■ out to this lvl i need a break i think
I am not sure which class i will take in rank 7 now

Swordman class is pretty discouraging to play at its current state… like others said you are force to spend 1 class just to be a punching bag… lol wasted potential from other ranks… jack of all trades? Lol hownabout clerics? They can deal more dmg than youbwhile provide support… mandatory taking p1 destroys the whole class diversity

If they made it so warcry worked like swashbuckling with the same range minus the +25% swaashbuckling gives but normal warcry bonuses, highlander into barb would actually be a possible build. Or even double taunt if you have both pelta/ barb.

Something devs should look into, “investing” into a circle just for one skill so that swordies can get the utility they’re supposed to be doing either way ( swordsman has provoke attribute for a reason ) is a bit of a bad game design anyways. Peltasta shouldn’t be a one circle wonder, it even has a silence on circle 3 which could be something to expand on. Things like hey, I’m a tank hit me see what happens. People should be Avoiding hitting tanks in pvp so they don’t get CC’d back. It’s how mokuton works from shinobi, it’s how langort works and it should be expanded so that “tank” choices aren’t just lackluster pve choices to satisfy the needs of a party.