Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

Impossible… lol I still have a hard time dodging Necroventer’s lightning… (The World Boss)

well. you cant have everything in one build.
or you must relied on your friend or guild to carry you there

if you rely on random pubs, they were ignorant plebs that only want the ez iest. best something for themself (me included, since I dont know you all, so I dont give a damn about your problem). so GL with that

Start invite or making friends, or join guild then.
Unless you are a bad friend, they should be more than willing to share your burden and weakness or even making Dream Tag Team together

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I did some dungeons/mission via party finder and has expirience with different random party setups. I’m a Sorc 157 atm and i say this: If i ever going to make party i would always pick a swordsman instead of 2nd wizard.
Too much wizards usually results in too much resting because we burn out our SP too quickly. Sure, in a quick fight scenario burst damage is great, but several times i got in a forest dungeon party with 4xWizard 1Archer or something like that. Mostly in such cases we were very close on timer and two times we actually timed out. Wizards spends too much time resting and running away from mobs as well as archers since we are too squishy and i’m saying that using full plate set btw.
On the other hand if we had at least one swordsman in party, not even a tank, everything goes much smoother. I dont have too run around all the time, cause swordsman with his auto attack gets attention of monsters and i can do my dirty job from behind his back. Also swordsmen doing good AoE dps with his basic attack, and not spending his SP too much, which means i can use my skills more wisely instead of spamming them thus spent my SP more efficiantly.
Of course in ideal situation i would prefer a tank and a healer in my party at least, but for remaing 2 slots if i had a choice to get a 2nd wizard or a swordsman i would get swordsman.

your post is … how can I say… so much full of ‘wrong’ it’s not even funny anymore.


Funny how people come with those stupid arguments “you can’t be anything” while clerics actually CAN be everything in one.
Healer,DPS,support,boss killer,strong in PvP.

Clerics have safety zone, heals,heals and more heals, ridiculous DPS skills, buffs and debuffs.

What do swordsmen have again?
oh right, the worst dps in the game, the only class that has always to go melee and get forced to waste 1 rank to be a punching bag.

High melee DPS exists in nearly every mmo to compete with range dps classes. Stop with this stupid “you can’t be XY+YZ”


How are those classes tanks in the slightest? Pain barrier, Finestra, pet riding buffs/Trot, iframes on fencer skills are all very useful to a tank character. High guard is also something that screams “I MIGHT BE A TANK IN THE SLIGHTEST”.

Shinobi is really the only class I would not consider to use on a character with tank as main role. I agree with you in that tank is not the only way to build a swordman, but that list is really pointless.

With your logic, Quarrel Shooter is a tank, lmao.


In the endgame there is no tank. Peltasta is there to lure and gather mobs into one place to be cced and killed.

Bosses are easy to doge except undogable waves that you have to jump or just take it. But because of the horrible netcode it’s impossible.

Mobs are easily cced once they are gathered.

Please, arguing over tanking is pointless.

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Tank (High or Full CON) still exist for GvG. That’s like the only swordsman build that can survive and still kill your enemy in big scale GvG.

I did a fun 3v4 earlier today. Cata was great for baiting aoe. But with my 111 con spr dex I melted in like 1.5 second once i got physco grabbed into the aowchies.

But with the maps as it is i dont see how a group sitting at a choke can even be approached by melle.

Sounds like we may need Land Protector/Magnetic Earth like mechanics to nullify mass AoE’s. That or get some really good positioning and be extremely precise on CD abuse. Or stack obscene amounts of magic defense/immunity and gear swap when appropriate.

There are a lot of options. None of them are great though. Then again, that’s the point of a choke point. Isn’t supposed to be easy for anybody to get through without some outplaying or massive sacrifices.

I think we have already ORACLE has Land protect(no magic in that area) and Diev has Silence

A good tank in GvG can has 100k hp with buff. Good luck to your support/DPS fighting against such cata 3 that rush in to faceroll them.

Well, I actually heard that from my friend who was constantly in big scale GvG at ktos.

Incoming drive-by! Every man for themselves! Hide yo kids hide yo wife! ect. ect.

I dunno, i’d personally have some CC players and Damage players reserved for Cata rushes. They’re definitely effective at disrupting a defense if you can’t deal with them in a timely manner though. Those kidnappings to…ugh…but yeah, plenty of counters to those as well. Just need to get over the surprise factor of a 100k hp cata and be ready for them.

Well unlike wizards and archers swordsmans have two disadvantages as damage dealers.
The first one is melee range. But in other way we have much more sustain than wizards and archers, cos of base hp. Even if u r distributing all ur stat points in str and dex (and only qst and statue points to con as cathexis recommend for pve builds) u still will have around 20k hp without any gear on 300.
The second one and the main problem is archers and wizards scales on their skills like meteor for wizards and musketeer skills for archers. And I think we just need this 400% on some of our skills too and then we will provide mb more damage then them or nearly the same.

P.S We need mdd!!!

And they could be ready for your counter too.

What I really mean is that melee is not necessarily useless in GvG. In fact, they are very strong with the right build.

Too bad the one required rank has to have an ugly mount. :c.

they might add better mounts to the TP shop in the future, though it would still be for hakapell & cata only

This is wrong. Swordsman is actually the jack of all trades from all 4 base job in ToS.
A swordsman can be :

  1. Tank / Taunt (actually every class in swordsman can because provoke attribute, but peltasta is making this much easier with swashbuckling)
  2. Support (Corsair, Squire, etc)
  3. DPS (Highlander, Barbarian, etc), and many more roles

The ones that are mad in this thread are the dps swordsman who didn’t take a single rank of peltasta.
Basically, even though they trade their ability to tank/taunt (swashbuckling) for more damage, archers and wizards still out-DPS them because most of swordsman skill scales poorly. Furthermore, it is a fact that most parties don’t want to pick swordsman if that swordsman is not a peltasta.

Yes, you can party with your friends or guild member or whatever. But no, not everyone have those, so their solution is to find a random party, but as I said earlier, no one wants to party with them if they’re not tank.

Because of this, they want the developer to fix the DPS-based swordsman classes so their damage capabilities can be the same or at least nearing those of archers and wizards. This DOESN’T MEAN that every single class in swordsman tree have to be buffed so that swordsman, regardless of build, can be the top DPS, can tank, and give support. No, this is just plain stupid.

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong


They are mad because if they are not the tank in a party, they are basically useless.