Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

I think that beats the very purpose of reset. also, there aren’t much character-bound items and achievements that are worth spending a 100 TP for. it’s better to just reward players for making new high leveled characters (team level, etc.) and make the reset cost probably around 500-1000 TP depending on the mechanics. It shouldn’t cost less than costumes and team name reset. I think somebody already suggested that they reset only the class ranks to rank 1 class level 1 and grind exp back up. this way, those who resets still require grinding exp.

that or the one you suggested but with exp bonus and higher TP cost.

Can’t really agree with you on this. There are so many character bound items that players can’t trade which is why they ask for a reset instead. Things like +15 DGC, or an Archmage bangle they spent lots of time farming for. What about Lolopanther gear from ET? How much time do you think they spend gathering it? It doesn’t beats the purpose of a reset at all.

Just job reset only it will make it harder for the player to get job exp from the mobs as they have more hp that requires usage of skills to clear. This is the reason why I suggested the character level is reset along together too.

As long as some effort is required when reset, it should be a good alternative to include in ToS. The effort required to reset must be near or slightly higher then the effort used to level a completely new character so that players can still weigh the 2 options as viable paths.

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Haha, that probably wun happen, since quests aren’t resetted. The commander will still greet the player like how he was after the quest. Except the player is significantly weaker.

if by effort you mean a balance of time and money, sure. After all, reset is supposed to players who can spare more money than time.

this could work if they tweak exp system a little bit. exp penalty could be made separate for both class and and character levels, or anything to ease leveling that doesn’t make it similar to just making a new character.

To my understanding from the pro-reset camp, the reasons they put forth which are valid points for a reset functionality imo are:

  • Untradable items such as DGC
  • Event achievements and titles
  • Achievements
  • Transcended items which are character locked

Yes these are things which I find the game severely punishes the player when they find their build is lacking and need some form of ‘divine intervention’ to tweak the build.

The reasons below personally I don’t find them as valid reasons at all:

  • Quests are boring after a few run throughs
  • No time to relevel due to some “insert real life reason”
  • Unfair due to other players having more time to play more so they can have more alts/level faster
  • IMC can make more money cuz definitely “I” be buying them

Quests problem should be fixed by quests, IMC need to work to make quests more interesting. Reset does nothing to help but to make it worse.

Any form of game, be it MOBA, MMO or others are designed to be time sinks. Each player is limited to the amount of time they can play on it. MMOs in particular, rewards players who can devote more time to it. This is the norm. A player who spends more time in DGs gets better gear than those who don’t, they are rewarded based on the time spent.

If you are trading real life money to time in an MMO, the game is Pay-to-win. This is what players don’t want the game to be.


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there were 666 replies, had to change that. this reply is useless

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Maybe we should learn from IMC on this? Save our replies into some templates then copy and paste every time a new similar topic comes up? :3


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I’ve lost count. I’m getting tired of this topic too, been replying since April, prior to Flanflan legendary coming to the forums. This ‘no job reset please’ actually has a sister thread called “Say yes to job reset”, and this thread is created as a ‘counter’ to the other one lol.

Yes, a majority of those who want resets want it for their own selfish reasons. A few put up some good points though, which I highlighted in the previous post. The rest all can be summed up as “Reset should be in cuz I want it” in a single sentence.

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Haha, no I’m just a small nobody here. Don’t really post that much though.

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hmm, that didn’t come out right. lol. but i can’t think of any better way to state it.

In the earlier days of this game, I was actually against resets for this very reason since I thought some classes have a huge advantage over others in terms of ease of leveling and it would allow people to just make their characters leveling-oriented, only to reset to an end-game oriented one later on. That’s how I imagine it to be. Other than that, that’s the only sure way it can make the game pay-to-win. But as I become familiar with the leveling process, I start to realize that isn’t the case. Leveling consists mostly of running errands and killing a handful of monsters. Afterwards, leveling shifts to party-oriented grinding where the only issue one class over the other is competition for a particular party slot.

A game becomes p2w when content and competitiveness can be easily bought with cash (e.g. selling gears directly via cash shop), or when those with the ability to purchase cash items can bypass any form of RNG-based acquisition. If by p2w you mean something equivalent of having an instant character, that could happen depending on the mechanics and penalties of resetting. There are many ways to offset whatever harm it may bring the game. Your suggestion is one. In general, it has to come with either a penalty or being forfeited from rewards that come by making a new character.

Class Reset should just be an alternative and a luxury, never a necessity. Free players (me included) should never feel they’re being driven to a corner to buy one, and that they should still be on equal footing as those who can afford TP items. With a few tweaks in relevant mechanics and by giving more rewards to players for creating more characters, I’m pretty positive that it can balance out whatever advantage a luxury item could offer.

wth so instead of pushing for better/more endgame content it’s better to have people remake over and over? Is that really what the designers want or are you just making things up?

Yes but in that case people are remaking on their own free will vs IMC fcking with their current beloved build. IMC should design their sh!t better so people don’t get ■■■■■■ over but that’s a long term solution. We need a short term solution now to stop people from leaving(due to getting fcked in the ass).

Reset is a divert to the many many problems this game has. But it’s needed for now till IMC gets their sh!t together.

I surely hope so. If there’s a better solution to getting ass fck or in this case class fcked(pun intended) than resets than yeah remove resets when this solution is implemented.

I am also very very opened minded to other solutions if you or anyone else can suggest them. It doesn’t have to be a reset, but as of right now resets are the best short term solution(as you mentioned above it’s not that hard to implement.)

You don’t need to write but when you do please don’t let them be insults. You can poke fun or make light hearted jokes if you like but leave the insults out of a thread where people are trying to have a serious discussion.

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Exactly this is not for lazy ass people to play.

I dont care what you people has to say about class resets. I’m also sick of games that spoonfeeds everything.

We have tosbase to plan out builds stat allocation

We have the forums to gather the information

We also have google to gather more information.

We also have youtube to find videos about classes and information.

We have all of the effing resources out there. The common reason of casuals is [quote=“ArecArws, post:539, topic:232755”]
Just because you have the luxury of time, doesnt entitle you to put others at disadvantage.

This is an mmorpg for God’s sake. You have work, you have kids, you have school or other bullshit is not an excuse. There are other games out there that can accommodate casuals but just to give you a heads up its not tree of savior.

@haukinyau thumbs up haha gr8 b8 m8 lmao


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Like I said better to put duck tape over a broken window before it actually gets fixed than to let the rain ruin your house.

This game will do find if people like me leave? People that don’t like having their hardwork fck over by game? 1k player base is fine(even though at this rate there won’t even be a few hundred)? Fine to you maybe but im pretty fcking sure it’s not fine to IMC or to people who truely want this game to be popular. No i think this game will do better if people with your attitude leave. This is what designers envisioned? So when they make new ranks they hold group meetings to see how they can fck over more builds so more people will remake? I don’t think so.

Not what they want huh. I already address this. You’re just listening to what you want to hear filling in the rest with your own imagination. They need a solution to stop fcking people over from new content to get to were they want.

Wow wow wow. Won’t agree to anything till i get my reset huh. Did you even read? I clearly said im open to other solutions. I don’t like improving Teamlevel and game content? Ya you are just making up your own bullsh!t in your head. If you actually elaborated on how this can prevent getting fcked by new content ill happily take this over resets. It just needs to be a quick solution and not something that will take fcken years to implement.

It really is impossible having a debate with you. You make up your own sh!t about what I want to better your own argument. And by the way you talk, you still don’t know what i want and what problems i want to be solved eventhough i have made it very clear at this point. Continue reading what you want and making up your own sh!t.

Your not worth any further acknowledgement.

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