Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Suddenly thought of a good idea. Implement a reset potion as follows:

  • TP item, cost 100 TP
  • tradable and can use Infinite amount of times per character
  • Get to keep everything including achievements, character bounded gear, skill attributes levels, titles, items, everything except;
  • job costumes lost
  • Resets character and job level to 1
  • Quests and map completion not reset as already completed in achievements.

Grind your way back up.

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No. Do please carry on as youā€™re the one necroing a bunch of threads which are months old for this purpose. You canā€™t just troll and leave because nobody kept feeding you and your other forum accounts. If you think that the threat of resets are what makes this game bad then you should kind of take a step back and look at the whole picture. Bots, hacks, exploits, bad coding, bad servers, no unique content as claimed, bad balance, and just everything else are what killed this game.

Resets are a life boat for after they stabilize their game in like 10 years at this rate or someone else does on a private server.


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Agree to disagree. I donā€™t want to get into a debate about what the definition of a class is in a game like TOS that did things so differently. At the end of the day who gives a ā– ā– ā– ā–  about the definition. [quote=ā€œatari, post:637, topic:232755ā€]
You didnā€™t specify how they will be restricted, thus I cannot answer.

That was actually exactly my point. No one knows how its going to be implemented so no one knows if it can be abused or not. If it can though thatā€™s just poor design[quote=ā€œatari, post:637, topic:232755ā€]
To have a bigger e-peen? Well, maybe this is important, Iā€™m not sure.

I donā€™t mean an achievement tracker that shows how much silver you spent. I mean the actual items that you used silver to upgrade. I donā€™t want to regrind a +15lolopanther set when im only resetting from a dragoon2 to a lancer when they use the same item set anyways. But i do understand where you got that impression since the original post was about achievement tracker.

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wut do u hav against casuls?

Just ran out of popcorn, can you please put this discussion on hiatus till I get more?

IMC will do what they see fit. Its a sad fact that the whales keep throwing cash at them. With such a source of income, nothing will ever get fixed and this reset thing will also not come. The whales need to exterminated first, so IMC needs other ways to make money.

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what is the meaning of such comparison?
are you drunk?

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No, give everyone their class resets!

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What i favor isnt exactly a class reset.

Right, I want IMC reset instead.

A reset of ToS would be nice. I heard this game was much better in closed beta.

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I assume this is directed against me.
But I rather be able to write a wall of text that shows my thought process over writing short insults.


Mixed bag of nostalgia shades. Some features were better and ultimately some were removed (Player Made shop, Party Boss Spawning), but class balance was all types of ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– . Not to mention, the servers were actually worse in the beta and you couldnā€™t even get on the game because the moment you loaded on a map with many others, the game snapped in half.

Better in some areas, worse in others. Life.

That said, I donā€™t particularly care about resets because there are many things you can do to circumvent resets, and many ways you can successfully pull off resetting classes. Itā€™s an inflated topic because more often than naught criticism is met with hostility and bigotry. Nobody can discuss things because this isnā€™t really a discussion more than whoā€™s ego can withstand more beatings.

Iā€™d just simply re-arrange the early game to have more variety in approach and profitting from grinding with a good Team Level in certain areas. But thatā€™s simply me.


For the rest I agree.
I think it could be pretty interesting actually if you could level the character up to high ranks several times, just to get the costumes.

Yep, Iā€™m fine as long as there is effort involved and the reset isnā€™t a TP styled item in which is just a shift of points only.

What Iā€™m totally against are resets that give back the same amount of points to distribtute to other classes when chosen. Like R7 warlock reset straight to R7 chrono. Sorry thatā€™s a no.

People donā€™t seem to understand the complexities involved when they ask for a reset like that. The game canā€™t distribute points like that, since the game doesnā€™t know what class the player is going to go for and each circle can only hold a max 15 points, it canā€™t generate 75 points and just lump it in the 1st base circle when a player resets.

The closest we can get to a reset while still not affecting rerolls at all is a reset which strips away all class and character levels. The player will have to relevel his character without any quests that he completed to help but with the benefit of keeping his achievements and ranks. This also calms the anti-reset crowd as it is ā€˜technically a reroll to a new characterā€™ except getting to keep achievements and items. Kind of like a new game+.

I would like that too, but that will be better if we give the advantage to rerolls, if not no one will want to reroll lol. I have 4 archers now cuz of it :3

nah, itā€™s a reply to my post. but either way, donā€™t even bother feeding the troll. He canā€™t even form a concrete idea let alone a paragraph in proper english and his best argument is heā€™ll quit if imc implements a reset.


ā€œIt was all a dreamā€, you think to yourself as you walk in the Sialuai woods. But everything feels like Deja Vu and your head hurts. Along with the dreams of the goddesses and Medzio Diena you had a vivid dream where you went on an adventure. You encountered many foes and saved a few lives, but you canā€™t shake off the bad feeling. The Commander stationed in the Woods great you again the same exact way, giving you minor shock.

Actually, if this happened, please let it add more flavor text to the story; Like predicting what NPCs would say and ultimately breaking things because of your prophetic mind.