Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Although i liked much your idea, what exactly is the concept of this game?

ahhh can’t seem to find my old post about it… retype it all too many times, I really need to save this haha :expressionless:

The short version of it… we can see how IMC plan ToS from the implementation of things. Their concept is to have players having more than 1 character rather than focusing on just 1 toon per account. This is supported by:

  • Upgrading of team slots to 30 from 15
  • Increasing of Team level
  • Ability to share companions amongst characters, companions are treated like part of the ‘family’
  • Idea of having a Team name (family name) + individual character names
  • Ability to open a shop on a character then switch to another character
  • Ability to use own character’s shop on another character
  • Shared collections

This is their concept, it is made in such a way as you include more and more characters to your family, they get easier and easier to level. This works in tandem with their idea of having 80 unique classes, where players can choose a max of 3 circles of a class in their build, creating unique builds where players can be a mix of a few different classes.

Unfortunately, the linearity of the quests kind of undermine this, players find it boring to level. To further add fuel to the fire, many classes, although they are really unique in their own right, are not balanced with one another. This creates the rift and unhappiness amongst the community we have now.

Great concept but implementation needs more work to be good.

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You comparing buying cards and +20 items to resetting your ranks? One is pay to be op(which indirectly effect you by making you weaker in comparison) other is pay to try something else (which doesn’t effect you one bit)… nice logic there. I can see the similarities indeed.

Yes majority does want resets. But majority won’t speak up when their class gets fcked they just leave in silence. Where did I get this info? Out of my ass obviously. No but seriously look around. In every mmo when big patches comes out there’s a spike in population of people joining/returning. In tos when new patches comes there’s a spike is people complaining that they got fck over.

Of course there is stronger incentive to leave if you spent months on something and had to start from zero if you want something else vs people leaving because others have the ability to reset. Its just common sense…

And p2w? Do you know what that is? It’s when you buy items with money to be noticeably better than others. Rank resets will not make you in any way better even if you spent your whole life saving on it. Its just a redo. And why do you have to bring things to the extreme? Selling exp cards and +20 items… where did that even come from? No one was talking about selling op sh!t from the cash shop. We just want the ability to try something else. That’s it.


Try smth different -> New character
Always have a top DPS build -> Reset
ez PvP/WB/GvG build -> Level the best PvE build and reset

What a shy majority. Best argument ever.

Help! somebody tell this kid what sarcasm is.

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This, I have a feeling a lot are rejecting the idea without giving much thought simply because class reset sounds just like cheating.


I don’t see how that answers “Selling exp cards and +20 items… where did that even come from?” but ok. If you are worried about people being able to reset at will then limit the use. It’s that easy. My main reasoning for having reset was so people can have a way out when new content fcks up their current build anyways whether that build is meta or not. It is to maintain population and not have people quitting left and right.

If you’re worried about build diversity then sorry to break it to you but meta players will play meta builds regardless and not being able to reset wont change that. Even now with the little population that’s left, meta builds are still the majority. Only thing that can change that is true class balance where no build is noticeably better then the others, but no game has ever been able to do this.

They’re not shy, they just don’t care enough about a dying game.


Don’t implement it. Even easier.

Or have fun with their build until r10 comes out. PvE content is not that hard to fck up the whole build with 1-2 choices. Certain classes need buffs tho.

Top DPS elememesomething r10/600 may want to level a support mage for example.

So, which one is better: elememe or cryochrono?

Every time I want something to be implemented I should mention my nameless fallen comrades who quit because it isn’t implemented.

Then this will solve nothing… people still quitting. I guess you just don’t care.[quote=“atari, post:595, topic:232755”]
Or have fun with their build until r10 comes out. PvE content is not that hard to fck up the whole build with 1-2 choices. Certain classes need buffs tho.

The reason for reset is that they are not having fun with their current build. If they were why would they reset? You’re blowing my mind.

Also as I mentioned before if r10 comes out and the game is successful then its not going to end at r10. It will continue to grow till it no longer interest anyone. So what people gonna do then?[quote=“atari, post:595, topic:232755”]
Top DPS elememesomething r10/600 may want to level a support mage for example

So if players have fun leveling with the top dps elememe then have fun reseting to a supportive mage why not let them have fun throughout their whole gaming experience while leveling their character? Why is it better for them to suffer through r1-9 to have get to that fun? TOS is a game, let them have FUN all the way. That’s what makes a game successful.

Those are two meta builds that both excel in what they do. No build is noticeably better than others meaning I can make whatever build I feel like is fun and still have it perform well in the end.

Thousands have quit and didn’t post anything on the forums. Those that have quit due to class gimping whether it’s their fault or IMC’s won’t come back and vote on the poll. Thus the poll is skewed towards players that don’t need a reset. But find, ok if this bothers you so much then pretend that I never said it as this is not the main point of the thread anyways.

Honestly I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve by not allowing resets. How will this make the game better? How will it prevent people from leaving if their class gets gimped? You probably like playing this hardcore, random, have no idea what the future hold for me kinda game. But lets face it this game modal isn’t working. The game is dying.



It is very hard to say that a majority wants resets when the players who frequented the forums only constitutes to like, perhaps 5% of the population. In truth, we don’t know whether meta builds also forms the majority or not too. A lot of my friends and people I know in game don’t even come into the forums or post at all.

Then again, fun is subjective to each individual too. Some players, like you say, have fun playing the most optimal build and dread playing thru a support build at r1-9 in order to reach the sweet r10. This I understand, but on the other end of the spectrum, there are people who also like that feeling of finally getting to that sweet r10 spot where the entire build comes together. They enjoy the hardship that comes with leveling a hard to level character just to reap the fruits of their labor at the end.

We can’t just have everything. If a player wants to have a build that is hard to level and can only see the results right at the end of the build, he will have to endure the leveling hardship that comes with the build.

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Yes I understand some people get a sense of accomplishment grinding it out. Kudos to you for being one of those players, but even if resets are possible you still can grind it out if you like. Nothing is stopping you.

You have fun playing the game your way. Others have fun playing the game their way. Its a win win to me.

And ya the whole population thing is just me justifying why I think the the polls are not accurate. From what I have seen most people actually want the reset. I have nothing to back this up so ya it was pulled out of my ass. Though not completely.


Then it defeats the purpose of the game ToS wun it? The game is about the journey from the start to the end, where players build their character over time and experience the joys and hardships that come with it. This isn’t a game where the game only starts when we reach max level.

I do believe that for builds that are hard to level but are strong in the end should remain as is. Those players take the time and effort to build in that way and it shouldn’t be undermined just like that with a reset. It kind of defeats the purpose of going through the motion of building your own character.

Imho it will be best to just keep our own opinions to an individual level. Everyone of us is influenced by our surroundings and people around us. For your case perhaps you have met a lot of players who wanted a reset and drops the game due to not having one. For other players such as me, the players around me are mostly those who will reroll if need be, and advocates class balancing as a better way to fix the game rather than a reset. And yes, just heck care about the forum polls. It isn’t official and have skewed results, be it on which side it ends up winning on.

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Because they always want to have an optimal build? As I said PvE is not that hard.

Continue to grow != New ranks.

Only because there was no resets? And I can say that thousands qill quit without posting anything if resets will be implemented. This duscussion won’t lead us anywhere.

Because there is no reset ofc.

Fun? Resetting one character again and again? You are basically skipping all leveling for another character. It is the same as buying EXP cards.

Others will lose their sense of accomplishment if that guy nearby can just buy it. The same as RMT/P2W

I cannot achieve anything here as well as I cannot allow/disallow resets. I’m happy that resets will never be implemented because:

  • It’s more profitable to sell tokens/EXP tomes. And not that P2W.
  • Game design (longe bonus, number of characters, diversity, etc.)
  • Probably engine limitations.

If any sort of reset gets implemented my life will be over and I won’t be able to handle playing ToS anymore because it would become too casual.

(because the game wasn’t casual enough already)

If playing optimal is what they want let them play it the way they want. [quote=“atari, post:600, topic:232755”]
Continue to grow != New ranks.

New content will be harder and classes will need to grow with it. They may not have new ranks but for sure new skills or a change to those that already exist[quote=“atari, post:600, topic:232755”]
Only because there was no resets? And I can say that thousands qill quit without posting anything if resets will be implemented. This duscussion won’t lead us anywhere.

Never said only due to no reset. But no reset is definitely one of the reasons[quote=“atari, post:600, topic:232755”]
Because there is no reset ofc.

Again never said it was solely due to no reset[quote=“atari, post:600, topic:232755”]
Fun? Resetting one character again and again? You are basically skipping all leveling for another character. It is the same as buying EXP cards.

Others will lose their sense of accomplishment if that guy nearby can just buy it. The same as RMT/P2W

Don’t tell others what’s fun.

You tend to keep on thinking reset is changing into another class when it really is just changing a skill build. It’s not pay to win as i already stated it’s only a way out of a build other than quit or remake when IMC gimps you with new content.

No its not more profitable as people will only reroll so many times before they’re done and no player equals no profit.

Will not create diversity. You can’t force people to continue playing a class that will be gimped. They will reroll to meta anyways or quit. All you’re left with is a game with low population and still majority meta builds. As it is now.

Engine limitations well maybe your right on this one and we will never have get it.


“optimal” will change constantly in this unfinished game. Deal with it.

Or 10-20 players party. We already have skills that affect 6+ party members. Or new equip.

And reset will becme on of the reasons for other players.

Ok, buying EXP cards is fun.

We can reset skills/stats, but resetting a class is too much for this game. Class is a class - the final decision. And I understand that class system is way more difficult here (unlike RO with 2 choices), but I like it.

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“Base class” is just another name for skills + weapon of choice. There are no true classes in TOS.

I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.

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Tree of Savior’s class system is just a wonkier unwieldy version of skill trees, which have existed since Diablo 2. Some people here tout it as one of ToS’s best features but more and more I think the ridiculous imbalances coming about from it and the amount of dissatisfied players from it’s inflexibility (once you choose one rank, you’re often “locked” into your next choices because of how blatantly terrible or good some synergistic choices are compared to others, rather than the mix-and-match build-your-own-character thing it’s supposed to be) are kinda revealing that it might be one of ToS’s biggest inherent flaws.


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