Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

This is what happens to all MMO during huge content patches that pushes past the original end game. Just look at WoW in the beginning, WoW is a gear oriented game. Every single time a new content patch comes out, all the gear have to be refarmed again. Have your vanilla molten core gear painstakingly farmed over weeks? A single quest reward green gear replaces it. Do people complained about it? Yes they do but they all all moved on and continue to play.

The game can’t move on and introduce new elements to the game unless it breaks the current meta and introduces a new one. This is something which everyone has to understand unless one expects the game to receive no updates at all.

You’re comparing grinding new gear set using previous gear that you already had and upgraded to completely remaking and grinding out a new character. Doesn’t work that way. You are still starting from where you left off vs going back to zero.

When new elements are introduced into the game, it does break current meta, the difference is they can change the build of their current class to the new meta for that class. In TOS you can’t. You cant change from elememe to necro3.

And also I only see swordman, cleric, archer, and wizards and classes in tos.
The rest are just skill builds.

In ANY other MMORPG that I played, AION,TERA, GW3(never played wow) you can always change up your build when ever you like you just. Maybe you’ll need a new set of equipment to fit your build but thats it.


Err, when new R8 content comes out, don’t we also start from where we left off also? We still retain all our gear, attributes and everything else.

The only thing “lost” is the king of dps title, in which it will be shifted to different builds and classes everytime the meta gets updated. If one is really so affected by this, it will be better to wait until the complete Rank10 class is out before playing this game, it will save lot of frustrations.

Sad to say the design concept of those games incorporate resets functionality right at the beginning of the design stage. ToS doesn’t if not we will see a totally different genre of MMO than what is now.

You’re right in that ToS doesn’t incorporate reset functionality. Thing is, there are so many options to choose from in ToS compared to most other games and that’s where some of the conflicts come into play. It’s not like WoW where you choose Paladin as your class and then choose a main spec and off spec build and that’s it.

In ToS, every X amount of levels you must make a choose that CANNOT be reverted, the build paths are almost completely customizable unlike WoW and most other MMOs. I actually love this about ToS, it’s just that, imo, lack of information, incorrect/insufficient tooltips, and few other things is hurting the class system right now. Although, again, I do love the concept of it hence why I am still playing lol.

Same here. I love this concept of ToS which is why I am still playing the game, am rolling new characters to play too.

The lack of information is certainly a big thorn that is hurting the game. But then all games are like that, the game companies release them with little to no information on what items/skills/monsters/synergies are in the game. Almost all the information are all community/player contributed. Which is why we have community websites like tosdb, tosbase etc. When WoW started no one knows what is in the game too, until players start compiling information which turns into websites like WoWhead.

Give it more time, as the game matures the amount of info we have will be more and more players will be able to make correct choices on what to build.

It’s not about the DPS for me. I don’t plan to be number 1 as i just want to have fun with my friends. But hey, i am the only one left. The last one just quit with the announcement of the skill info of R8 (he is corsair) butchering his build while me? I have 3 archers and one that i play most of the time is Scout/Rouge 3. Yeah, i can’t be a Mergen nor Hackapel because of mount restriction. What should i do? i’d rather rather quit than re-roll and go through that boring quests again.

Yea, it’s that lack of information as much as incorrect tooltips and more than just a few skills not working as intended is what I meant. For example, Base Camp storage still doesn’t work. I don’t think it ever worked smh. Not that anyone likely planned a build around that particular skill but you get my point.

@nekopara.paradise Mergen doesn’t have any restriction iirc besides being specialised in 2 handed bows?

@Spaghetti Yeah, that base camp storage is really lol. Sometimes I wonder why previously add-on developers can open shops and stores using lua functions and why IMC can’t use the same thing for Squire’s basecamp too.

Do agree that a number of buggy skills need to be fixed.

Yes in tos we do start from where we left off the problem is some classes have no future or a least not a good one. In any other mmo when new content comes out the content is an extension to what already exists thus everyone will have a future, but in tos this is not the case. Yes C3 and C2 of rank 7 and 6 classes get extensions but the new rank 8 ones don’t. So it is like rolling dice ever time new content comes out.

And tbh people can only reroll so many times before they realize its complete bullsh!t. Also when rank 10 comes out if it ever does, do you really want the game to just stop there if it becomes successful? No, of course not you would want it to continue to grow and have new content.

Lastly, In terms of what is the best interest for TOS do you really think its better for people to wait until rank 10 is out to make there class so they wont mess up because they dont know what the future hold or just let people reset and try other builds while the game is still in development? I for one much rather let people just have fun and try other builds without needing to spend months to remake. At least that way people will stay and not quit.

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I agree. Then go push for a ToS where all classes have a future. Give feedback with supporting screenshots and videos on how classes are buggy/left behind etc. We are barking up the wrong tree, to improve the game is to balance the classes where each and every class is viable.

Asking for a reset is just the shortcut way of doing things. It is like saying “oh corsair c3 is bad so I reset to something more viable”. But then after reset, the class corsair c3 is still bad. The reset doesn’t solve anything except to push players further away from the class.

Lets all vote yes for job resets.
Who wouldnt like it?

LOL, well there is also no good reason why we can’t dual wield shields either, technically as long as we have hands we can hold 2 shields while still be able to cast heal or meteor.

Limitations are there based on design concept. ToS’s design concept is fundamentally different from POE, as POE is also different from D3 so on and forth. What is unlimited and is a feature in a game doesn’t mean it has to exist as a functionality in another game.

P.S dual wield shields is so cool, I can’t imagine the look of a doppel if he pulls off cyclone while dual wielding shields… maybe he can fly and hover like featherfoot XD

Sadly, different playstyle. With my stats, build and items I won’t benefit picking Mergen and skill attributes of Mergen will be locked 2-hand bow which i am not using most of the time since i prioritize xbow/dagger. I am forced to pick a class just for the sake of having an R8.

Anyways, i am just waiting for final updates in kToS.

100% agree fixing “classes” is the way to go. Making every build viable is the best thing that can happen in any mmo.

But TOS is really running out of time as the players and leaving left and right and the most efficient temporary fix is rank resets.

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Somewhere within Murm, they’ll allow you to wear two shields and convert your Con value into your STR or something. Then you can soi soi soi into the heavens.

But I do agree that the main problem isn’t so much the lack of resets but rather the boring linear content that incites the want for it. There’s remnants of grinding areas lower on but are usually swept under the bush due to the pace of the lower exp cards quickly pushing you into Tenet. If you can get into Nevellet Quarry 2F’s secret room, it is a GREAT place to grind but it’s so far removed from the game and surrounded by a minigame that most may not try or even know it exists.

Some more cohesiveness towards classes wouldn’t be bad either. Like, fixing Corsair3 to actually be a legitimate investment instead of shooting one’s foot with the fact that you can’t even use it to your advantage. I’m still a supporter of more class-oriented attributes that combine on each other.


So that players who don’t like the idea of resets could quit too.

I would like it if it isn’t disruptive to the concept of the game, is a true alternative to rerolling an alt and is something in which benefits all players in the game whether they choose to reset or not.

An idea I talked about previously goes something like (revised over the months):

  • A long chain of quests that a player needs to do (estimated around 10-20hours)
  • Reset the entire job levels back to rank 2.
  • Players will have to relevel their job experience but gains hasted leveling bonuses, like +2000% job exp until they reach back their current job rank prior to reset.
  • Character level is kept intact
  • Attributes aren’t refunded but levels skill kept intact
  • Collections, achievements, items are kept intact.
  • Class costumes are lost.
  • For templars with guilds, guild must be disbanded prior to doing the quest.
  • Map quests are not resetted
  • Quest baseline is rank6 which is around level 180

Things which are rewarded upon completion of the quest

  • Reset to job rank 2
  • +10 bonus stat points (for 1st time reset only)
  • Unique achievement and Title “Mid career switcher” (for 1st time reset only)

This satisfies a number of things asked by the community for both pro-reset and anti-reset camps and hopefully also satisfies what IMC sought to do for the game

  • Allows players an option to fix their build without rerolling
  • Is an alternative to rolling a new character, it doesn’t make rolling new characters a subpar method
  • Isn’t a TP only item, everyone including F2P players can utilize it
  • Isn’t P2W
  • Requires a moderate amount of effort to do
  • Gives something for the players who don’t want reset something to strive for too, they can do it for the stat points and achievements.
  • Adds more content to the game via quests
  • Feels it is part of the functionality of the game rather than a forced one click reset potion
  • Gives IMC more chances to sell more leveling TP items like Exp Tomes
  • Isn’t an item that can be monetized. If it is tradable it will make RMT and bots flourish.

This is the kind of reset which I would like to have, not those one click TP reset item. Win-win situation for everyone.


Why would they quit? If they dont like it then dont use it. Simple as that. But if you’re one of those guys that are like " well I don’t like reset, so everyone should suffer with me. Who cares if TOS dies as long as I get my way. Its all mememememe" then ya quit.

Majority wants resets. It is better to keep majority and let minority leave than it is to keep minority and let majority leave. TOS is a business after all and it needs players to make money.

And also there is a WAY stronger incentive to quit due to ■■■■■■ up characters then there is for people to quit due to introduction of resets. Cause come on seriously you put up with bug, fps issues, and unbalances till now. If TOS announced resets who is going to stand up and be like “NOPE THIS RESET THING THAT I DON’T EVEN NEED TO USE IF I DON’T WANT TO IS THE LAST STRAW. I QUIT”.


Why people quit playing on shitty BR servers under a regional publisher / private servers? If you don’t wanna buy cards/+20 weapons from GM’s then don’t buy them.

Wow, reliable info here. People argued about that poll before and now they are trying to forget it.

Reliable info again.[quote=“Diode, post:586, topic:232755”]
Cause come on seriously you put up with bug, fps issues, and unbalances till now.

Not like I want to put up with a shitty P2W private server style. What’s next? Sell EXP cards maybe?