Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Class reset will come, it will and you yes you no lifers will just have to suck it up other games made it , they had it and implemented it you guys can go cry so much but thats how imc is gonna earn some more profit any game that involves class ranks are entitled to have it you can make you’re own game without reset and reroll again and again we dont give a F about it stop saying tos wont have it IMC stated it is not an easy task but at the same time they didnt say its impossible so its gonna come and it will once they fix the bugs and all the other stuffs this game is struggling with atm to all the whiners saying class reset won’t come hope y’all have a good day and some good brain logic :slight_smile:


Why do you care so much about others resetting. Play the game the way you like to and worry less about others.

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its better to ressurect old ones of the same topic than repeat the same argument all over again in multiple threads.


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hush they will all return once Trump becomes president.

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Original poster: “Don’t make game more casual”

Joined Apr 20
Last Post May 25
Seen Jun 1

Well then.


This kinda supports my hunch that most who oppose circle reset items are actually just casuals who happen to have a lot of time leveling an army of alts.

Imagine a ToS with a more competitive PvE end-game and more balanced classes where there are more end-game viable builds and more synergies with different builds. Optimizing an end-game party (ET or whatever end-game content that requires thorough roster planning from class down to every specific circle of the class build) will be more efficient with class resets. It allows for more flexibility in party-crafting and saves people from being burnt out by making another class from the ground up - among other reasons such as attributes, character-bound items and cash shop cosmetics.)

Rerolling should never be about abandoning your previous character - that is a symptom of poor gameplay content - but should be instead about being able to try a different gamplay by making a different class and build while still being able to keep your previous character.

Now what most pseudo-elitiist white knights assume is that ALL players who want class reset scrolls are just too lazy to make new characters - that’s why their usual argument is that it’d be spoon-feeding - but who doesn’t want more than one character? that’d be too boring. Most of their arguments are based on the thinking class progression will always be the way it is right now and that the meta will always change - but hey, we can’t blame them for being to short-sighted and ignorant about this, knowing IMC can’t even fix bugs let alone work on the problem of power creep and class balance.

Depending on some game features and how the class reset mechanics will be implemented, it can be spoon-feeding. Though I dont think that would do any harm to the game aside from hurting the ego of these white knights - I don’t want every kid to be spoon-fed as much as these white knights do.

So I say they give us better end-game content, more depth and class balance first before anything. this way, easier leveling (or even skipping the leveling part by being able to optimize your old character via circle reset items) wouldn’t be an issue when end-game content requires more time and resources.

erm PS/disclaimer: I dont mind not having class resets. I have a lot of time for rerolling. and there aren’t much competitive meta builds to choose from anyway. I just find whining about not having class resets are too annoying and that I have yet to see sensible argument from those not having class resets.

Didn’t read past this.

such a cool guy


So, casuals are grinding and leveling their army of alts while hardcore players want to reset a character they leveled once?


read again :wink:


Maybe when your statements will start to make sense.

They should sell a class reset for like $50 and have them start from job lvl 1 and have to re-level all over again.

at that point you might as well restart the character

can’t even write in proper grammar. but hey, not everyone here can.

Where exactly? And where are your capital letters?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It looks like you are out of arguments if you resort to grammar.

uhm cause that’s not a sentence? try again next time :wink:

coming from the guy who’s too cool to read, lels


If you can’t see which one, then never mind.

Even one word can be a sentence. And your phrases are definitely sentences.
