Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Well, I wouldn’t want a class reset that would reset the full class tree you picked out for your character, but something that would let you change 1 of your classes and have a limit of like 3 uses on each character wouldn’t be bad, or IMC could put some alert about the swordsman being supposed to only be used as tank, and that even if you choose only classes that are supposed to be dps you will have no damage at all.

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I didn’t. I posted a lot in class reset threads, but I never actually made a thread about it myself.

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Look at the oodles of fun ya’ll are having walking around in circles of slander.

But really: Frankly I don’t care if the game’ll have resets. I find it funner if it didn’t, but my definition of fun revolves around risk and payoff. If I want to, I’ll make some dumb build and suffer the consequences of choosing a poorly-executed build. I however do not want it to be because the devs changed the damn mechanics of a combo making it obsolete, like Paladin & Sadhu. I want to make the mistake, I do not want it forced on me.

Which is why I firmly stick by the idea of when the mechanics and interactivity of a skill changes, people should be given a class reset (or class reorganizer) that comes with the rebalance. That said, whether or not they decide to monetarize them, make them an integrated part of the system, or just don’t is upto them entirely.

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I see, so that’s the reason why some premium costumes are only available for certain classes. Thanks for the link :3

This is what should be given to us.

we need job reset :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

  1. Do you have any plans to develop a class or rank reset potion?

A. Creating a character in TOS involves making choices about stats, skills, attributes, classes, and many other things. It is possible to revert a character’s entire state to what it was like the day before, for example, but rolling back their class or skills while maintaining the level and stats intact is not an easy task. We will, however, consider making it possible to give up class advancement quests to allow picking a different class.

BWAHAHAHA at least the endless debate can sort of stop.
IMC i hope you will make the class reset as soon as you can so the small salty part of your player base that left can come back.
Oh and i am part of these people i miss the game ^^.

Love you all

Make all gear team bound and passable through team storage. Pack gear, delete fail character, create new one, get new gear!!! And silver!!!

ToS will have a long list of jobs soon. Game is too vast, completely not linear which makes it different from any other MMORPG, and will have constant changes for not implementing a system feature that let you change and reset circles ranks.
That, and a lot of others problems, will soon make a lot of people quit, if it’s not happening already. Not to expect much for a game that a companion fills up a character slot.
Sadly, I doubt posting here will make such a complex feature be implemented, anyone who wants it should be sending suggetions directly and not just dealing with people who can’t have a proper conversation.

Not to mention the game META constantly evolves as people figure out better combinations. So even if you were the flavor of the month, suddenly your 250+ hour char you invested in is no longer META so “screw you” remake your char lol.

Plus, even if they did release a class reset, how much is it going to cost in the item mall? How many times will you have to keep resetting to adapt to new META? Adapt to game balance changes? Adapt to new game content being added that drastically alters META?

Something has to be done to figure all of this out instead of “Reroll and STFU” cuz that definitely isn’t going to help this game’s future.


Didn’t they just said it’s not easy, which could mean it’s not happening? I’m confused by your joy, because they’re just going to make you able to change in early levels BEFORE any definitive change and considering quests advancement are extremely easy to do, that has nothing to do with reset.

By the way, I can’t see how this is complicated for them.
If they want cash, just make it for a quantity of TP or a really though quest and someone that choose Swordman > Highlander 3 > Hoplite can change to Swordman > Peltasta 1 > Hoplite, I guess? If this would generate any conflitc or bug, someone please explain to me how or point me here if someone already discussed something similar. It’s not like I got all the time to read to threads about the same thing…

Yeah, see, ToS is all about combinations.
And “reroll and stfu” is an immature answer for everything here, it seems. Even I was against this, but after reading so many comments, I can understand how people are feelin about this.

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Scroll and that argument was already beaten a long time ago, sorry. Grow up a little.

I play video games to escape real life. Video games let me do things that I can’t do in real life. If you need your games to be close to real life, just shut down your computer/consoles and go outside :slight_smile:

Besides, you can’t just “die” and “reroll” in real life. So by your logic may as well make it one character, no remake and you’re stuck with it :stuck_out_tongue:


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Take it from me who has been posting on these forums religiously.

The only way people know how to argue a point is by doing a few things:

  1. Insult your intelligence by vaguely passing off everything you said as stupid/troll/bait/whining.
  2. Insult your maturity level by making passive aggressive comments regarding how little you understand about how life works.
  3. Directly insult you with flames like “f*ck off” or compare their RL success and how rich they are to you implying you’re some pleb / poor scrub / kid etc.

You can attempt to debate with them intellectually only to have everything you say get ignored while they repeat numbers 1-3 over and over again. You can attempt to make them look retarded by setting them up to show everyone how retarded they are (Requires a bit of wit, I do it sometimes for the lols), of you can post a troll picture and ROFL at them (I do this a lot). They usually f*ck off after that cuz they don’t want to fall for your bait :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a bunch of people here who are old RO veterans who are BLINDLY motivated by nostalgia and cannot see a bigger picture beyond their own vision of a “perfect game”. It’s this lack of ability to see the bigger picture regarding the future of this game that makes all of the arguments they try to make completely moot and retarded. I just laugh at them.

I used to be anti-reset I even made a post about it awhile back but after reading more into everyone’s arguments I started to see some serious fundamental flaws in the game design that are going to lead a lot of people quitting in the long-term…


Nicely said.

A game with this many combinations for classes and builds, coupled with the fact that IMC makes large changes. There has to be some sort of class reset in SOME way. It makes no sense to throw away a 250+ hr character. Maybe for hardcores, but not for everyone. Not everyone is HC. If IMC wants to keep their game alive internationally, this is what they must do: give class resets.

Also, just because it is hard to implement does not make it impossible. Just more time.

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