Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

If someone breaks their leg and you say sorry, are you admitting fault or feeling sorry that they hurt themselves? Its like saying “im sorry that happened to you”. Your post is invalid.

When i said just because something works in one game, it was just an example. What may work in certain games, doesn’t mean it will work in others. better?

As for me not having a counter argument, i dont feel like repeating myself. This topic has been beaten to death, the majority doesnt even want resets and people should just realize this game wasnt meant to have class resets.

I would like a reset, but ONLY if it resets you back to level 1/1 and rank 1. Keeping all the gear and stuff you already own at whatever level you was, unequipped. Maybe some TP to pay for the reset.
Would be a reset in the truest sense, and you just need to level up again instead of rerolling/making new character.
Since in this game every rank up is a different path, a full reset would be more appropriate instead of just 1 or 2 rank down.
It also serves as a punishment for whoever made the mistake of going a path they regret. They have to do it all over again, but this time they already know what they would go for, at least they should.

Otherwise, just reroll a new character. My suggestion at least lets you keep your stuff so you dont have to farm them all over again. A problem i foresee is people collecting all the class costumes for their respective character(archer, swordie, wiz, cleric).

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Im in favor of this too. Resetting back to the beginning, keeping team xp, achievements, etc. Maybe having some kind of bonus xp also.

In favor of this. It also gives those who don’t want to reset a bit of ‘incentive’ by allowing them to collect costumes that they are locked out due to their initial class choices too. Maybe add some other incentives like achievements or +10 stat points if reset at 280 so that the reset is more of a game feature other than “something haphazardly put together” to appease the pro-reset crowd?

Eg. I want the priest 3 TP costume but I’m not planning to have priest 3 in my build. So I’ll level a priest 3, reset back to 1/1 and go back to the build order I intended.

There are some minor problems especially when resetting templars though. But with a full reset it will be easier to solve than specific timed circle resets.

Keeping team xp would be too much, at the current stage. I dont mind keeping them if you was 280 before reset tho, or whatever the current max when and if they actually implement a full reset.
They could implement a full reset for max level characters, similar to rebirth system in RO. But due to how the game is, and the fact that they havent actually finish the game yet, what with all the remaining 3 ranks and 120 levels not yet out.

Honestly, ragnarok introduced more classes since their closed beta compared to tos. iirc the game came out closed beta with 99 cap and 2nd class ready. The latter patches add another set of classes, which is rebirth + super novice + high classes, and then baby patch after marriage patch. 3rd class was added along with extra levels.
Granted, ragnarok is years older compared to tos, but cmon, the game came out with a proper level cap, and it felt rather polished and complete, compared to tos.

Yeah. The current game isn’t polished yet. Do hope we will see more content patches and level cap increases over the next year. I left RO before the rebirth so I don’t really know how that works.

+1 to this. <3
Please IMC.


When I say team xp, I mean the xp that goes towards your team level… you know the one that gives bonus xp to your characters.

Not character level or class level.

If you already knew I meant this, I’m not sure why you think it’s too much.

I would love a class reset. I mean, whow wouldnt? o_O

I would like something Path of Exile GGG does. They do a full free reset on major patches. This way, your character isn’t completely toast and allows you to change the build.

I would like to buy stat reset potions though (dunno if you can right now, haven’t tried).

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after so much debate,


i do not wish to see a class reset. At most, a free stat & skill reset potion once you hit rank 7 and the last rank. Generally in mmo, is all about making mistakes and make a better one than your previous mistakes. Like how your first character is always a failed one or a fallen one.

I believe once that level cap is raise, there will be more content and it will be much easier to level at the lower levels. As of now, we are only given that much trying to reach the max rank.


Is what this sounded like to me.

“Q) Depending on the items that were equipped, there were some skills that I could not use. Was this purposely designed this way?
A) That’s because we had a lack of sprite patterns. (For example, the
animation of “Rapid Fire” was only available with a character equipped
with a crossbow and a shield.) We will try our best to fill in more
animations in the next version.”

Could be nice if they didn’t lack the same exact foresight as RO’s client to have base models require specific animations made for each class and equipment piece. That’s the reason why the premium costumes are locked by class because they cut corners instead of coding things for long term. - Source

Now you understand how i feel when you guys say it.

So I should know from lvl 1 that no matter what swordsman class I choose I would be a useless sandbag that can’t even be a sandbag at high lvls if I don’t pick Peltasta?

You’re supposed to study all that subjective reading material by scouring forums for hours before you start your character, duh.

I started the character on day 1 of the early access, and everyone already knew it at that time right?

Game has been out in Korea forever, dude. The information was out there man.

He’s being sarcastic, Zip is the poster who made like 20 threads about the opposite of this topic. Unless he/she decided to flip flop.

(He’s on your side)

Actually, I never made any threads on class resets.

Not sure where this misconception came from.

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