Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

I am against reset, overall. but you do have a point. The reason why I’m against reset is only because of the future competitive aspect of the game.

I believe character that are hard to build should not just by taken with a simple reset clic. While many people took that way and put a good amount of time to build them.

I don’t want people to just level with a very super strong character to just reset for a pure support class. I believe some classes are more achievements than others.

So what I believe is, if there is a reset. It shouldn’t be the whole class tree. I believe that someone could reset their last 3 circle. While all other circle behind those 3 will be locked with no way of resetting them.

And resetting those circles would make you lose class experience meaning you have to level again. You would lose more experience depending on what type of circle you take and the amount of circle. Support would make you lose 1/2 while Crafting one would make you lose 2/3 and offensive 1/3.
This thing would fix the issue I have with those resets option.

People who want circle resets are like this: Ohhh, a new meta for this archetype? Let’s reset and do it as well!! ~ a few months later with new things ~ Ohhh, a new meta for this archetype? Let’s and reset do it as well!! ~ a few months later with new things ~ Ohhh, a new meta for this archetype? Let’s reset and do it as well!!
Is it really fun?

#Be honest, really??!!!

Is it fun to play a char non optimal no body wants in a groupe ?
No so i quit (release of overwatch tonight yeahhhh)
Is it fun to play the class you actully want when you want ? how could you say no ? lol because this is your question. Do you want to be able to play the things you want to… B.R.U.H

I think in the end it’s really more of a balance. If there wasn’t a useless class, we won’t be talking about reset today. Shows how well balanced This game is hmmm

A circle reset would effect everyone very significantly.
Any player can have the best build.

As things are now, the strong/popular builds will eventually be defeated by newer builds, but months later.
With circle resets there would be an very fast metagame, where today’s builds get defeated in hours/days/weeks. You may have to use circle resets to keep up with the fast metagame.
If you like your build, you might have to change it anyway just to keep up because any player will be able to have the best build.

I’m concerned about the feel and emotional attachment to your character.
Here is an analogy using the Pokémon games.
The portable games force you to find, catch and train the Pokémon you want. You choose Squirtle instead of Charmander or Bulbasaur.
You play the game.

Now in circle reset Pokémon, you can change any water-Pokémon to any other water-Pokémon. Any fire-Pokémon to any other fire-Pokémon.
You no longer have a Squirtle, you have a thing that can be any water-pokemon.
Imagine if Pokémon was only full of Dittos, and they could be whatever you wanted. Now none of the Pokémon are unique, or feel like pets. It’s not even Pokémon anymore. And so the game loses it’s magic/appeal. There are no more interesting journeys and quirky paths. You no longer have an emotional connection to your Squirtle.

I believe in Pokémon Stadium you could play free battle where you and your friend could choose any of the 151 Pokémon and battle. It’s fun for a bit, maybe even a few days. But ultimately there is no build up. Without difficult training sessions with your favorite Pokémon, and journeys to get you anticipating your upcoming battles, the battles will have less meaning/excitment.

Lol, my bad, didnt read the entire thread and my english is not very good, I wouldnt like circle reset either, but only stats/skills reset, because this doenst change totally what your character is.

So, it is fun to always play how other people want? If nobody wants you in a group, create your own or gather your friends to do it. I have 3 “non-meta” characters and play the game normally with my friends and sometimes with random people. But hey, I don’t want to keep you out from meta, just level up a new character and you’re good to go. Isn’t that hard to level up anyways…

And now for a long long time there is.

And do thevsame thing but from lvl 1 is fun?
Think of this, you are lvl 400 and now your build is no longer good for what ever reason. You realy want to start from lvl one?

A mass reset is really the only acceptable compromise for people. As in, a giant rebalancing patch that simply packs all the changes into one (probably glitchy) update. And with that update will probably bring some type of reset pot for people so they aren’t completely locked out of changing up their build.

tl;dr: A nice compromise is during mass rebalance patches to give them out to use (or not). I like the consequence of having the ability to screw up builds (it can happen to any class, even Wizards & Archers guys), but I prefer people to make that mistake and not forced on by the Devs.


Yes, I did it one time already and it was faster than my first character (I have 5 now :v). The team level experience really boost up your characters.

Ok so if there will be a reset of some sort how it efect your game play?

It will create a division on the game, one side will always be on meta, It will break pvp and pve. And the other will be people who do what they want and always will be crushed by the meta players except on dungeons if they are doing with people who don’t care about that or friends.
I would agree to a circle reset only if most classes gets a skill rework, affecting almost every player on the game.
But hey, if you guys want circle resets just be honest and say it: I don’t like leveling, I awlays want to be using the builds that are popular and “strong”. I don’t want to mess up your fun.
If one of the game features wasn’t leveling, be it a new toon or a older one, be sure that circle resets would exist.

Ok let me just say it. No body leveled up a char thinking “huehue i take an easy char to lvl, and when i invested money a lot of time in the game, i will complain on the forum for a class reset, lelz i am a genius”.
No you want to know what most of the player that want a reset think: i don’t like to waist my time and money. That is all period.
If i didn’t like leveling i would have not played an mmorpg, i would have not spend 410h on the game…

That’s why I said if one of the game features wasn’t leveling, be it a new toon or a older one, be sure that circle resets would exist.
But well… Only 410h? D: jk hahahaha.
At least you’re honest with your reasons.

This. And the reason why there’s a problem. If I still had my Sadhu character from iCBT2 and it just got completely dumpstered by all the nerfs I would be pretty pissed at IMC and anyone saying “DO THE RESEARCH” and reroll to me. They buffed every other class and left it nerfed worse of all too.

I just can’t wait until this happens to a lot of people here against resets. Wait until they nerf like almost every aspect of your build including moving things to higher circle tiers like Druid. There’s a special little place in my heart right now waiting for the day to necro this thread and quote people like the Steam rating one where everyone defended IMC.

Half of you though I think are just on troll accounts anyways.


“im better cause i follow the reddit”

NO , Say yes to Job reset


I hope they follow kTOS patches too because we are like over a month behind on tons of things now which certain classes got even more buffs. What’s really stupid is we are in this weird limbo of “are we going to just be a carbon copy of kTOS” or will they balance things differently.

i hope you do understand that even if thee will be no reset then there will be people that will restart from 0(this are the people that have the time for it) and this that dont. same thing only imc get nothing from itt and maybe lose people.
i am lvling 5 characters and i dont want to start from lvl 1 no more cant see the starting maps any more. this game have no replay ability out of the classes and even then its not that big.its not GW2 maps or even ff14. the maps will be 100% the same .

most of them will reroll , they have the time. most of them are people that have no job and can play all day.