Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Say yes to class/circle/job reset :muscle:

And after that say bb to RO-like ppl, i think it`s more then half here)

if there is no job reset, lots of people will leave once higher levels are implemented. Next to no one has the time to level 2 chars to level 500. If IMC wants the game to run on schoolkids who are on vacation and people with no lives, they can do it and close the game when theyā€™re not getting enough ROI.

Number changes should not ever be reason for you as a player to want to reroll. If you picked a meta build and they nerf it, deal with it. The only reason I can see for class resets is ACTUAL class reworks. Slight functionality changes or number changes that donā€™t change the way the game plays for a class shouldnā€™t be merit for a reset. So long as the basis of what you were doing remains the same it shouldnā€™t hurt you much for them to tweak values. It is only when they completely change the way the game plays for a specific class that a class reset should be something the player has access to, and only to those whom were affected by it directly.

Also I donā€™t consider looking up meta builds as research but I guess that is semantics. The ratio of players using meta builds that intentionally break my spiritual chain because they donā€™t know what linker does beyond joint penalty is impressive to say the least.

To me it seems like youā€™ve never actually played an mmorpg from the release before. Itā€™s supposed to take YEARS to get there, not months or weeks. And thatā€™s plenty of time to enjoy playing with multiple characters. With dungeons giving nice amount of exp and team level boosting the exp gain too, it shouldnā€™t be that problematic to get few of your most favourite characters to the final cap within 3 years of playing the game.

If youā€™re one of those who have perseverance/attention span only for few weeks max and then hop on to the next game, then you shouldnā€™t be asking any changes on the game in the first place.

And leveling will get easier after the first 3 years usually, because usual mmorpg has a lifespan of 5-7 years and it helps keeping the slower leveling players playing the game if they get slowly increasing boosts to get them into endgame content. So donā€™t worry, if youā€™re part of the main target audience, youā€™ll get those 2 characters to level 500 just fine eventually (not within the first few months from the start of the game though) :slight_smile:

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Ro have a form of reset you know,a ha5d to get one but its there.

Its will be a long time after release. I dont remember any resets in RO. But i play in RO many years.

Go look at ro befor you talk please.

Cant do it) Forgot all my pass from there) Too long time ago i play in RO) B4 i have a children. I mean when i play RO, its first 3-4 year from start, there no any resets.

i dont think they will ever have this job/class reset as it will mess the game even with cash shop. Say if you are Templar and you job reset what will happen to the guild? DESTROYED and what will happen to the war from other guilds? it will get ā€œnullā€. So just you know, reroll your characters and waste time again.

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Exactly! this is what they really need to know.
at some point, they could just create a silver gaining character like Alchemist, Squire, Pardoner etc. then class reset if they want to change into PvP class. The game will lose its potential. boringā€¦

Welp job circle reset should be implemented and not the grind one (that are bad idea for obvious reasons) plain and simple circle reset like any stat or skill reset.
I donā€™t see good reason not toā€¦

ā€œRepeatability of the game ?ā€
No mmo end game should be rerollā€¦ and even so circle reset does not allow you to change class. So you still have to level a cleric, a swordy, and archer to 280, just FYI I am lvl 268 with 410hour on the gameā€¦ and that is whith ONE char, so yeah trying to get all class to 280 should occupy you long enough.

ā€œBut then I play good leveling class and rerollā€
Ok and what is the problem with that HUMMM ? Let me get it straight before lvl 254 the entire game require no real investment. And the early game is a joke, any class can level fast enough because you donā€™t need to efficient grind below 254.
ā€œBut yeah look at wizard C2 itā€™s hardā€¦ā€ bruh the only reason you make it hard is because you refuse to invest in skill points and later on use a skill reset because you are too cheap to trow a couple bucks on a game. Therefore you auto attack on your mageā€¦. Bruh.

ā€œI made my char good because I read reddit, so therefore people who make mistakes are noob and should have no way to change theses mistakes.ā€
Like really my dude REALLY. If you think like that then you are a twat for obvious reason.

And so onā€¦

I know it has been said numerous timeā€¦ but most people who invest 200h+ on a char will not want to delete and restart. They will leave. And you hardcore elitists mofo should understand that you NEED these players to play and invest in the game so it continues to live.
Plus be realistic, this item would cost a lot of real money, and there is a real demand for it, so there you go money for IMC money for the server for de devs etc.

There are other aspect as for why it is nice, and why itā€™s not. But the financial aspect alone and the player staying on the game overcome all of the rest.

Oh and donā€™t tell me imc should add more cosmetic if they want moneyā€¦ because if I donā€™t like my char I will not pay 5bucks for a pixel dress. Therefore everybody should like they char blablabla.

Iā€™ll present you a set of case scenarios where a job circle reset would simply destroy the game.

  1. Templar - switch this one out and see what happens to the guild
  2. Merchant classes - Vend when you canā€™t play, level up when you can. You might as well call this Tree of Merchants.
  3. Pet classes - Free pets anybody? Although Iā€™ve seen this done enough times as an alt.

The fact that cards are done after level 235 means for those who really want to be up there, they must grind. They could have stopped the level cap at 240 for Saalus Convent and what would be the anger associated with here on making an alt? It would be a lot less because reaching the cap is that much easier. Complaining due to lack of content? This game is fairly new.

Circle resets are for those who are looking to achieve what they want with minimal effort. Donā€™t tell me about not having enough time to do what you want, nobody really has it, and nobody is going to really do it. Make your characters how you want it to be, and find people who will compliment your play style

As a gamer I wonā€™t want reset to be implemented as it will dilute the class mix. People will all just play the best class. The moment someone discover another new one, everyone resets. Wonā€™t it be boring hmm. Also the other issue comes with is the struggle. I really think people who play games likes to be tortured a little. Especially those that play the suck 90% glory at the end type. Kudos to the achievement. Reset will just make everyone go the easiest levelling class and just reset at the end. Easy peasy.

That said, people make mistakes. Many of them. Also games are constantly balanced and not just new classes, new items may unbalance certain characters. When the nerf stick comes, someone will get hurt. Remember the 90% pain and finally glory guy, he may just be the one to get that nerf stick because he tried hard, achieved his dream class but got nerfed. So how can we fix this hmmm. From that view, may be resets with restrictions and penalty should apply. Maybe once every few month? Maybe a reset of only your last class level? Maybe only when your class get nerfed? Iā€™m not sure really but maybe something that can undo a step or 2 with major restriction in number of times will help the casual yet not alienate the hardcore players achievement.

That said, reset implementation maybe harder then we think. To implement it will require quite some technical fiddling. They probably need to implement class only xp cards to give out so people can reset yet still forced to do the upgrade quest. They must Also implement a way to restrict this reset or make it really not worth while that you have to be determined. They will also need to take back all the class costumes from the player. If they want to do selectable class reset, itā€™s even harder since you can not only change class but also rank 2 a class. Wonā€™t you need to reset multiple times to get by?

Iā€™m divided really. If itā€™s me, I will vote no to reset unless you get a nerf stick, then do a support request for reset. Not for trivia reasons like cause the other class is better. Or maybe just reset only the last circle which I thought is rather fair. 1 chance and not the entire tree

Really ā€œdestroyā€ the game none of your scenario ā€œdestroyā€ the game. dont use big word just to make a case.
Templar: switch to another class, well his guild is destroyed, end of story i dont see the problem
Merchant class: itā€™s a joke, one token cost 10 dollar, lets assume cicle reset is the same price maybe even higher. So you are telling me someone will pay 10dollar every time he goes afk ? com on dude be realistic, 1% maybe can aford to do it, and if they do itā€™s a cash machine for imc wish in the end is good for all the players.
Pet class: Hum decent point ? but minor really minor, i am not a pet class and i have 4lvl 200 pet. So yeah there is thatā€¦

I never complained about the lack of content. In fact there is stuff to do once you hit max level. One that requires lot of time is attribute maxing. But then again if you donā€™t like your char you wont be maxing stuff you actually realize fell off / are bad / etc. And ET well you are not meta ? welp i am sorry son but no one wants you.

No circle reset is not for people blabla minimal effort, itā€™s for people that loves the game, made a mistake and donā€™t have the strength to start over again. I actually have the time to level an alt, but do i have the envy of loosing straight up 410h of game ? just to do what ? the same 410 againā€¦ well no. So i quit the game and wait for a reset one day or if not welp too bad i liked the game a lot end of story.
You could not give a crap and i understand until you realize that you really donā€™t want player to quit especially the one that are not free to play.

You do realize there is something called a team level, and the time it takes to get there becomes less for each character you make. Your 410 hours becomes 300 (market conditions), and it will become less as you make more 280s (if you have that kind of resolve). Skill and stat resets are for the dedicated, circle resets on the other hand still for the minimalists (simply because there is too much time required to try them all).

I know a few people that have their team level at 20+ and within a week, they already pop out with a 200. So Iā€™m not sure where you are getting that information that they need the same amount of hours to get to that point. I do understand the grind 230+ onwards, but that there is your choice as the cards stop at 235.

What really what is that team level ? I litteraly told you i have 4 lvl 200 pet. Itā€™s not because i love leveling petā€¦
But do you also know that the team level is actully next to useless ? Because itā€™s not a flat out multiplicator, same stuff as xp tome. If you donā€™t know what i mean go search the post where a dude explain why you should never use xp tome on maps.
Now to that add the fact that the main leveling source in the game is xp card, and that team level does not do jack ā– ā– ā– ā–  of xp card. Soā€¦ yeah cool.
I can win what ? humm maybe best case scenario 20-30h on 410. Yeah i still am not doing that.
And now the icing on the cake, i cannot trade all the premium items of my main char. Wish implies i actully lost money. And now super icing you expect me to litteraly spend money on another alt just to do the same stuff againā€¦

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Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that a large portion of ToS fans are literally insane or just completely fcking stupid. Either way Iā€™m done with this turd, Just gonna wait for something better to come along. 500 hours down the drain. most unrewarding game experience Iā€™ve ever had.

And what is the f*****g problem guys?! if you dont wanna reset, just DONT RESET! but let the other players to have that option, OMG! People are still using the same builds anyway because of meta, and because they are afraid to make mistakes and not to be able to fix them.
Sorry if my english is not good enough, im just another stupid spaniard that doesnt understand players arguments against the reset options.


Youā€™ve kind of reaffirmed his point. Build a character, if you donā€™t like, reset!!! Canā€™t wait for the next rank, all those PDs are going to want to rebuild.