Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

this is much fine, i don’t mind at all, ~__~ having no way to reset job, imagine if they increase the max level in future… the horror.

Well, this is a feature of the game not? If you play a rogue style game where you have to restart upon death you don’t blame the developer why they don’t put in save points as it is a rogue style game.

Same as ToS, if no class reset is part of the game design, just leave it with no class reset. When ToS reaches level 600 the developers might have other things that might make the mis-match class choices become viable.

Why reset? Cuz one bad choice? What if they buff the class you left once you reset to make it more viable? Reset again? Then another class got buff… reset again?

Forever chasing that green pasture? When will it ever end?

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MMO are always evolving, since even WoW evolve(to a bad way) still mmo do evolve. Part of the game design does not meant it as permanent. Is eithier it bring the company money or not. Not fun by majority = no money.

We’ll see how it fair in the future. See if this game can evolve or stagnant.

Yes games do evolve. Which is why now is still too early to request for a reset of any kind. The game has be like for the public like for 2months+? The game goes to lvl500+ and we are just halfway there. There are still numerous things and features not even implemented yet.

The main problem is players tend to harp on the “majority thinks like me” kind of thinking when clearly the majority doesn’t. There is no statistics or anything to substantiate the claim at all. The forum doesn’t even represent the whole gaming community, at most 5-10% of the player base. Yet amongst these 5-10% only a small handful of players ask for this feature. How is that a majority?

Yep what we can do know is to enjoy the game and wait for updates, rather than keep flogging on the already dead horse.


this is ok with me, lol maybe put a heavy penalty like need 250m silver instead lol

Yep. I would love to have that too, it is one of the best middle grounds I can think of, the other being having a very very long reset quest which I posted in another post… need to dig that out.

A job exp penalty is much better penalty than silver, which will result in more players buying from silver sellers just to get the 250m silver to reset. This makes it not an attractive penalty at all lol.

+1 NO to class reset.

Seriously NO! having class reset is a dumb act. players would go for the META class and would just do another reset if they want to. this is not DOTA/LOL that you could’ve just do select any hero of your choice. this is an RPG where its likely you’ll almost spend most of your time leveling/grinding to achieve your goal and you’ll just bring up a class reset because you mess up with your character? again, its a NO!


I agree that we shouldn’t have a “class reset” still it wouldn’t be that bad having a only 1 circle reset (i mean if you picked swordman3-pelta-3-templar you could “reset” one of those 3 circles only and only 1 time).

I dunno what you guys means by job reset, if it’s by class or skills.
Beside, CBT 2 had a Skill reset for classes.

Job resets will give them profit. It might be one of the biggest source of profit if they release it. Its inevitable.

Not against it nor support it. Its just the sad truth on how new MMO’s go today. Its all about profit. Ragnarok Online and RF Online went F2P because P2P wasn’t enough profit. Granado Espada was supposed to be P2P but they won’t get more profit out of it.

MMORPG’s today is all about profit. They might not release it but the chances of this game having a job reset is high. Simply because it has a cash shop.

the problem is this game is not done developed so if they add new class or make an big major change it will fk up people build and that’s the game maker 's fault.
it’s not like they have to sell job reset, also have to distribute it every time they added new class

But IMC doesn’t seems to care about profit at all if not they wont be so slow in selling TP packages etc. In fact, they doesn’t seems to care anything about the game at all LOL!!

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Lol like u said 5-10% of player pool. you cannt simply say no to represent the whole either. Most game is full of casual player, those who think they r hardcore n pro cannt decide for everything. Lvling in this game isn’t all. This game involve a lot grinding to gear up char too. I don’t see why there is no chance developer won’t do circle reset. This is money printing features would benefit developer coffers. We jus stay tune.

Yep, they should sell 10% exp instant level tomes, instant 100k silver bags, lucky gacha 6-7 star purple/orange item cubes too in TP shop along with job resets. They will boost the profits of the game through the roof. The game is all about profits right? It helps the players too so they don’t need to do the time consuming quests/dungeons/missions. Maybe make it so that each and every skill is available in game the moment you log in, players log in and play it just like any other moba.

… ok sarcasm aside, in my opinion the best stance IMC can take is to see how the game progresses 1-2 years down the road, see if their balances of the classes can make each and every class viable in something end game with the new content. From there then see if the game really needs a job reset or not.

By then the online repository of ToS items/quests/skills will be extensive enough to provide enough information to every player., so they can make informed choices on what to choose for their build.

As of now the game is still new, community guides are not fully fleshed, the game is not fully explored on yet. Give it more time :3

Sarcasm or not, they might do that in the future. Remember that Granado Espada also belongs to one of IMC’s games. They literally did all those things you mentioned there.

Yep I hope they stop doing this. Just give us more cosmetic items like unique pets, costumes and headgears will be sufficient.

There hasn’t been a single valid argument against Class reset in this thread.

It’s always the “Oh but it makes the game hard!” or the “if they didn’t research they deserve to get punished”

And what happens when you make research and your “perfect” build gets destroyed next week by a patch? I’ve seen it happen in countless games, the meta changes so much there’s never a time to catch up unless you can devote 90% of your time to it.

Last game seriously i played which wasn’t a MMORPG (as i wanted to play different genres) the amount of times Riot has nerfed a champion/reworked it into something completely different ruining the game for many players is too many for me to count. Even in LoL the effects are less drastic because your character can be changed with just a click.

In MMORPGs is a different story. You go a build that is “perfect” this month and next month you might find yourself abandoning said character, and while you make your next build next patch swings by and changes what’s good again. And let’s not mention bugged skills etc.

THAT is why everyone asks for a class reset, even if it’s not IMCs intentions overnerfing/buffing a class will happen and those who played the class will be the only ones affected. Saying a class reset is not a positive thing in a game like this is an ignorant thing to say, and i don’t even support class reset, couldn’t care less whether or not IMC implemented it but many people here need to get off their high horse and stop calling everyone who sees the benefits of class reset a “casual”

There hasnt been a single valid argument in this entire forum for why job resets are good. All im asking is for a good reason, why cant you give it to me?

This is what you got from everything? OK, let me simplify your arguments too.

“dont have time”
“dont feel like leveling up”
“IMCs fault, not mine”
“cant see future”

Its not about having the perfect build, which seems all you pro reset people care about.


Detrimental to the design of the game. There’s a reason why you have a team level, that is to make leveling an alt easier. The character you make is by your own choice. “Mistakes” as people call it, are subjective based on a wide variance of reason. If you’re making a character based on how you want it to function, it is hard to call this a mistake. If you’re making a character to be the best in the server, there will always be mistakes. MMOs always has this problem called DPS and it heavily favors those classes.


Agree! We must turn on our brains and play this game. :slight_smile: