Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

You can build your build and yes, an RPG IS ACTUALLY about making mistakes, rerolling, trying and making experiences and NOT about “Do whatever you want, you win anyways”

Maybe you should just start reading topics before trying to snark up with smart responses. Rerolling is a term derived from pen and paper rpgs.

Then again you’re just grasping at straws here instead of trying to find a real argument to refute other people’s opinions here so that’s to be expected.

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class reset … i wont reroll a char i spent much time and invested money… so im in favor of class reset … make it costy i dont mind … some

Am on the fence on this matter. On one side I respect having no resets are they are part of the initial game design. On the other I’m often sympathetic and would like those who make mistakes have a second chance. :3

So the best middle ground will be do have a circle reset, but with consequences:

The player will have to ‘de-level’ the class.The player will have to take upon a ‘reset’ quest, and while it is still in effect, all job experiences will minus off from the quest until it is completed and the player resets his circle. The quest cannot be abandoned and normal job experience gains will only resume once the quest is completed.

During the process the player will gain an extraordinary title called “Mid-class crisis”

To reset circles the experience points is as follows:

Class position differences
1 : 50 million exp
2 : 100 million exp
3 : 150 million exp
4 : 200 million exp
5 : 250 million exp

Eg. if you want to reset from class 2 circle from class 6. You will need 200 million job exp.

Then why bring it up? Unless you mean to imply your post is pointless too. In which case, that’s some fine use of irony.

I’m sorry to shatter your maiden dreams, but majority is not the correct word.

Solid advice, that. Or was it not advice, but another lesson in irony?

kids these days only know pay2win~
last time there isnt even a thing called cash shop and every1 were still playing happily~
nowadays tho… everything they want is cash shop with ridiculous effects… they are so broken…

Not a bad idea. Though the reset quest is kind of unnecessary. I think it’s okay to level both at the same time.

@ArtisanKing Nobody’s asking for items with ridiculous effects though.

oh yeah? job reset not ridiculous? duh…

Clearly, it’s not the kind of effects we’re talking about.

I got 250 and I realize that my build is not used for anything but ultimately it does not matter, I start a character.

ToS is like that, stop piss us with your desire to make the casual play.

If you do not have the b**** to play ToS, change game.

I agree with the post of the author, IMC does not provide reset job please.

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i did stopped here, because too much bullsht, u probally never played wow in u life, cuz in wow the reset skill tree was away there. the game isn’t easy at all, lvl up a character take alot of time and effort, its not that lame thing u did lvled to 50 in 2 weeks sir, when u get overlvled enough u will understand the necessity class reset in this game, dont think its because u are copying a build thats working now it means they will not nerf it further, ujust bein brainless thinking this way. good day sir

Thank you very much!


but then:

If you stopped reading, don’t you fcking comment on what I said because you did not read it. Idiot.

Actually that’s what I would say about you. I started with Vanilla and there were NO heirlooms that give you +500000000000 exp and make you level to 80 in 2 days and actually skill trees that make you think about what to do.
If you have no idea how it was before and did not even read my post, how dare you to even comment on it you stupid piece of fck.

And by the way, do you even English bro?

this English gave me cancer.

3 reasons for you to please not post ever again in your pitiful life:

-> You don’t even read the post you are commenting at and saying it yourself
-> You have no idea what you are talking about and still don’t mind talking BS (Yes, there WERE skill trees in WoW and they have been REMOVED, that’s what I said)
-> Your English gives me cancer

Perhaps a middle ground where if you level say, a wizard to max lvl, your next wizard will have 3x exp, then your wizard after that will have another 3x exp and so on.

Gives ya something to build on, sells character slots, balances the whole thing out a bit?

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not against the idea of a job class reset. Lot of value in having that feature. But… I also see the value in not having one. I’m just mentioning one possible alternative. Thoughts anyone?

We really shouldn’t care whether class reset exists or not. Even if it exists, it shouldn’t really affect how we play the game. We shouldn’t feel cheated if someone else decided to spend real money to save time. Whether the game is hardcore or casual is up to you and not how other people play it.


Long story short yes I think it should have job reset no I don’t think it should be just given on a plate , yes I feel it should have disadvantages too to using it like earning the circles you reset . Like maybe changed circles you have never learnt have to be learn from job 1-15

Could you please go smear your poop somewhere else? What you’re saying is contradicting within the same post and your overall text structure is horrendous. Why are you switching from wow to tos to wow to tos? :unamused:

Candy Crush actually is more painful then Dark Souls - you are going to die as often, but your lifes are limited!

I agree that we shouldn’t be allowed to change our job once the advancement is done. But shouldn’t they at least let us abandon the advancement quest that we’ve chosen wrongly? I’m not stuck at level 79 with a wrong advancement quest and now I’m in dilemma. Spent so many hours getting to this stage and one wrong click got my effort washed down the drain.

What happened and what’s your advancement quest?

so uhm… let say we reach lvl 999, still no reset job? :frowning:

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