Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Isn’t this what’s already happening? People rerolling to other cookie-cutter meta builds? Nevertheless, any form of class reset - depending on its acquisition - will just magnify this game flaw. That is why I am for class resets but only when class balancing is improved, when so-called “meta builds” are not confined to almost just one build for every base class.

Also, they can implement a cash shop item that only resets/edits one circle for a ridiculously high price to discourage complete reset of a whole build so that the more circles you want to change, the more money you’d have to burn. (e.g. 500-1000 TP for one-circle-reset) This way, it’s still more sensible to make a new one.

But for now, I’m betting on IMC implementing cash shop class reset before they can even do proper reworks and rebalancing on classes.

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But classes are not classes because there are more skills and less classes in another game.

Fck logic, gib us resets.

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There are lots of casual games out there, this can be played by casuals, but don’t expect things going like every single player will wait for the casuals to catch up just because of that.

had there be a Gamer that made a Guild for casual players, that would do them Wonders for all game experience in the future, Maybe ?
that 'd be amuzing.

Some do and thats fine. Its not like the rank 8 classes just made every build ever made obsolete. There are plenty of people who wont reroll. The ones who want to always have the best build possible will have to play the game. Not sure what the issue is with that. Many of the meta builds right now have good rank 8 choices.

Even having it cost alot of TP is a bad idea because putting a high price tag on it just makes it p2w. Before i played this game i was playing an extemely p2w game and i spent hundreds every month just to keep up. Not sure why people want it to start going down that road. That just opens the doors for it.


I agree that’s why i said in my previous posts that we don’t need it urgently like how people make it out to be. About the p2w part, I’m pretty positive it can be done with the right mechanics. What I can think of is making the game more gear-oriented than purely class-oriented. (that doesn’t sound right tho, lol) They should make it so that people still need to rely on grinding for gears and some luck in order to actually “win” in this game. This is definitely far from being a good idea but I’m just putting this idea out there to show that a game becomes p2w because of several poor game design and not just one.

Cross link what I think is the actual flaw of this game.


I had a similar idea, but it was to put stat multipliers on skills like some already have. They could set each skill to have different multipliers so multihit skill might have a STR * 0.2 damage multiplier and single hit skills could have STR * 1.5 multipliers for example. This would be in addition to whatever damage they have set on the skill, but they would have to be lowered. This would make stats have a much bigger impact on your character and lower ranked skills would scale better.


Exactly, I don’t see why a swordsman who loves using bash, honing his skills to a max level 15 will deal <5% damage on a level 280 normal monster. Really kills idea of having 80 unique classes. If a player loves taking C3 swordsman, C3 pelt and C3 barb for his R9 class choices, he will probably be destined to fight level 220 and below mobs.

Maybe he can’t even get to level 330 for R9… sigh.


Lmao IMC wouldn’t give a class reset even if more than half the players asked for it.

Might as well give this option for these casuals huehuehue. Seems like they need all the babysitting they can get.

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Wait, I was talking about poor balancing and meta. I think you’re talking about power creep which is somewhat a different problem but still very related nevertheless.

anyway, power creep is pretty much a problem in every MMO. It’s only a bigger problem in ToS because the game was advertised to be about mixing and matching different classes. and one of the reasons meta builds, except for utility/support classes (e.g. cryochrono), is limited to your rank 5-7 classes.

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Power creep is a result of poor balancing, the both of them goes hand in hand. And poor balancing and power creep result in the over reliance of meta builds. Everything comes complete in a circle.

In the design process there are usually a couple of routes to increase difficulty of content. One way is to increase the amount of mechanics and AI of of the monsters, like how danmaku games Touhou does it or like Devil May Cry difficulty modes where the AI is significantly more “intelligent”.

The other way is what most MMOs do, introduce more damage and hp to signify higher difficulty. This is what ToS does, but unfortunately this method comes with a fatal flaw. As the level gets higher, the stats of the monsters will get higher and higher. Skills that don’t follow percentage values will start to fall out as non-viable as they can’t chew down the hp of the monster at a comfortable pace.

We start seeing this hasted design choice from 240 level onwards, where the “difficulty curve” starts getting higher (suddenly 90-110k hp mobs) and the R7 classes start to have a big gap in damage compared to the R6 counterparts. In R8 it becomes more evident where a level 1 rank8 skill starts to have damage equal to a full 3 circle rank4-5 class.

This is where balancing starts to crumble. The game is balanced around R8 class damage, and early classes which can’t get to that damage starts to drop off. This power difference creates a rift where only the classes which can proceed comfortably (in both damage and damage mitigation) becomes the meta.

And it spirals down to players feeling frustrated as their build becomes “outdated” due to the power creep the game introduces as “higher difficulty” content. So much as they want a reset.

So yeah, everything is connected. If IMC continues on with this power creep and new class implementation, sooner or later even high damage C7 classes like musketeer will be left in the dust too.


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Your highly simplified arguments still make more sense then theirs, heh.

I’m already tired of responding to the topic again~

Considering how you swear high and low that Resets are a mandatory feature, this would be the very defination of P2W.
And you say, you arent selfishly arguing just for your own personal reset?

It’s much better to have Class, then it is to have Skill.

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More like too ambitious. RO is balanced with a max level of 99 in mind, which is why with a cap it is easier to make skills with fixed damage rather than percentage based. ToS has this moving goal post of max level… which is why we see at lower levels up to 200 everything is viable (due to good fix damage balancing) but it gets bad after 220+.

Same here… some just seem to want a TP reset which only requires them to use the potion as the form of effort for reset.

personally, i think resets aren’t a completely bad idea. their implementation of the rank/circle system could use an overhaul though. either way, the lvling isn’t difficult in the slightest but it is boring.

1st, it would be greatly appreciated if we could just pick any class we want for any circle/rank and especially the 1st rank. this would allow us to truly make a more fluid class combo than what we can currently achieve, but they are going to need to tweak all of the dps skills to be % based instead of flat dps.

2nd, we need more classes than just 2 per rank. i feel like there should be a volt/terramancer at rank 2 along with pyro/cryo. swordies feel like they need more classes to deal with their dozens of weapon configurations that looks like a nightmare to plan for.