Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

yes…you can use all skills but just dont move around

What about Long Stride?

yup! hook will still be active.

really? that’s op haha

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Nahh mages are still OP>

However, Shinobi can be OP or great class…if only they fix all bugs! :sunglasses:

#Vote Katon no Jutsu for Overheat!!!


Corsair could equip pistol in c1. Manamana s2 s2. It is possible to use Long Stride with pistol .

I think Corsair can equip pistols on C3 only.

and yes

guys im in dilemma …i know that the sea server telsiai become temporary exclusive since sea got too many players and imc decided to make a new server :varena for f2p ltr. The point is…i dont know if IMC will really merge these 2 servers in the future or not…so should i stop playing telsiai and join my friends in f2p ltr ? my progress in telsiai is not far…just the 2x exclusive access package 3 i have bought them became wasted in the end…

that would be OP dude if they can equip manamana at c1. Having a gun is a privilege. lool!

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i’ts totally your choice man. Good luck with your decision.

That Build can still do a lot of damage in Boss hunt but not as good as those build with hoplite or those build with highlanderc3-fencer-shinobi. These 2 said build can Melt the boss right away as far as i know but please feel free to experiment to find more good synergy build. I know cookie cutter build are assured to be effective but i know there still alot of build out there that can produce an effective output.



man.the dungeon searching cant be entered via manual or search zzz for hours wasting still cant get it …TOS became dead game again

I have no problems with missions now. It’s smooth to use search party at daily mission atm. I’ll try dungeons later.

Np, a lot of time at my work to help out.

I do it with pleasure :slight_smile:

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How very nice of you @Megadave :slight_smile:

we really appreciate your enthusiasm :wink:

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Uhm guys… I have a bit… or big problem here… I talked to the Shinobi Master and took my scroll w/o me being 225/15… Is there a chance that I am fckd up? Or it will provide me the Shinobi Job Quest when I hit 225/15??

I know it was a dumb move… but seriously i need your answers… TIA.

I think the npc accepts the scroll at anytime. But when you get to 225/15, shinobi advanced will appear, normally not. And you can do the rest of the quest later.

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chill!.. you’ll be fine since she appeared in the map already.

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