Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

No con in the build, is there a limit to how much STR should I invest stat points?

Mine was 2 STR and 3 DEX then when I reach level 200 I’ll go for 2 STR…1 CON …3 DEX

This guy is telling the truth…however, its still gonna be depends on your basis and reasons…
My reasons are…

  1. For Critical rate chances…I can’t just look for my Finestra all day coz sometimes when i’m not in the mood, I don’t use Finestra…but adding Finestra in my pool makes my Critical hits high guaranteed…plus it has block percentage so its a perk…

  2. Evasion…mostly, this is for mobs…most of the mobs are Physical Damage…few are Magical…also for boss purposes too, its just weird sometimes I can dodge their AOE Skills perhaps its physical damage type…not magical…i dunno…

  3. Accuracy…this is PvP…especially for for people who are High or Full Dex type…
    Accuracy is the bane of Evasion…however, if your accuracy is low and the enemy got high dex or evasion stat, expect that you are hitting an enemy like an idiiot :laughing:

  4. Why 2 STR and 3 DEX? My game play is also landing more critical hits and hurts a lot… this is to balance out between Critical Attack and Critical rate/chances…
    its like if I land critical hits, chances are high and the critical attacks are high too…needs to balance out between the two…by i just go for 3 DEX for accuracy and evasion purposes…

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actually i was level 260 when i starting putting con because the server have no enough high levels or even tank, so i decided to invest con in that time.
50 or 60 con will be enough for base in my taste depends on how high hp you want. The higher the str is the better…

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Here is the thing @guilherme.tambeiro

Playing Shinobi class is an “all or nothing” game play.

If you gonna play this class, you should be fast killing the enemy or else you’ll be dead in a swoop…and you have know when to use the combo and how to play the combo…

Frankly speaking, Shinobi is really good PvP…in PvE? its fine but not great…you will suffer a little…however, still depends on your build ok? like equipments, skills, stats, everything…

Shinobi is a glass cannon I’ll tell you that especially if you’re facing Clerics or Wizards which are magic type users… but that doesn’t mean we can’t beat them…with a right combo…
if you know how to use and how to play the class…
they’ll be begging for you, asking you what’s your secret :wink:

Well, if you ask my opinion…
if used and played well, you can kill faster than anyone else :slight_smile:
Just practice practice practice…and also PATIENCE!
In the end, I’ll tell you…you will be rewarded :slight_smile:

Thanks @Stormwolf and @sparklinglennard for answering all my questions in a friendly and patient way, not many people can do that nowadays.

I’ll follow your advice and will reset stat/skill on my character and won’t reroll, will be taking swordc2/hoplitec2/corsairc2/shinobi.

Hopefully after stat/skill reset I’ll enjoy my character even more, thanks a bunch!


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hey don’t make this guy angry…

He is saying, “We have Ninjas too!!!”

hahahahahahaha! XD

ahahahhaahahahaha!! xD

just a heads up. what i heard in ktos is they’re not offering stat reset in TP npc. They do but occasionally. so use it wisely. :smiley:


My build was originally distributed for STR/CON/SPR (was gonna go dragoon since I heard a lot of negative commentary about shinobi), but of course I didn’t wanted that in the first place and was feeling uncomfortable.

I’ll just spend the reset and go on with the advice you both gave to me.

Let’s see how it goes without Pelt C1 haha!

Hey no problem :wink:

We will help people who desires to be a Ninja like us too :wink:

And thank you too for stopping by and read the thread…

I’ll tell you right now…you won’t regret it!
Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Jolly Roger Jolly Roger
More silver, more chances of item drop…i cant help it but cry with jou :joy:

The Iron Hook…the hook the hook the hook is on fire!! hahahaha!
hey just a secret…when you capture the enemies by iron hook…they’re considered as stun…imagine more than 5 seconds stun :heart_eyes:

You’ll enjoy Hexen Dropper too…the fastest Attack animation of all swordsman skill tree…I swear to God…

I’ll post combos, and videos about Shinobi someday…so stay tuned :wink:

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I understand going S3, but S2 ???
i think you better get peltasta than taking S2.

This guy is right again… hahaha XD

Unless if you purchased Exclusive access one…then you have one :wink:

and if you do, use that stat reset potion wisely :wink:

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Well there is still the tank approach. I really need that flower I now have a reason to push to rank 7.

Going 1:1:1 for now will reset to full con if it does not work. 30k base HP is definitely not glass.

According to damage formula vs a Full str build you are looking at 33% of a maxed str build… but since you would need some dex even full str its actually more like 50%, but then you can tank.

Imagine opening a boss fight with your bunshin burst rotation, you will never lose hate. Max provoke attribute would be like you dealt 6 times that damage in hate, I also don’t think that hate decays in this game.

So open with burst [ safe zone from your cleric] sprint to wall/corner and tank then /profit from Jolly Roger.

Sword>pel>hop2>cor2> Shinobi

You’ll gonna fine dude…relax…

Playing this class…needs you to be relaxed…be patient…go to the flow…
yeah just like the zen masters are saying like that :joy:

It’s because it’s untested most of the times especially the Bunshin no Jutsu is the most controversial skill of all…so much bugs but we’re waiting for the IMC Staffs reply from our bug reports…

to maximize your concentrate, and get a restrain, and especially the pain barrier which is badly needed for every swordsman…

don’t underestimate restrain…I’ve defeated many players using restrain…
restrain works on skills too dont you know that?
it works on Stabbing, and hexen dropper…

Yea, sooner or later everything will be fixed :slight_smile:

Hey sorry for the late reply. @sano.troo

  1. Depends on where you are…and what server you are in…in sea servers, they’re working right now…in EU as well…

  2. No…they’re just regular pets…
    Cataphract, Falconeer and Hunter have interactions with their pets :wink:

Depends on your ping too

Pray for this Goddess bro XD

Goddess of B@@bies

hahahahahahahahahaha xD


I can’t wait to see the results of your test :slight_smile:
Share to us here the results someday ok?
Who knows? you will be the 1st Shinobi tank in the history…and we will be honored at your side :innocent:

Anyone seen Yellow Flower in SEA or any channels? so I can keep track of time.