Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

After Sleepless night and mindless Grind I finally reach the cap. lol

if you guys want to test some skills and do some pvp or just talk about shinobi, I always at Fedimian(CH5) every 6pm+ upto sleep. while waiting for boss to respawn.


I’m building SwordC2 > HopC2 > CorC2 > Shinobi right now. So far, I have no problems with it. Clones can’t replicate the skills of Hoplite.
You can replace the Hop to Barb if you like, either way, they’re viable if you ask me.
If you are going for PvP, Barb is ok especially that class got Stun and incredible buffs. However, it may be a buff reliant and you need to get close to stun the player. On the other hand, if you catch the player, well, he has to pray that he will have a miracle :laughing:

Well done mate!
Congratz! :wink:

Thank you so much @nicholaslachica
Please help our fellow Ninjas and Ninjas-in-training…
We really appreciate it :wink:

Really? hmmmm it must be bug. Can you show us your video about it, if you don’t mind? :slight_smile:

I want to ask about Thrust consecutives attacks with clones and damage it deals cos in feedback forums we can see information from Hop that it deals half less damage normal attack

I don’t quite get the build on this one. So Double slash is SW3, Seism is barb2, SB @Pelt1, Jolly Roger @Corsair1, Cyclone @Doppel1 and Shinobi?

I’m not sure I understand how you’re able to fit that many classes. I need a response to this thanks!

It isnt double slash, this is dust devil from crosair c1
Im thinking that: sword -> pelt -> barb c2 -> crosair -> dopel -> shinobi

Makes sense. Confused the heck out of me since both skills got the same icon. Should have noticed the number of overheat. Thanks!

I was thinking the exact same thing. Been playing with the Skill Simulator for a little bit and came up with that build. Not sure how viable it would be, but honestly it has everything I wanted in it. Corsair Utility + Doppel Buffs and Cyclone + Pelt’s SW and Barbarian Stuns.

Idk how much I would be missing by not going SW3 or Corsair 2, but it doesn’t look like a big deal to me :confused:

Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian > Barbarian > Corsair > Doppelsoeldner > Shinobi.

You can’t do that
1st Keel hauling can only use if Iron hook attribute is off
2nd using Iron hook make enemy can’t move + act ( use skill / attack )
but if you use KEEL HAULING after Iron hook, enemy can act so if that’s wizard / archer they can hit you from distance also Wizard can freeze you.
With bunshin active you’ll instan death with x5 damage penalty from bunshin.

can u show me how it is working? make some video or smth

Hey, i was wondering if you could tell me if skills like Stabbing, Pierce and Long Stride work with shinobi’s Bunshin no Jutsu?

Sorry to disappoint you but it doesn’t work. -_-
so sad huh?

what about Iron hook +Bunshin no Jutsu + Kunai?

You can use Kunai while you’re holding the enemy with an Iron Hook.

Check this guy out…he’s been testing Iron Hook + Keel Hauling…and he got a video…check it to verify what I said but that’s how I remember in the video…as long as you don’t move around.

Greetings fellow ninjas i have the scroll but there is a major concern. Sm 1 > HL c3 > squire > dropple… That wont fly.

I want to remake a new class that has an end game role as ninja. I can trade the two diagrams from the lady however i cant trade the scroll. Does that matter?.

When i mean trade i mean using team storage.

thanks man.
hope you guys are doing well!

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sorry i don’t notice this skill damage bcause i barely use it but feel free to see me and lets try it together. lol xD

yup that’s my build.

sorry for causing you confusion. lol

ohh man. its really a big deal. if your a pvp type going for doppler without at least SW2 is kinda off because enemy can ran easily while you still spinning but its very good in pve tho.