Tree of Savior Forum

Nice silent patch

Either way.
Lies and lies.


Mr kim told him. 20 chars

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So you admit that to consider this an “overachievement”, expectations and standards have to be very low.
Thanks :joy_cat:


Yep I do.

Now, if they waited until the end of June, as they said they would when they mentioned the patch would come “early summer”, and it was the same rollout that we just got?

That would be right in line with my expectations. What they did was better than that, and all it took from me was paying close attention to ktest.

So…yeah better than expected.

At lest its South Korea, in North Korea you complain about some bug and gets you shooted with a cannon.


Probably you are right. Maybe even if we waited till the end of June they would have released the patch the same way they did now.
Perhaps in their steam page they should put a warning to new players to ensure they read unofficial documentation from the forum, since they are unable to provide official one.


Nah, why would they shoot you with a cannon when they can make you be the tester for their next weaponries.

There’s higher chance of you dying that way.

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Wow, friendly, cute and casual are like polar opposites to the truth.

This game is cruel competition, meta-locked, locked behind random RNG/daily restrictions and bloody farming.

How do you expect to casually farm all those DPK-items?
Log in, kill a few hundred, log out. Repeat > Other players get the cubes/drops, not the casuals. 10k cube drops in 315 HG is casual? Maybe Mr. Kim was a China Farmer prior to his career at Gravity&IMC and thought that casual gaming is farming for fun instead of work?


Ridiculous. What were you thinking Imc? You ninja patch grave and Fundamental skills of classes without patch notes after the reset event? Do you release how insanely unprofessional this is? This is definitely gonna cost you alot of players you just barely got yourself back.

You better compensate with reset potions or go see this issue go up in flames because of sheer incompetence…


I don’t know if you are aware of this: IMC don’t care about iTOS.
We can complain everyday, they will do nothing.
Since devs are Korean, they care only what kTOS player want.
Our GM are doing a good job, but it’s not enough, they still don’t care about us.
I have this feeling.

They do patch in kTOS and then put them in iTOS some weeks later.
Consequences? Who cares.
You should know this.


It is casual for the full-time unemployed, out of school with no other passions or interest in life than 10 hours of tree of savior a day instead of the hardcore 12.


There needs to be a better line of communication between the iTOS and kTOS developers to stop things like this from happening. Us western games are used to our developers conveying information to us, not having half of it hidden.

It’s worse that this comes directly after such a huge balance patch where the whole point was to set up our builds, and now random things are all changed up? Come on guys, step it up.


Nice bait and switch, also screw you to the keyboard warriors who are like “should’ve known”, ugly fatties


There’s a kTOS thread and a search function, though.

Pretty much that people tell you “should’ve known” are 4rum knights. Funny thing is people play TOS for a while already know IMC secretly is a ninja clan and they good at ninja nerf each patch and the players are their dummies (or lab-rat) to test their moves. But hey at least they fix some bugs from year ago ¯_(ツ)_/¯ and meanwhile 4rum knights keep protect them.


We still don’t have class patch notes. GM said they were working on it during Q&A ;o skill reset event is over…


I guess the other nerfs and what not needed some communication but people can’t really complain about the Sadhu one, it was a bug, it ways said multiple times by the players in both forums and in-game.

And I’m not sure in what way they thought that jumping to cancel the animation and to end in front of it to get the additional buff otherwise it wouldn’t work didn’t seemed like a bug for them, so imo they deserved it.

The 200 or so people who browse the forums religiously need to stop thinking they matter so much. Not everyone posts here or even knows about these forums.

Reset event was great and brought back 5k players. Some of those 5k will log in today and find out their build is worse than it was last night. Some of those will quit. If IMC is going to go back to IMC’ing we’ll be back down to 2k in a few months.

I like this game but I’m not going back to Tree of 50 Minute Queue.


Well placed trust in IMC again guys.


I’m having difficulty finding any patch notes that mention pole of agony changes… Or barrier nerfs like the OP is stating. Are we not using sunhwapark’s pastebin for patch notes anymore? I can’t seem to find it with google translate and the kTest notes either… unless I’m missing something.