Tree of Savior Forum

Nice silent patch

They should have also ninja patched the price of Talisman Paper. Still expensive though. :sob:

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Was 331% before. Enhancement level is 30.

Tried to check the attributes and zombies damage, still ridiculously high cost and ridiculously low damage.

Looking for cool cleric build for my 5 minutes ago sadhu:

effigy was buffed after this maintenance? :open_mouth:

Thoughā€¦ Iā€™m still not seeing this stuff about barrier nerfsā€¦ Unless some changes arenā€™t in the pastebin yet.

Once again, this isnā€™t a barrier nerf, itā€™s a paladin buff, to make them more useful, compared to before :3
Itā€™s only a nerf for scrollers.


Shark Pirate Costume (M) and (F) ā€¦ Pics please!!

(Nvmind, itā€™s the one with the boat lul)ā€¦

the creator uses bots for sure

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Fireball 8 seconds now. Wonder why it was 9 to begin with.

It was like that since rebalance. Yesterday I hit up to 30 times with JP level 10 (doing it on random individuals), but then when I specifically targetted 1, it only hit up to 11 times. So hit count is individual. Also the HK attribute that does dmg apparently doesnā€™t count towards hit count.


Can anyone tell me what was done to Falconer?

It does not? Thank you, good to know. I always had it deactivated because i thought iā€™d eat up link hits.

Cleric c2 - Priest c3 - Chaplain - Plague Doctor c2 - I fk love it.

So no more barrier scrolls?

Well to me personally this game feels casual, fun, friendly and cute when I donā€™t care about competing with others but enjoying the time put into playing different aspects of the game.
I guess itā€™s a lot about perception and I do get it if people looking into competing with others find this game rather frustrating at times.

I mean people say sorc3 is bad now but Iā€™m enjoying my time with it and playing all the content so far just fine.

I do agree people shouldnā€™t expect much from kmmos. Over the years it has been so usual for kmmos in west to be easily half a year if not over a year behind in updates. Not sure if this has been improved by other games as well but in my opinion we always got updates fast. Now itā€™s just really really fast which is very nice.

I wish I didnā€™t have to play kmmos since western games definitely have way better management than here. But for me western games are just not interesting enough even if from a technical and strategic point of view they are often far superior.
Canā€™t help but love my terrible kmmoā€™s for their concepts. :sweat_smile:

Would be great to have a game with a concept like this and a work ethic of an AAA western gaming company. But Iā€™ll go with what I can get, complaining about it doesnā€™t change anything. (Feedback is entirely a different thing in my opinion.) If thereā€™s something more appealing than this, Iā€™ll move on.



afaikā€¦ it was bugged to duplicate the damage of certain skills such as oblique shot far more than intended. I think people are qqing over it not being super op nowā€¦ as if a 75% chance to double a physical damage hit is not strong enough as it is.

I think this bug is kind of the same thing as that crossfire bug that made a ton of other crossfires

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Some nerf ninja or surprise buff in the classes, swordman, barbarain or doppel?

I think both players and IMC can learn something from this. It would be nice to know, that IMC can show a little appreciation for chief values in ethicsā€“I am thinking of a specific one, shared responsibility. >_< IMC, you could of avoided the creation of this thread, and now you have put on yourself the shared responsibility with other players about this thread.

As for players, you can either accept that you have been used as a mere means, or you can learn to be a more information literate person (stretch and grow your critical thinking skills). As someone mentioned earlier, people already knew that the changes happened in kTOS. On this basis, donā€™t be surprised with what happened.

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Not fair from imc, what should i do with my ranks and skills points? they should give us one week to fix this stuff, they ruined everything that i plan

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Letā€™s go to the basics, why would someone needs to know what happens in KToS when IMC is responsable for these servers and its community?