Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! The Ultimate Monster Tamer: Round 2

But anyway,what’s fun in this event ?

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I believe the crystals got deleted once the event closed, so you would just lose them anyway.

I guess ppl in big guilds don’t even realise that ppl like me also had to pay to unlock higher levels because no matter how big pets I had I could only go up 10 levels / round… That cap was totally unfair and I’m sure it is still there…

Some ppl were already at like 1000+ while me and my brother barely opened 2-300…

Also I don’t know why they torture me and make me hunt monster energy all day for a month… Why can’t they just give a maximum level to our monsters too? That would be less of a torture and would limit the prizes too that you can get.

Or there could be a maximum to the crystals that you can get so you not necessarily have to go higher and higher… and there could be a leaderboard for those who want to open higher levels and get a solmiki box as a reward… that worked well with the halloween event. (…and I actually still would care less…still would be better 1 solmiki for 1 person than lots of diamond anvils for big guilds…)

I would be happier if they would think about this event a bit more and delay it…

Okay, no more rushs. But 10+ diamond anvils?

My guild has only 2 members, forget about being “big active guild”. But on other hand, i have tons of friends.
Don’t chalk it up to “it can’t be helped bcz my guild is small and game is dead”.

I don’t know if you have that good cooperation with just friends then why aren’t you in 1 guild…it is a waste… but ok. X)

Anyway what I hate more is the whole day energy hunt part… maybe those who were just carried all the time don’t know the suffer but I do. It’s quite horrible how games support the borh unhealthy whales and nolife ppl nowdays.

Halloween event time-wise was a mess too. 15 minutes 1 round 3 times and you barely could do anything between them and 3 hours just flew away. I guess it is important to keep occupied ppl who already “finished the game” because of the lack of other content but it is still horrible for me lol.

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@STAFF_Letitia I can see there is some “Update” and something was “Edited” as per header on the event page, but i can’t find what changed. Everything is same as when it 1st came out. (that means still not that hidden 3rd point and no explanation on it either).
May I know what was the “Update”?

Edit: hmm now noticed it, the boss levelling part is not there. Like previous boss cleared+ 10 lv above thingy.

So far what I found out:

  • boss are thunder type
  • you can summon boss lvl (your pet lvl +100), my pet is lvl 1 i can summon boss lvl 101
  • you can still go out if you fail and doesnt count as a try
  • monster energy drop starting at lvl 50 and not lvl 100

Thank god you don’t need to raise the boss level now, only the pets, so that’s the change.
They removed the part of the event that said that we need to have pet at least 100 levels of the boss level to get the rewards, is it true or random people on the automatch that do not summon pets still get carried and rewarded?

That’s actually a really great change.

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Not really sure about it, maybe. If they did that, it’s even worse, because some event items stay in your inventory but are useless if the event ended… IMC :blush:

UÉ, diziam que que não ia DROPAR de TENET… AHAM!

Só lamento, não só tá dropando onde não deveria dropar como também removeram a parte do texto do evento que dizia que só pegaria a recompensa quem estivesse com pets com no máximo 100nvs de dif do boss, 300 pessoas vendendo boss nesse evento xD
Até mexeram no evento, mas IMC consegue se superar a cada dia.

Mas os “SABE TUDO” gritaram aqui dizendo que eu não sabia ler, que teria essa trava, que não teria venda…



Não vai ter DROP de Orb nas instancias…
Não vai ter Drop em DEMON PRISSON!

Vc é retardado kamaroo, quem tava dando de sabe tudo era vc(que por coincidência acabou “adivinhando” que a IMC ia foder com o evento), o pessoal só tava apontando o que tava no texto do evento, mas a propria IMC removeu essa parte do texto agora por motivos obscuros, ignorando as regras feitas por ela pro evento.
Demon Prison é mapa 100+ acho que ninguém falou isso, falaram de Tenet… mas né, segundo a descrição do evento não era pra estar dropando lá…

Retardo é quem acredita nas promessas da IMC atualmente, não precisa ser um sabe tudo para ver o obviou, aprenda a ter visão, saber juntar as peças… Pois não precisa ser um gênio para ver que a IMC está pouco se fu**ndo para o iTos e seus jogadores, acorde.

E retardado é a senhora sua alma. (:

why still x1 reward even at lvl 10? is it bug?

Read the event notice carefully.