Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! Popo Point Shop 2

you guys always try to make ppl come back, and then still this 15k Points for the Costume? :smiley:
Thats still 31days 24/7 , which i already lost half a day from 34…
Aside all this 14days items, here and there, i feel i get rewarded in every corner with stuff, that just runs out anyway, so i get rewarded with nothing.
What is up with this game?
I had so much hope, at the release. Bought all Founder Packs.
But as hard as i try, you throw the fun out of it to play :frowning:

Why is the Event Tab with the Maid/Butler Box in PP shop gone?

Fix this asap please, there are not many days left!

@staff @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis

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Thank you for that we will get to fixing it right away :+1:

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So Shop is gonna end and as expected i didnt had nearly enough chance to get 15k Points.
Channels Crashing while im sleeping/working/etc. Even low populated channels like 2 and 3…

So what ist the best Deal for my Points, nothing is really calling me.
Dont want end up just getting 10 50% Hair Dye coupons (wont get free hairs anyway…)

klai has 8 channels and you chose 2 or 3 as low :confused:

you want an empty channel you could have used any of the passages maps or any level 100+ map :expressionless: and those ch 1 & 2 would be empty 90% of time…

Channel 2 has an average of 10-20 Players, 3-8 average all same from 0-10.

I dont even want an Empty Channel, an Channel with ~20 Users should never crash anyway.
The Goal of 15k Points, was just Stupid, you needed like 31,5days permanently online iirc, from like 34 days of event? - Bunch of Maintentance with several hours, you always had to be at home for insta relog after Maintenance, + the Random Crashes, then + problems of myself, like internet DC or just times where i have to go offline for reasons.
This Event Reward was just Designed for Bots, and no offense for ppls with have 24/7 to play.

But Whatever, i didnt even thought about getting that stupid 15k Goal, and my Question Today is still:
What would you Guys recommened for me to get for around 10k Points?
TP Item Random Box, not bad but not “I WANT NAUW!”
Ore Box i feel its useless
Looting Chance, as far as i read the numbers 300 is not so OP
Awakening Stone, i just Fish for them
Golden Anvil, im Far from enough equip which is even close to +10 , cant market them either
Unlock Voucher, no class i really need+ i prefer questing for them if available
Hair Coupons, i bet with myself, i get the worst, 50% Dye Coupon, and i Won, its just Scam anyway, probaly gonna spend 1k-2k points , hoping for a wonder since the other Prices are not that great anyway.

So help me before i spend them on random stuff till Maintance.

I will get elixirs and boxes with mine…

or maybe more rainbow worms…

image emoticon_0009

Didnt get a single 100% off…

Edit: The last box was also a 50% off…image

I don’t go for shop box cause my luck sucks and I don’t like the sparkle effects :expressionless:

You dont have to afk in Klai or is someone forcing you to?

I got the PP Black Maid yesterday.
Almost never DC/crash overnight. Also played on ktest sometimes. And 900 PP again now.

But true, 15k was very much and next time they should not make anything that expensive .

I was fortunate to get the Black Maid costume box by fishing during the event, so I didn’t bother getting 15k points. Looking at the list of common rewards, nothing was really appealing. I ended up getting elixirs (I didn’t even notice they were packaged by 20x too) and a couple awakening stones. Best in the list is probably the Golden Anvils, but I still have a nice little pile of them from when you could get some randomly in the fields and really nothing close to 0 pot under +12 to use them for.

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