Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! Popo Point Shop 2

Yes we do, we also like to add so called “Action point” award for that line of matter.
However, we require test and evaluate it to confirm it.

Just like @DrRM talked about, we also have to consider the popo shop is available to bots as well.


Yes, we have plans to introduce new items in the PP Shop and new ways of obtaining Popo Points in the future.


well, i know it will tempt people to bot Owo but our anti botting system has been hunting bots like goblin slayer Owo

plus right now i think we need to focus on how to make players passively interact with each other for the whole duration of their playtime rather than actively cooperating just to meet an event requirement in 5-10 min Owo

We are giving out Black Maid, and Butler costume with Fishing event as well.
we could consider this one as … a safe net. But the poposhop and the point acquirable points are still going on issue. we may tweak some points, or ways to acquire some points. But for that I’ll require more data.


I hope we all can gather good info and experience from this event, so it can become a great part of ToS

yeah, i guess my best chance is to buy rainbow worms and fish for the costume Owo


I understand that but technically this is a different event with a different reward. It’s not much of a safety net if it requires me to be online 24/7 for 31 days just for an item that I can’t even move to team storage. But thanks I guess, I’ll just spend my points elsewhere.

Eh, just for another explanation, That Butler and Maid costume is the flag item on Poposhop atm.
What I want to know is, How far people could go, How long they log-in as average, How many items will expect for me to release on outside, Are we safe to put items with tradable status?

Thats eh, one of the things I also have to watch, so we could tweak that, lowering a level a bit, if possible.
Or we could then think, hey we could add some more serious one someday.

More route to acquire points will also going to come, so let us watch for amoment… :tired:


I’m sorry if I came off as harsh, I didn’t consider that you’d be using it as a test to make the shop better in the future. I guess it all comes down to how wisely we spend our points then.

Thanks for the explanation. Helped me see the other side of the coin, at least.

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meanwhile in ToS discord






Agreed. That’s exactly my case… usually I don’t have the time to do more that one Challenge per day, which means getting on average one Raid Portal Stone recipe. Which also means I do one raid every… week :frowning:

Now imagine someone who’s investing a lot more time into the game, doing 4-6 Challenges per day (4 for current, 6 for forthcoming raids) to be able to fulfill the requirement to enter a raid ONCE… Apart from getting the recipes, you now have to craft them. Six recipes require: 12 blessed shards, 30 mithril ores, 30 opals. This will consume ALL your Saalus shards… if you did SIX runs. Otherwise, you’d have to either buy shards from the market, or get them from other sources (events, elite mobs…). I won’t talk about the Mithril Ores, as it’s trivial to get them from Uphill runs (but of course you need to spend MORE time for that), but the Opals… getting 30 of them every day will take a LONG time grinding for them in low level HG. Usually I buy my Opals from the market, but if everyone does the same there will be soon a shortage of them and you’ll be forced to go the hard way and grind for them.

Conclusion: forget your job or your studies, you will now have to spend half your life grinding for your daily Raid Portal Stones. And get a ridiculously low amount of red powder as reward for all your efforts!

Another multiboxing event where people afk 24/7 on 10 accounts. This only creates more disparity between normal players and autists (but it depends on what items will be tradable I suppose, awakening stones probably will be farmable on multiple accounts).

Watch the game mysteriously gain 1000+ players the moment the event starts.
Mr. Kim is truly a genius.


Don’t they see that this event can’t work the same way as the PCBang, or whatever it’s called, event in Korea. As far as I understand, in Korea they reward people for logging in from certain partenered netcafes so it elminates the problems of afk farming rewards and multiboxing. While in iToS it’s completely different and prone to abuse.

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Ther new raid supposedly drops boss fragments, which can be traded in for a recipe instead of powder, but the amount of time it takes is just ridiculous.
50 fragments for one recipe, meaning that given you get one raid entry for free (the first clear nets you 6 raid portal stones), you need 49x6= 294 raid portal stones, which require on average 140 - 290 days to get the recipe you want to if you’re unlucky on all your raid attempts. If you get basically worthless recipes along the way, it might take even longer for one character

In my opinion, if IMC takes the Raid Portal Stones from Velcoffer cubes, they better put them into the raid cubes (so you can get 10-30 stones if you’re unlucky with the raid rewards), so you can actually use the feature of multiple entries a day, instead of a boss feature.

Raid Portal Stone Recipes should be replaced with crafted stones in the challenge mode cubes, and the recipes should be sold for silver via an NPC so you get another silver sink for overly ambitious people who want to sink more time into raiding.

if you can made this feature AFK in game for Popo points i can stay in game 24\7

No raid portal stones, no party :tired:

For what, a bunch of Awakening stones that will likely give elemental resistance? Oh wait, maybe you’ll get enough stats that you cut off 2 seconds from your average Velcoffer time.

Honestly, no. Anything that can be put in Market is probably a bad idea.

However, you also need to keep in mind people’s perception of the items in the shop. You’ll notice that nearly everyone homed in on the fact that you removed Raid Stones. That’s huge. That’s also going to make a difference between this and last shop. The last shop had Hidden Class Voucher, so you might be able to compare it to the time spent afk’ing for Maid Costume.

The problem with Maid Costume is that you can get it from Fishing. So most people who already afk anyway don’t have a huge incentive to stay logged in just for Popo Shop.

This event is ridiculous… i understand that it helps the game but it is totally unhealthy… You should maximize the hours you can earn points to 8h/day at max…and that’s still a lot and not manageable for some…

Although I don’t know if anything else interested me in the shop other than raid stones… but maybe there is a problem with raid stones if so much ppl craving for it…

“PP shop is back” - YAY!

“Raid portal stones have been removed” - NOOOOOOOOOOOO


Problem with old shop:

Bots could RMT via Raid Portal Stones just by being logged in

Solution by IMC: remove Raid Portal Stones to stop RMT incentive

Such genius /sarcasm off

The right solution for the problem would’ve been to create a [PP] Raid Portal Stone which is untradable and can only be moved via team storage.

Since Unique Raids don’t give any silver and bots usually can’t participate anyway, the impact would’ve been very low to non-existent.

Yet the stones got removed to solve the issue.
It’s the same as the trading restrictions/etc which were introduced to fight botting, it’s always the legit players who get the short end of the stick.

Right now the only items worth collecting points for are the elixirs and maybe the ore box (since you have a small chance on Practonium and the other ores can net you some silver since no-one is doing Crystal Mine mission anymore).

Guess what? bots might just aim for the ore box next to sell those sweet practoniums for silver, since it’s still so very easy for them to have multiple accounts running afk 24/7 for money.
And the chance to get banned is ± zero until they sell the silver and get caught(or not).

And then IMC will remove the ore box next to fight bots?
Come on, it’s not so hard to make PP versions of other items, so why not just make untradable Raid Portal Stones so legit players can raid and bots get nothing except the ore boxes?

Why not make the black butler/maid costumes account bound instead of character bound?

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