Tree of Savior Forum

New player, lvl 55 already thinking about quitting

So I decided to ignore all the negative reviews on steam and give the game a try. I’m a level 55 swordsman, peltasta, hoplite and I’ve run out of money. I can’t afford to enhance a better weapon, and my weapon isn’t good enough to keep progressing. There’s so much of the game that isn’t explained ingame. You HAVE to do outside research to figure things out, like that if you die you drop your gems. Like wtf? That isn’t mentioned anywhere and it’s such a weird mechanic. It’s a shame because it seems like this game could be great, but it seems like it will be another of those failed games due to those in charge making dumb profit based decisions. Seeing as how I can’t really push any further, I’m thinking about throwing in the towel. It’s not about the grind. I like grinding games, but I’m at the point where I can’t progress pass 55 in game where the level cap is over 300. That’s pretty disheartening for any new player and I’m sure a ton of people have tried the game and quit even sooner. Is there something I’m missing? Some silver farming that I don’t know about that’s supposed to make the game progressable for a new player?


You stuck at lv55 because you have no idea about Dungeon, which is they never mention anything about it in-game at all.


Yeah I know nothing about dungeons, how to do them, or where they are. Can you make decent silver or get gear in them?

Yes, you get decent silver and you can get gear (or recipe from dungeons)

about gems dropping, I think upon entering a map you can get a warning message that gems can drop.

edit: look at the chat box.

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In case you still want to stick with us, If you start at Kaipeda side as your first city, go to Tennet Garden, in front of Tennet shurch will have a tiny pole which is the Lv50 Dungeon entrance, you can que the run here.

The first run with x4 exptome can take you to lv60-65 in one go. secound run will take you to 70 and last time should take you to around 75

Dungeon need 5 party member to enter, you have to qued up between peak time if not there no people at all.

ps. Dungeon entrance pole will show you the items that drop from the dungeon cube and the boss that you have to face. the money you get from dungeon is not much but only Lv145 Dungeon that give you 300K silver per solo run which is the highest in the game now.

im sorry to be that person…
but… you could always google a leveling guide? lol xD
In this game; you have almost figure everything on your own or ask someone for help. There’s no reliable database for itos

legit just buy a cafrisun set and just try to get pardoner buffs (sacrament + aspersio) in town from time to time. Auto attack your way through. No need to buy new armor. Get weaps/armor through quests. I would save money for enchanted headgears tbh first imo. Preferably just a headgear with like 70+ physical def, then another with magic defense 70+ which should make low lvl mobs hit for 1s or very low that you can feel at ease.

After lv50 dungeon , the next one is lv90 then 115 130 145 190 217 240 290 the dungeon out of these are not good for leveling but have a good item drop like orange weapon recipe.

  • Each dungeon you can leveling in it 20 level after the level of dungeon after that the exp you get in it will fall down 5% per level.

  • you can only enter dungeon 3 times each day

  • there’s an item call “Instant clear vocher” it’s basically Dungeon Nuke. after using it in any dungeon it will kill all the monster including boss.
    if someone pop this item for you don’t forget to thank him, because this sh*t is expensive.

  • after you reach Lv100 you will have another type of Dungeon called “mission” you can do mission at the mercenary post at Ferdemain (Second city). the limit is 3 run per day like dungeon, mission and dungeon count seperately

  • you have to type /indun in the chat box to open the dungeon window. there no button to this window and no explaination in-game at all.

Forum>search>xans leveling guide, follow this and you’ll do everything well

And, everyones started like you, lol, but if you look at loading screen, you’ll see some guides, and everyone (normal people, I mean) will check forums for help first… vídeos, guides on YouTube…

i am just hitting exp reset at lv 281. which one should i prioritize? eat all exp card and questing until lv 317 to get practonium ASAP? or grind maven-timerys to save exp card?

You don’t need silver to progress
My first character was a swordie
And I quested from 0 - 230 using the items given to me as quest rewards
I didn’t use the market place or upgrade any of my equipment.
I didn’t buy or sell anything, except selling my junk to the vendor to lose weight.
At 230 (rank 7) I decided to re-roll as an archer and used the money I had made while leveling to buy a token.

You should thinking about quitting because at level 55, you will run out of money and cannot afford to better weapon. Then you will die and your gem will drop.

b…b…but i am level 281 already right now, should i use class reset voucher just to go back to lv 55, feel frustated and rage quit afterwards?

It’s true that this game lack information, not sure because the dev want to make it similar to old school MMORPG, or it’s the flaw of game design/dev’s dicision .

But IMO before play every MMORPG if you don’t want to do trial and error yourself(and have useless 1st character), using search engine or ask peple who try the game before you is necessary.

The flashback is getting real :open_mouth:

No, class reset doesn’t drop your level. It only make your rank go back to rank1 and reset your class level.

You should create a new character. It should take about 2 hours to level 55. So, you can die and drop all 6 gems which you have. Then you can happily rage quit. After that, go to every communities which you know in this life and show people how your rage quit is.

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i cant create new char like you suggest, my char slot is full and i wont delete any of my char. Please advise, kind sir! this is an urgent matter! Btw, all my lv 7 gems has already been socketed to my equipment, if my char die but the gem doesnt drop, should i just drag drop it manually from my inventory to the field?


How about create new account, so you can do 4 all classes to level 55 and show how much money you need to have better weapons. Some class might need more money, you will have to try that before you have enough frustration to rage to super level to quit.

negative sire! new account is out of possibility. Be more creative

lets not derail anymore. to thread starter, if you feel obliterated at lv 55 then you better quit now, before it is too late and get addicted like the rest of us.

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