Tree of Savior Forum

New paladin build guide for physical Attack type

Interesting, I was planning to make a monk but I had an eye on a paladin build as well. Looking at the build how useful is a Monk C1? Seems like Double Punch is a filler attack between Paladin attacks and you get armour break and a bleed. How useful are those at high levels?

Then again I can’t think of many other classes to take instead. Plague doctor for utility, Diev C2 for Owl and Tree or possibly even Oracle.

armor break and bleed are both very useful, it sucks that both skills have annoying knockbacks though. the patch to remove these knockbacks can’t come any sooner :confused: speaking from experience as a level 240 using this build. my double punch is level 7 (use a heavily upgraded suncus maul - they’re cheap as dirt) and i have the attribute a little higher than lv.50 and it’s way better damage than autoing. but yes it is a filler to do more dmg during the duration of conviction debuff after smite goes on cd. i think PD rank 7 is the second best build. ive seen krivis paladin builds go kabbalist but i assume they are int builds…there is speculation that kabbalist c2 will have physical dmg skills so ill wait for more info from IMC

…never tried oracle and dont recommend diev2 at rank 7

Well, if we ever get KToS class balance patches, double punch will have a strike damage debuff on targets, so Paladin + Monk will keep being relevant (think of that sweet extra 30% damage for smite after conviction’s debuff).

By the way since you seem to actually have experience with this build on IToS, how would you compare this class to the INT DPS variants cleric can offer (say Krivis/Sadhu/Diev + Druid 1+ PD/Druid 2) at your level? If you could please share with us some of your group PvE and dungeon/missions experience so far, it’d be much appreciated. thoe kToS videos, though very interesting, aren’t that much informative for us here on international version after all.

great input! these is a really rare type of build and seeing how paladin is in a bad state now together with sadhu. Its fun to see someone using it and having a success, maybe not as strong the the meta of bokor PD now, but I think when IMC remove barrier and restoration scroll maybe palladin can fit into parties end game.
Why PD for rank 7? what could you get out of having a PD on rank7 compared to a monk?

anti CC attack for all party, superman mode, and good DPS (incinerate). But its okay both class ( monk n PD ).

Actually now that I thought about, it does make sense, especially when DP does more damage than auto attack.

well as for main weapon (magas sword or catacomb blade) and sub weapon (karacha or venom), which one of them are the best deal damage for smite+conviction, sory for my poor english language

imo INT builds bring more to the table since they have a few more support
options and still do good dps. most teams want clerics for support, not to fill the dps slot. however, in my level range the only cleric build that has outdamaged me is krivis3>druid2, but that was in a short window. i think i can put out more dps consistently once i get my crit rate up.

so far i only play with my guild so we have another cleric (chaplain>cleric2>pd) and don’t have any trouble doing dungeons/missions our level. between me and the other cleric, we have all the tools the team needs to survive content and soloing is also a breeze. if OP doesn’t make any more vids of his build doing content, i can try making some

PD gives you a lot better support capabilities. invincibility, party and individual cc prevention, and good dps from incineration. you have a good amount of debuffs in the build.

i havent used either but i really like catacombs blade. i prefer magas mace over the sword. i use suncus maul because i managed to get mine to +11 and they sell on AH for less than 20k on Klaipeda so i went thru 3 of them before getting it so high.

@Elaralam yup! my dp at level 7 does from 6k-11k damage depending on crit and armor type, which is still a hell of a lot better than auto attacking.


I used both of them
well catacomb blade is only great for plate armor type
to the other is not differ
but magas sword have balanced weapon. it useful every type
it’s up to you

I usually use trinity swrod and swap to catacomb blade to plate type monster

is it ok to use velniup for a 120 weapon? cause I’m gonna use magas mace on 170, and if it says AOE attack ratio to 3, does my stab attack become a mini AOE? trinity toy hammer and valia are a little bit expensive and will also be replaced by a magas when I hit 170

If you mean dagger © attack, then yes. Carve Attack, unfortunately, isn’t affected by AoE attack ratio and will always only hit 1 monster. If you use it on a group of monsters and it kills it in like 3 hits, the other 2 hits will hit the next one.

what about the smite skill? is it ok to use velniup for leveling purpose? or its pretty useless and I should just stick with NPC weapon till I get a magas on 170?

I’m trying to find the equipment for Earth Element Attack increase… it doesnt seem to list it in the OP. Only listed fire, ice, lightning and poison (4) instead of 5.

Anyone can help me with this?

correct… thats only penalty of this

you dont care about weapon before 170
not imporrant
smite have AOE it self

that list is easy to get list, not best
if you dont set 5 elements use hair enchant
it will help you

Thanks bro, great input. It’s nice to know STR clerics can still be competitive damage-wise then, even if that’s not what they are “expected” to do in a party setup.

Even if OP has some videos, KToS experiences aen’t all that useful here, you know. So yeah if you can spare us the time actual videos would be like reaaaaaly appreciated. If you’ve got the time and chance obviously.

Conversion 0
useless : at last patch conversion is nerfed… in KTOS server
the higher level, more useless conversion

What do you mean by that?

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Fire - Karacha Dagger
Ice - Hat 1
Lightning - Roxona Gloves
Earth - Hat 2
Poison - Ravinepede Boots
Holy - Valia or Sacrament
Dark - Hat 3

Is this a good setup?

[quote=“yurichalps, post:80, topic:288489”]
Even if OP has some videos, KToS experiences aen’t all that useful here, you know. So yeah if you can spare us the time actual videos would be like reaaaaaly appreciated. If you’ve got the time and chance obviously.
[/quote]kToS doesn’t have many differences from iToS in this build though. The only one I remember off the top of my head is a Resist Elements buff in today’s patch, which wouldn’t be in the videos anyway.

Pretty sure we already have Monk’s Double Punch debuff that increases Strike-type damage, as well as Smite + Conversion changes etc.

@sleepergoodnite not sure, but it’s not like Conversion is useful at all in iToS either :confused: