Tree of Savior Forum

New paladin build guide for physical Attack type

well… at low lv str maybe stronger than dex…
but that is just tiny differece (1 str = 1smite dmg x attribute)
I think… it’s not effective

first I’m not sure this build is suitable for earth tower
cuz in kr server people dont like physical dps
if you go earth tower as a healer barrier and heal and turn undead maybe good skill for your party
but… pardoner can make barrier and turn undead scroll
no special advantage for earth tower

if you want to go earth tower. try to with your party.
and… con 80 is well… it’s your choice. cuz I do not go earth tower, so I dont know how to saying about

and rank 8 lama… there is no information about it
so I’m not sure.
if physical class added it will be good, if not … :anguished:

elemental dpg. for example if you have 1 lightning dmg and use conviction lv5(decrease100), you will give 1 + 100 (x attribute) dmg to enemy
so you dont have to maximize your elemetal dmg.
only 1 for each elements dmg is enough

and that equipment is not best choice. but easy way
lolopanther must be best item. but it’s too hard to get

lVl230+ C2Diev1Pala3Oracle FullStr type with around 90 con

Have been using an str build, ok DPS, unfallable in boss fights and still provides excellent heal. And of course, my primary role as AoE support.

I’m curious as to how much dex youd need to invest? As ive calculated it before and youd need to put in at least around 80% of stats to dex. Can you tell us your stat ratio?

Doesn’t it seem your sacrificing too much for critrate?


Hi, I’m undecided between Sword or Mace for my level 170 full dex paladin. Which one is better? Thanks :smiley:

hmm sacrificing?
I dont think so
paladina akill have great dmg and easy to amplify itself. and dex also give dodge. its very important
Im sure in this build dex is best choice

Hi as I wrote magas mace is best choice
cuz I realate dievs passive. and crirate its very important
magas sword, teinity sword also good

There are some who say that since we have Pierce from Diev skill and Strike from Paladin skill, then we should have Slash from sword as weapon. So, from your point of view, Slash from sword is not that important because Strike from Mace would deal more damage in general?

Smite is still stronger than any sword autoattack + it has almost no cd. Dont even consider using a different weapon for your attack attribute other than your strongest.

Also damagewise throwing in
Smite = strong
with convict = tripple damage
with lethargy +100%
with frozen enemy +50%
with rodelero debuff +100%

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Oh, so this clear my indecision! :smiley: Thanks

Im sure… as you Lv more, less use basic attack
basic attack is too weak to use
before rank7 most monster killed by smite
and at rank7 you will use double punch
sword for basic slash attack is meaningless
you suggest you to take magas mace

Thanks for your insights!
Also, I would like to know if Paladin’s C3 skill - Conviction is only decreasing the resistance to Fire, Ice, Lightning & Poison? How about Holy, Darkness and Earth Properties?

actualy its reduce earth too. but not holy and dark. when you highlight the debuff efect on enemy earth will write there.


So if the conviction reduces the elemental resist of a monster to negative (-), you do additional elemental attack on skills and autos?

Hello, thank you very much for sharing this! It is very helpful.

I hope more people will use it as reference… currently Paladin is very unpopular, so it is very nice to see these ideas.

I am thinking of (maybe) making Cleric2>Krivis1>Paladin3>Monk1 based on your build. The reason for Krivis is that I hope to make Pardoner when rank 8 comes, and make Daino/Barrier scroll. With ~60 SPR, rest in DEX, and good gear, I hope to get good crit rate with Zalciai…

Also, I would like to ask: how do you use Restoration? You mentioned effect that increases heal amount, is this a passive effect (so it is fine to keep at lv1)? And for the SP Restoration effect, the CD increase is not a bother?

yeah it will give more damage too your auto attack and skill ( phys n magic ). but it will add if you have the element attack property, even its only 1 it will receive the benefit. Conviction are good skill if you have 5 element prop attack wich quite easy to had that.

Restoration give more heal power based on your INT scale + initial HP recov. There no different amount between resto skill LVL so yeah we can leave it to LVL 1. i dont realy understand what you mean with the CD increase. But with max atribute resto will increase your SP recov by 50.

The SP regen attribute increases your Restoration CD. It’s an attribute that has a downside. Not all attribute is a straight up buff, Pyro’s Fireball for example.

Restoration has a hidden interaction with Cleric’s Heal. When you have Restoration on, your Heal tiles heal for more. (Currently I tested ONCE, on my Pally, with Restoration, Heal is 900+ close to 1k, w/o restoration it heals for 600+.

The are other hidden interactions, too, like Rogue + Ranger for the Archer class, Feint + Barrage causes Barrage to hit significantly more. Some players use this as part of their builds.

EDIT: Sorry double post.

whaattt lol i realy dont know bout the more CD from atribute. its not writen in the tooltips. Thx for the info.

Yeah more people need to know about these things. There are a lot of info out there that are not obvious or just not included in wiki or database.

Oh, so it has to be on? I see, the way everyone was speaking I was thinking it was passive.

Do you know if this effect scales with Restoration level? (Since every Pally build I see has it at 1.) EDIT: nevermind, kriiss seems to have tested this

Well, Cleric 2 should provide enough healing by itself @kriiss_mail , so it is still good utility to make it restore SP, but with increased CD. I think I would take the non-attributed version only for GvG.